
martes, agosto 14, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Auralite 23 ~ Atlantis and The Magic of Transformation! - Aug 14, 2018

Auralite 23 ~ Atlantis and The Magic of Transformation!

In the book I am writing, I am deep into Atlantis and the work I did there with crystals, in a temple created outside of the main area on Atlantis.

A lot of DNA information downloaded to these crystals are surfacing on Earth now for the transformation and Ascension occurring NOW.

My Atlantean Self who then travelled to Egypt is in close communication with me, AS she ~ me, communicated with the me now in the so-called future.

Of course all of this is TIMELESS as all co exists NOW.

As I began writing about the temple, in detail and the crystals, some Auralite 23 came to me.

These crystals are older (Earth so-called time) than MU. Over one billion years ~ Earth years. They hold the energy of 23 Earth Elements and Minerals. Some of those are: Titanite, Cacoxenite, Lepidocrocite, Ajoite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Geothite, Pyrosulite, Gold, Silver, Platinum, NIckel, Copper, Iron, Limonite, Sphalerite, Covellite, Chalcopyrite, Gilalite, Epidote, Bronite and Rutile.

They carry great information and I am activating many now. Some Beings way back appeared to me and were a group of Beings they called themselves the Norfolk. After I received these crystals, they came to me and told me their energy is in and was in (in so-called time) in the cave in Ontario, Canada where Auralite 23 was found.

I am excited and honoured to be connected profoundly to Auralite 23 and if you are interested in being a Distributor please respond on my Personal timeline on Facebook, underneath this post. The link is below also.

Many of these are Elestials, Record Keepers, Trigonics, Channellers, Transmitters and more. Polished, natural wands and elestials with ancient etching carrying specific frequencies for transformation and ASCENSION. Red tipped, snow-covered, gold tipped, purple tipped and more. This is Profound and magical!

I will be activating EACH crystal personally before sending them out. And I will be posting my Distributors so people will know who you are. This is miraculous!

Look and gaze at the PHOTO.

In LOVE, Glory and Bliss!

More soon…Feel and Receive, with The Divine Council of Overseers, Activating ALL NOW.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.