
sábado, julio 28, 2018

Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians - Becoming ONE - July 28, 2018


We stand at the end to see the beginning

And dream of an Earth where ALL life is winning

No one is hungry. No one is poor.

No one is greedy, and no one wants more

We dream of an Earth where the land and the sea

Become ONE with the people, Like you and like me

On this Earth we are ONE With the rocks and the trees

And commune with all nature Through the land and the breeze

As we open our senses to dear Mother Earth

Who offers a platform where we can know birth

This birth gives to us, a world filled with mystery

And offers a theater where we create history

But history is ending, the future is NOW

We know we’re a planet, but don’t know quite how

Something inside us remembers a deal

Which we made long ago, before we were “real”

We didn’t have form as we soared through the sky

But wanted a body and didn’t know why

An urge deep inside us sought for our call

From our being or place where we could learn all

For a “place” that had “time” for hearing and seeing

A place we could learn our reason for being

A time we could grow and share our true being

With “others” we’d know by our hearing and seeing

The concept of “others” was new to our “ONE”

We’d not known a planet, or even a sun

Together with Gaia, The heart of us all,

We entered a form, and began our great fall

We fell from the heavens, and landed right here

To remember our love, and learn about fear

We’ve learned all we need, and feel quite complete,

Our memories are gathered, some bitter, some sweet

Together we journey Deep—deep inside

Where only the TRUTH lives, with no place to hide

We know that this journey that starts will NOT end

And that is the message that we will all send

Awaken, dear Spirits, adventure is here

We can ALL live in Love and release ALL our Fear

If we open our hearts And let the TRUTH in

That’s all we need do So it can begin

And what will begin, we are not quite sure

But FEEL it is Loving, and KNOW it is Pure

For with our hearts open, our “feeling” and “knowing”

Projects the reality
our Being is showing

“Our” Beings are many for together we stand

The people, the creatures, the sea and the land

For NOW, we remember, we chose to come here

To call in our Soul/SELF who resides beyond fear

This true SELF we ground Into the Great Mother

To return to the ONE where there is NO “other”

Then people and planet will all Become ONE

As TOGETHER our Light Will outshine the Sun

Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians