
viernes, julio 27, 2018



Ascension Mastery Message for the Festival of Light of July in 2018 with Master Djwhal Khul. Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee of Walking Terra Christa.
We have now arrived at the cycle of the Capricorn Moon within the Cancer Sun. This alignment occurred on Friday, July 27th at 1:21 PM Pacific, 4:21 PM Eastern and 20:21 GMT.

This full moon cycle is promising to be filled with divine blessings to assist each soul on the planet to step further into their Spiritual Self so that life can be lived through the lens of the Higher Self and not the Lower Self.

How individuals will choose to create this new reality will be up to each and every one of them, but we have a grand opportunity to allow the present exchange of energies to assist us greatly in learning how to work through the four-body system of the Physical-Etheric-Emotion-Mental in order to allow the Spiritual Self to be the controlling energy of our lives.

This moon is represented by Aquarius bringing forth the qualities of the Higher Self. The moon is always feminine as it allows the Feminine Divine to be prevalent at this time which brings forth the divine qualities of introspection, intuitive thoughts, nurturing, and the process of creation to be the focus.

The sun is represented by Leo bringing forth the qualities of the Physical Self within the masculine energies. The Masculine Divine is the one that creates the ideas to shared with the Feminine Divine so that the creative process can become manifest. The Leo energies ignites the qualities of leadership, being proud, and desiring to show to others their presence.

We all know that the Feminine Divine is becoming more prevalent within our present life experiences upon earth, but it does not mean the feminine essence is the controlling energy. In truth, it represents allowing the masculine self to work with the feminine, so the co-creation can be exhibited. One is not better than the other, but truly bringing forth Unity of the best they both can be.
The Masculine self always holds the energies for the Feminine essence, so she can create the desired result. They work together hand-in-hand, not separately as the way it has been upon the planet for many centuries.

This is exactly what this cycle is bringing to us as a Lunar Eclipse represents relationships. This does not always have to mean physical relationships. In this cycle it truly shows us that the Spiritual Self of the balance of the Masculine and Feminine Selves are coming together to create uniformity within the physical consciousness. Again, Leo represents the physical personality and Aquarius brings to us the higher ego, creating a new way of existing within the four-body system (physical, etheric, emotional, and mental).

As they come together within this cycle, there will be lots of transformation that will occur within any of the four bodies. It depends upon your present physical consciousness and how you relate to your spiritual self. It is a time of purging, moving elements out of your reality that are impeding your progress as a Soul.

We no longer have the option to do things our way through the lower ego as the exchange of energies that are going to be coming into the planet are breaking apart many ideas and thoughts that individuals haved thought was part of their way of existing. New ideas can become manifested to allow for a new direction of life to be expressed.

Additionally, the planets of Earth and Mars are in direct alignment at this time. Mars represents action and moving forward in our lives. It gives us the drive to make the necessary changes. But, ironically, Mars is in Retrograde presently which means that each of us have to stop back and not make rash decisions. The push of Mars is now going slower than it usually does which is actually a very good thing. It allows each of us to stop and reflect from our higher perspective if the choices we want to make needs to be done immediately.

In retrospect, Mars is assisting the Moon and Sun alignments to help us be methodical about our choices and allow the transition of our desires to be weighed through the Spiritual Self instead of doggedly relying on the personality or the lower ego.

Through this process the energetic exchanges are also being enhanced by the Lion’s Gate which started on July 26, 2018 and continues through the 12th of August. The high point is August 8, 2018. This energy is directly related to the planet and beings of Sirius who assist us to come into the 5th dimensional construct within our minds and hearts. This cycle is one of great success if we apply the principles of being guided through our Higher Self through each step we take, not only physically by emotionally and mentally. (We will be sharing another blog on the Lion’s Gate in a few days.)

The power of the movement of vibrations coming into the earth are enormous and as a physical human we must be prepared to allow the changes to occur within us with ease and grace. Otherwise, we can feel like we have been hit by a huge bolder causing confusion with the inability to feel, think, and act like we have done before. Ironically, that is why these energies are typically so powerful. Sometimes we need to be hit with a surge of light in order for us to realize that changes need to be made.

There are steps that can be made to assist in this process. The beginning energies of the Lion’s Gate have just started. So it feels like we need to nurture ourselves more than previously. It is time to have a heart to heart connection with who we desire to become using the Divine Feminine; and allow the process even if it a new way of being for us. Sometimes this can result in sleep patterns changing as we are always healing in our sleep states and traveling into the Inner Plane to work with the Masters. Allow yourself to realize that if you have these moments to take time for yourself. The nurturing energy of Aquarius representing our Higher Self is helping us to do so.
It is also important to take care of these lower energies that are being revealed to us, by working within the Leo energies.

Get personal with yourself and allow the healing process to work through you. I always suggest physical ceremonies in nature, by water, allowing the true essence that you are becoming to release the old energies. Don’t just sit and get depressed; you have ability to do something about it. Call upon your Higher Self to help you, utilize your healing tools you have learned, and step into deeper meditations. When the tears or anger comes, let it out in the best healing way. It’s okay; we are all going through it even though each initiate or lightworker is accessing the energies in a different manner.

