
sábado, septiembre 15, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Entering The NO TIME of Our Divine Ascended Being ~ Now - Sep 15, 2018

Being ONE with the Beloved, consciously.

Being Our Divine Ascended Being NOW.

Being Our Original Light now.

Being in Love with the Eternal.

Being ONE with NO Time.

Being ONE with our Eternal Divine Presence.

Being aware of never being separated consciously with our LIMITLESS Divine Presence and Original LIGHT Now.

This is the limitless eternal MAGIC of Our Divine God Self. ALL form responds to this our eternal Presence.

Breathe and consciously let go of time and all of its concepts. Even NOW ~ breathe and relax and enter NOW.

Entering the SACRED NO time Presence we connect and enter the Eternal Portal of Our Divine Light.

We ARE linked, we ARE In Union.

Consciously let go of the concept of time.

When YOU can, do not look at time. Take your watch off for a few days if you can, are you needing to look at time?

When we are in Divine Union with our Eternal Divine Presence, we do not notice TIME. It looses its meaning and it is not felt or experienced.

Instead we access our Eternal Divine Beauty, Youth, Glory and Love.

WE are then filled with joy NOW.

WE are then filled with Love now.

We are then free from the aspects of aging.

AS we link with our eternal PRESENCE we live as our eternal Being here. That knows not of time. That knows not of an ending and a beginning.

That is the Dimensional awareness of Being Ascended.

That is our Limitless Presence OUR Original Light.

Enter the eternal Portal now, through your breath and unite consciously MORE AND MORE with NO Time. With the Eternal You.

In Love and Glory, with the Divine Council of Overseers. In JOY in the Eternal.

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.