
miércoles, julio 04, 2018

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - 2018 Completing a Year of Extreme Polarity - July

2018 Completing a Year of Extreme Polarity

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron Lord of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we greet each of you, individually, lovingly, in a vector of timeless space. We embrace you in the 'Now' time that you read these words, and surround you in an energy of Unconditional Love.

Dear Ones, we share important information in this channeled sharing. We offer important information specific to the present time. We speak of incredible Saturnian waves, of astonishing meteoric energies, eclipses, the equinox & solstice which will occur in your present , the remaining (2nd-half) of 2018, Year Six of the New Earth. And as always, it is for you to discern what resonates and what does not....for you are indeed Masters in the making. Again we ask you to not dismiss the science that we share in this message, for it is part of the whole, an integral aspect of the sacred. And we assure you that in higher mind, the science will be understood, and will add important essence to your working knowledge even if by time release.

The world remakes itself in 2018, raising the frequencial bar...and whether or not humanity are prepared for expansive change, is truly a moot point. For the forward inertia of the new time accelerates more quickly today than it did yesterday. Accordingly will 2018 impel the expedition of light acceleration and your lucid interpretation of consciousness.

With this surge your cognitive expression of life, will in-kind shift into higher tempo. You see, all is quickening, time is accelerating as the 'New Earth' of 2018 and beyond draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself. Ahead are challenges to be faced, but you have the tools to absolutely meet the challenges.

Dear Ones, the years of you physical experience, from birth to death, compose the table of contents in the 'book' of your life....and now, each passing year progressively turns the page into a new chapter of experience. For now it is '2018, Year Six of the New Earth'....it is a year of acute extremes!

And it is a unique year of choices. Although 2018 has some formidable challenges, especially in July & August, September thru December are laden with points and coded facets of extremely benevolent energies, delivered thru stellar light, planetary gravities & heteromorphic unconventional astronomical waves.

And let us be clear, although the science which you term as astrology, is in your present often degraded into simplified commercialized horoscopes, somewhat skewed & vastly misunderstood. But we tell you , when ascribed in wisdom , astrology can be comprehended as an astonishing mystical science. Although academically ignored in most of the world, gravity waves & celestial angles do in fact influence you... and indeed, to no small degree.

Editor Insert- Edgar Cayce Readings on Astrology

"Astrological urges .... yield,& wield, an influence upon individual application of spiritual or mental truths or laws, as they are brought into material manifestations." -- Edgar Cayce reading 2132-1

"For, as has been indicated, the characteristics, or that attained by an individual, are indicated by the sign under which the entity enters an appearance." ~ Edgar Cayce reading: 5746-1

"Yet no influence of any nature-astrologically, hereditary or environmental-surpasses the will of the entity, the birthright of each and every soul." -- Edgar Cayce reading 2505-1

In truth the energies leading to 2038 are merged in one program, and as such from our higher perspective the events of 2018 are part of the same process of the coming 'Return of Light', leading into the Ascension of Humanity. It is our purpose here to focus on the aspects of 2018 that lie so near to your unfolding. Indeed Masters, the heralded 'Human-Ascension' it is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical script, but rather a natural and requisite expression of accelerating planetary consciousness.

As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field of an incredible emerging crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light Bodies are, through induction, evolving into extreme energy in motion.

You are in the midst of an evolutionary leap, and astronomical gravities & cosmic waves of light are playing roles in upshifting energy frequency and the coherent fidelity of vibration. Humankind are in a prodigious 'Quantum-Leap', a multidimensional expansive evolutionary event. It is the initial entry, beginning phase of a prophesized benchmark in your sojourns, tantamount for your 'species' consciousness growth & 'graduation'.

And we tell you that the onset of such an enormous evolutionary leap is not easy. It can be a very trying, difficult and inconsistent time of adjustment for humans. For in the present, the planets electro- magnetic energies are in flux, the earth's gravity is at an extreme low in its cyclic measure, and the poles of the planet are in the slow dance of magnetic flux & reversal.