The most important element is to not get into the mindset of judgment or aggression. That will not work well for this cycle at all. You must be diligent within yourself, know what your intentions are, what you want to achieve in your four-body system, and walk through the door of your transformation.

And most of all, give thanks to the Sun and the Moon for helping you through these challenges. Call upon Helios and Vesta, our Solar Logos, to assist you to become the Masculine and Feminine Divine . The Rainbow Arcs of Light from all five Great Central Suns are continuing to come into the planet to assist every soul to align themselves with their higher purpose, to allow it to become manifested within the physical self, and be able to work with the Divine Self.
Master Djwhal Khul’s Keynote for this month
I Am the Receiver of My Spiritual Self to recreate my four-body system into perfect harmony.

Greetings and Love,

I, as Master Djwhal Khul, would like to share some words of love to assist each of you in understanding the dynamics of the present cycle of transformation that is occurring upon the Earth.

Since the onset of the June Solstice there has been higher reflections of light as the Rainbow Arcs of Light through all of the Great Central Suns are working very diligently to assist Gaia in her transition into the higher light forces (read last month’s message from Master Djwhal Khul). This is continuing and this cycle we will receive more light codes that will assist individuals to wake up unto themselves to see their divine truth to be revealed.

This movement of light is truly assisting the earth as Gaia is holding it very deeply within herself. I ask each of you as the Warriors of Light to take this exchange of energies unto yourself so that you can move into a deeper part of your reality. In truth the reality that you are experiencing can be misguided by the lower self and the physical ego can be very predominant even though you may not think that is occurring for you.

The divine truth of the Great Central Sun of Helios and Vesta is being activated in a new a different way. As the Logos for the Solar Level, they hold within themselves the transference of Light Codes in the form of geometric coding that are being emitted into the core of the Earth to assist in her transformation. As each of you are feeling the same energies, you will go through a process of regeneration as more of your Divine Self becomes more accessible within your Physical Self. But the only way to fully allow this exchange of light transference within your physicality, you must let go of many of the old beliefs that you have held within you. Change is happening very rapidly and without the exchange of these light forces, then the process of renewal would not be happening in the way that it is.

It is a miraculous time, but it is also a moment in which life may seem very unreal to you. Exchanges of light frequencies that will come into your Higher Self will be emitted into your physical consciousness. This will occur within your sleep states and meditations first and foremost. Then, when you start o have realizations within yourself you will acknowledge the truth that is coming to you from your Higher Self. These energies and experiences can be very subtle but then, all of a sudden you start to see within yourself a change that is occurring. It is more of an energetic movement, not so much a physical change.

Every soul upon this Earth has the ability to truly go through this process, but many will choose not to do so. This is due to their inability to allow their Spiritual Self to assist them in the process.

It is a grand opportunity with the cycles of Aquarius and Leo to bring forth the merging light within you so that your Emotional and Mental bodies come more into an alignment, but you must, surrender to the old self. You cannot allow the accolades of your former self through your emotional and mental stability to get in the way. In fact it is a time to truly be able to meditate upon your higher consciousness. Utilize the breath to get you there and allow the changes to transform your full body system.

It is very exciting to see so many awaken to the possibilities, but it is always imperative to realize within yourself the responsibility and dedication that you must have as a Warrior of Light. You are the first person for yourself that needs to be transformed. It is not a time to do it for others but truly become the Light Factor so that others that come across your pathway will feel the exchange of Love that is growing within you.

Take time to reflect upon what no longer serves you. Write down your intentions of what you desire to change, then call upon Helios and Vesta through the Unified Whole Command energies of the 144th dimension to assist you. The transference of Divine Light Encoding is being emitted from the Great Central Sun into the earth. Allow yourself to take time to accept the transformation that you are going through. Let nothing stop you from accepting the next missing puzzle piece that needs to be acquired within you.

I walk with each of you, hand-in-hand, to guide you and assist you through this process of transformation.

I Am Master Djwhal Khul, lovingly at your service.
Walking Terra Christa is holding a Festival of Lights Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul and the Native Elders on Saturday,
July 28th, at 10 AM Pacific. Details to participate in this audio online gathering are through this link. 24 hours afterwards the recording will be available to listen and download.
Other important resources:
ASCEND EARTH ~ CREATE HEALING LIGHT FOR GAIA – Join Walking Terra Christa in this special project to help bring more healing light to the planet and humanity by creating Ascension Columns around the Earth with the assistance of the Unified Whole Galactic and Agartha Alliance. To learn more please use the link.

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Original Material © Copyright 2003-2018 Divine Language Network and WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J. Michael Ara Hayden. All rights reserved. PLEASE POST AND SHARE THIS CONTENT FREELY IN COMPLETE ORIGINAL & UNALTERED FORM INCLUDING ALL IMAGES, LINKS WITH THE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. BLESSINGS AND THANK YOU!