domingo, septiembre 23, 2018
Lisa Transcendence Brown - 2222 Codes streaming - Sep 23, 2018
Aloha love family,
We had a huge blast of 2222 Codes streaming all last evening and through the night. These are MUCH HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS HUMANITY CODES... and they work through your bodies.... to awaken higher consciousness within you even more. They work through your cellular body structures.... very powerful and deeeeeeeeeeeep. These go straight for all that is not PURE LOVE.... raising your body's vibration, clearing out any separation programming, all of those "trapped" e-motions of all you were
holding onto before.... all those deeply seeded beliefs that are ready to clear and cleanse. These bring more love through you, more compassion, more caring, more readiness to step forth and unite..... more readiness to BE the difference.... more readiness to let go of all of that "old"..... the body/your body was dense, held everything, keeping you anchored in those "lower dimensional" (frequency bandwidths) you occupied/live in before.....
Open up fully, allow these POWERFUL LIGHT CODES to "do their work", allow your body to do what it needs to LIGHT'n up (HUGE).... allow yourself to inJOY the beauty, magnificence and freedom of a NEW EARTH EXISTENCE... where your body can actually RESIDE FULLY..... where NEW Earth is your FULL-TIME Residence.... rather than a "vacation spot" that you visit from "time to time".
Make NEW EARTH YOUR HOME.... it's beyond exquisite! A PURE EXISTENCE where you live, work (contribute) and play in the MAGIC all day every day.
Make NEW EARTH your own "full-time" REALity too! Only you can! ♥
I love you....... All occurs/arrives when you are truly ready.... tis how it works for all of us here. Breathe all through you.... then open your eyes to SEE.... all that's available as you SHIFT FULLY.... everything awaits your readiness..... resistance closes the door/portal. You can OPEN it and walk through anytime you DESIRE.... and a whole CRYSTALLINE SOUL-STAR FAMILY will arrive/greet you, softly, randomly or intentionally, dependent on YOUR OVERALL VIBRATION.... ♫
I have a saying, where you hold back is your lack.... look and see where this applies for you... This is an "all in" experience... and the Higher we go, the more uncomfortable the old gets....
Uniting is a VIBRATIONAL THING.... it's an ENERGY thing... it's a PURITY thing.... all of that old programming inside... this is what all came to fully TRANSCEND FROM WITHIN. ♥
NEW Earth = Purity Love Consciousness
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Ángeles de Crystal