All of this creates vibrational extremes, and frequencial anomalies which can and do mal-effect your crysto-electromagnetic field, (the auric ovid), and its circuitry.

The July-August Crucible

There are considerable astronomical telluric transitional challenges that humanity must contend with in the present phase. You are in a time of extremes, of Crucible Astrology, in which all unresolved issues are surfacing, by design, as a cleansing process. And there are myriad physical and psychological anomalies that you are currently having to manage and adjust.

In both July & August 75%, 6 of the 8 other orbiting planets in your solar system are in retrograde.
Retrogrades in July 2018 - 1) Mercury 2) Mars 3) Jupiter 4) Saturn 5) Neptune 6) Pluto
Retrogrades in July 2018 - 1) Mercury 2) Mars 3) Saturn 4) Uranus 5) Neptune 6) Pluto

This is embellished by an Eclipical Sandwich, two Solar's surrounding a Total Lunar Eclipse. Three sequential eclipses, one every 2 weeks for a six week phase of July & August 2018.

This specific amalgam of retro-planetary gravitational patterning can absolutely influence a marked increase in melancholy, apathy & depression. All of you should make a concerted effort to remain active, upbeat & compassionate at all times, but specifically so during the timings between mid-July and the end of August.

You may not realize that apathy & depression are as detrimental to the human energy field, as anger. Apathy is at core, an intense form of laziness. Lethargy, unabated, can down-spiral quickly & subtly into 'auric fissuring depression', and atrophy awareness thru energy bleed....leaving one in a low-energy fatigue, a dull vulnerable state of insipid doldrums. This must be avoided. Negative, unrealistic ways of thinking fuel depression, and depression shatters the aura, causing energy loss thru auric fracture and disruption of auric-chakric circuitry flow.

When the auric field is bleeding energy, negative energies, including thought-forms, can more easily attach at the 2nd & 3rd chakra areas & vampirically drain you.

Apex Infinity Points:

Every solstice & equinox is a potent aperture point of infinity. From the present (2018) thru 2038, each carries exponentially more refinements of coded energy, than the year before. But it is equally important to understand that solstices & equinoxes are affected to no small degree by the adjoining planetary gravities, which you term as astrological influences. With this in mind, we tell you that the most powerful & most beneficial of the four in 2018 is the September Equinox.

The September Equinox occurs after the final 3 of five eclipses, into an energy of much greater clarity, with 6 of 9 planets in forward motion, the 3 retros are the outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It occurs in the crystalline meteoric influxes of the final trimester, and is an extremely powerful and serene energy. The September equinox will code the continuing bio crystalline transition of humanity.

The Law of Attraction

Keep in mind, that acute disinterestedness, disregard & inattention are spiritually, mentally & physically degenerative. Therefore it is essentially in this timing, to be the wise steward of your thoughts. Make an effort to focus on the positive , for one positive thought will attract another positive thought. Just as a negative thought will attract another negative. It is the Law of Attraction !

This is so important, because up until 2026, the astronomical & telluric planetary energies are in a state of wild flux & anomalous oscillating shift, allowing for unprecedented emotional extremes, delusion & zealous imbalance. Pandora's box is wide-open & spewing discord ! Just take a lot at the world events, and political unrest.

Involving oneself in such emotionally charged activity can be a double-edged sword, becoming a sticky 'tar baby ...a very risky undertaking. For anger is contagious...and the astronomical gravities and magnetic imbalance on the planet is fertile ground for untoward conflict & extremism. Fervid political unrest creates mass projections of thought-forms which when anger & hatred tainted, are very dark, and capable of attaching to an open aura.

Strengthening the Auric Field

In this time of frequency shift, the move from magnetic to crystalline, it is extremely important to not only maintain the integrity of the human crysto-electric field, or Aura, but it is important to strengthen & expand its energetic capacity. For the 'HEC Aura' must EVOLVE ... grow, change the auric skin & adapt to a new 'operating system'. Windows 2038 ! ...and this new system needs much more ram, capacity and drive !

There is no better way of 'Crystallizing' than spending time in the Crystal Vortex of Ark or the Crystal Vortex of Brazil. Especially during the crystalline meteoric influx, a time in which the vast fields of living crytsals will be vibrating magnificently, singing !

Why Arkansas you may ask. The answer is because within this vortex lies the largest singular unsegmented strata of quartz crystal on the planet....embellished by a powerful & rare crater of octahedronal crystalline magnetite, radium bearing thermal waters & kimberlite diamond pipes. All in Arkansas!

The Atlanteans as well as the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance were well aware of this fact. Accordingly there are energetic devices, and refined crystals within this area of the Crystal~Vortex of Ark, which were set in place precisely to play a major role in the transition of the earth...and that is happening now before your collective eyes. It is an exquisite geological wonder, and it is beginning to gain notice on a global scale.

Kryon, the Magnetic Master channeled in 2002, that evidence of Atlantis is in Arkansas. Master, we tell you there are enormous, utterly astonishing crystals in the vast caverns beneath Arkansas. Protected from the floods and quakes, and now reawakened after a planned dormancy of millennia, these are 'Law of One' master crystals, toned and programmed for the Ascension.

The empathetic among you will feel them, sense them when pilgrimaging & visioning in the Crystal Vortex. The ancient crystals will recognize you, speak to you in reunion. It will feel like long lost family.

Crysto Evolution of the Human Bio-Chassis

We have told you in numerous communications that solar radiation and specific astronomical events, primarily solstices, equinoxes, eclipses & cometesque meteor flurries are embedded with the edict & patterning of change. And these are code carrier, transmitting the codes of the upshift. These codes are akin to frequency transmutation, facilitating the crystalline shift, the expansive change from polar magnetic to crystalline. They are something like a photonic-sonic password that opens a new program !

These codes were first enacted upon the earthen dimensions, in the expansion from 3d to 12d which occurred on the prophesized solstice of 2012. And at that time the paradigm shifted, and humanity entered 'Year One' of the New Earth in 2013. You are now in 'Year Six'.

Your Edgar Cayce accurately predicted over 80 years ago that humanity would evolve into the 5th 'race', a new body format after 1998. We have told you previously that humanity are shifting from carbon base to silicon base. That both the planet and humanity are returning to a magnificent crystalline template.

And Dear Ones, this is factual, it is not fantasy, and the wise seekers among you, are intuitively and keenly aware of this veracity ... for it has been embedded in the group consciousness of the Law of One for millennia, and now that time has come. It is a clarion call, a promise kept, a promise being enacted in this phase of 'Year Six' of the crystalline shift. And Dear Ones, we say again, 2012 was a beginning, not an end. Your true work begins now. And through Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, we share with you the mechanics of this extraordinary process.

Accordingly we have explained in detail why this is occurring in divine coding in crystalline geometrics and frequency, and that these codes are initially & logically received in the crystalline strata of Arkansas and Brazil. Logically because Arkansas and Brazil hemispherically house the largest deposits of quartz crystal on the planet, and both contain Master Crystals of the Atlantean Law of One. So, naturally, when crystalline cosmic-waves & codes are projected into the earthen realm, they will be received initially by & most resonant with the crystalline mineral fields on the planet. It is 'Harmonic Oscillation'.

It is in truth, a re-activation, for both Arkansas & Brazil were Crystal Colonies of the benevolent Initiates of the Atla-Ra'Law of One', Crystal-Scientist Priesthood.

The Beautiful 4th Trimester

In the final trimester of 2018 (September - December) there are a series of astronomical events that have great impact upon the crystallization of the planet and of humanity. These 5 astronomical events are benevolently combined with 7 meteoric energies amalgamated into a singular energy for this period, in what may be termed as the Crystalline Quin-Pentacle:

The 2018 Pentacle Events:

July 12 - Solar Eclipse on New Moon
July 27 - Total Lunar Eclipse on Full Moon
August 11 - Solar Eclipse on New Moon
September 23 - Equinox on Full Crystal Moon
Dec 21 -22 : Solstice on Full Moon

In the final trimester of 2018, this penta occurrence of three tandem eclipses, the equinox and solstice & crystalline influx are embellished by 7 meteoric energies, these are of great significance in the crystallization process of the planet....forming a 12 point dodecahedral star.

The 2018 Meteoric Events:

July 29 - Aug 23 - Delta Aquarids Meteors

August 13 - 23 - Perseids Meteorics
Sept 12 - Oct - Orionids Meteorics
Sept 21- Dec 5 - Taurids Meteorics
October 8 - Draconids Meteorics
Nov 17 - Leonids Meteorics

Dec 13 - Geminids Meteorics

Your astrologists do not always consider the energies of meteors in their work, but these are spawned of comets, and have much more influence on your frequencial environ that is currently recognized. The life force generated by comets as well as meteoric phenomenon (meteor showers) is ample, and these energies absolutely bath the planet in waves of crystalline energy, embellished with codes of life force, of crystalline consciousness units, termed as Adamantine Essence or Akash.

When striking a tuning fork, in any key, the corresponding strings on a piano or guitar of the same key as the tuning fork, , will automatically start vibrating. This is a scientific law, called ' Harmonic Oscillation'.

This is why the Vast Crytsal Crystal Strata in Arkansas & Brazil will robustly receive the energies, crytsalline energies of the Meteorics. Meteors can contain diamond, quartz and garnet crystals. It actually rains diamonds on Jupiter & Saturn. The rings are crytsalline !

The 7 Meteorics: Celestial Crystals of Energy

Comets orbit in your heavens, and carry within their centered 'Coma' tremendous elements & energies, conscious, sentient energies, garnered composites of velocity and plasma, energies of elements that are tempered into metamorphic crystals. As a comet travels close to the Sun, it melts and reforms in a crystalline nature, ( Both comets & their offspring 'shooting stars' or meteorites can carry crystallized carbon, ie nano diamonds as well as crystal nano quartz and garnet olivine. ) portions of the material of the comet vaporizes into pure streams of energy, succinct unique supraliminal energy. This is important to understand, because the meteorics are playing a role in the crystallization of the earth.

According to Edgar Cayce, the Atlanteans used quartz crystals to 'communicate with the Divine' & inbterface with 'Other Worlds'. .

The ancients were very aware of this ! That is why Arkansas and Brazil were Atlantean Crystal Colonies....and visioning was planned for the Equinoxes and Solstices during meteoric influxes.

Metorites, spawned of stars & comets, are absolutely conscious.

The aesthetic life of such meteoric consciousness is unrecognized in current academia, but was absolutely revered & understood in its influences & effects by past societies more attuned to the living cosmos. For comets and their filial are the cosmic devas of life force and provide life itself to your planets and moons. Oceans are filled by the waters of comets and planetary atmospheres flow with their gaseous contributions. Organic molecules, which contain carbon atoms and silicon and are present in all life forms known to your science, and are trapped in large amounts in both interstellar clouds and comets. Comets are some of the most organic-rich material in your solar system. Meteorites that have entered into your Earth's atmosphere and lands contain a whole suite of molecules, including amino acids, which have played an important role in terrestrial biology life. These are carriers of life and life force.

We tell you that comets spawn meteors, that you term as ' shooting stars' , for after a comet has orbited the Star of your solar system many times, it imbues and imbeds trails of its energy essence along its celestial path. And when your planet earth intersects this trail, so does it interface the vibrational energy of its life force, so does in encounter the frequency of that termed life force units. And this vital crystalline Akash effects your planet, and humanity. Meteors are the catalysts, the drivers of change, for the core nucleus of these energies is one of luminosity, one of coherent crystalline source. And so it is that the ancients associated all comets and their meteoric offspring as the forbearers of transition.

Now, what you term as meteor shower happens when the Earth passes through the path of a comet. When this happens, the particulates of the comet create streaks of unique light in the heavens as they again morph into lumens of crystalline vapor in the Earth's atmosphere.

We tell you specifically that in 2018, these 'cometesque' crystalline forces contain divinely imprinted codes of a unique transitional Akash (life force units) that will trigger the bio shift of humanity.... and amplify the Crystalline Strata of Arkansas and Brazil....for the living crystals will collate the coded Akash in harmonic oscillation, in axialtonal resonance.

On so Dearhearts, there is indeed an enacting 12 piece dodecahedral patterning, one that is divinely coded.

The 12 Dodecs in Linear Chronological Sequence:

July 29 - Aug 23 - Delta Aquarids Meteors

July 12 - Solar Eclipse on New Moon
July 27 - Total Lunar Eclipse on Full Moon
August 11 - Solar Eclipse on New Moon
August 13 - 23 - Perseids Meteorics
Sept 12 - Oct - Orionids Meteorics
Sept 21- Dec 5 - Taurids
September 23, 2018- Equinox - Full Crystal Moon
October 8 - Draconids Meteorics
Nov 17 - Leonids Meteorics
Dec 13 - Geminids Meteorics
Dec 21 -22 : Solstice on Full Moon

Masters, the period between the new moon of August11th and the full moon of September 25th, represents the fulcrum of the crystalline code receival in the Crystal Vortex, with the energy sequentially increasing in the lunar phase, with apex occurring for one week before and one week after the Equinox.

There is divine planning & intelligent design, in this timing, for it is a unique astronomical phase, within the final trimester of 2018. It is indeed why we have directed the channel to host the gathering of the Code-Carriers & Gridwerkers of the Law of One to congregate in Arkansas in this phase of September during the mega Equinox and Crystalline moon.

So although 2018 has had phases of great intensity, it has a brightening series of events for the last trimeter, an astonishing crytsalline-energy refreshment beginning in mid September !

Structured Healing Waters in Ark

Now, we would be remiss, not to encourage those of you called to pilgrimage to the Crytsal Ark Vortex, to bath in the radium rich natural thermal Hotsprings in Arkansas. Edgar Cayce suggested that gesm & crystals could be used to energize water. Dr Marcel Vogel was the first ( Not Dr Emoto), to speak on the crysto-geometric structuring of water with crystals. He discovered the 'base frequency' of water is very similar in its vibratory signature to that of quartz crystal.

The natural healing thermal baths springs in Hot Springs National Park (Arkansas) are world renowned. These waters flow under, through and over, quartz crystals....and are thus 'geoi-crystal structured'. These waters are remarkable, and quicken the upshift of the human aura into crysto frequency. These assist in activating the new 33 chakric system . These waters cleanse , charge & upshift the aura.

Spending time in the utterly shimmering energy of the Crystal Vortex is incredibly strengthening at this chaortic time, and is highly recommended, especially during the seven Crysto-Meteorics of the 2nd half of 2018.


Dear Ones, in closing, let us express unequivocally that we of the Angelic Realm are in a special role of supporting you, far more than you may realize. For you too are Gods in creation, sparks of the divine becoming again as divine crystal stars of the All That Is. For indeed you are begat as the morning stars !

We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us. We spin a light vortex of great honor and appreciation to you! We are sending this energy to each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read or hear these words.

Can you feel it, open your heart and receive what we send forth in love.

We sincerely honor you as you move into the magnificent phases of Earths Crystalline Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries. From our stance itis the twinkling of an eye. All in free will, all by choice. It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you again, this period of less than three centuries is the blink of an eye. It's there ! We salute you. You are on the appropriate path!

Be strong, be joyful...be fully awakened ! Dear Ones, look for a bright & brighter completion to a powerful & intense year. You have earned it !

I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!

And so it Is...And it is So...