
martes, mayo 01, 2018

Patricia Cori - THE SIRIAN MESSENGER SPRING 2018 - May 1, 2018

Patricia Cori - THE SIRIAN MESSENGER SPRING 2018 - May 1, 2018

The Time Melt-Down

It's official. The warp on the time-space continuum is palpable - even the most distracted souls on the planet are recognizing how time is mutating, how the day is much shorter than it used to be - and how something seems to be pulling time away. Fascinating stuff, and of course, deftly explained in the Sirian Revelations material, where the discussion of time and simultaneous time is a thread running through all the books, really and especially the THE NEW SIRIAN REVELATIONS.

The sun is shifting in and out of this dimension regularly now - these images we see of "holes" in the solar plasma depict how some of the 3D material essence of the sun is simply "disappearing" by the looks of things. But the Sirian High Council tell us that the sun is already experiencing itself, in part, vibrating at the 4D density, but not holding it, and then that essence returning to 3D. From so long ago, 20 years since THE COSMOS OF SOUL, they have described the ascension of our sun as just that - our passing into 4D, along with the sun, whose passage marks the ascension of the entire solar system.

So, contemplate this: if parts of the sun, huge swathes, in fact, are already slipping into the 4D framework, and then slipping back and reassembling as matter, as plasma - are we living beings not also having these illusory moments in that dimension? Are we, reflections of the macrocosm, not experiencing the same influences, the same permutations? I believe we are, and I can conceive of it - those moments when we are "absent," or when we experience time shifts, and slips and warps - as being our first experiences of resonating to 4D, but still not being refined enough energetically galactically and individually to hold that vibrational frequency - and then popping back into body consciousness.

Phew! How exciting, confusing, exhilarating, challenging and ... mindblowing.

Watch the sun; pay attention to the solar holes being depicted (however controlled) by images out of NASA. There's more than a hole or two in the sun - there's our first glances at transition, ascension, evolutionary changes and we're right in it, folks. We're in the zone.

Excerpt: The New Sirian Revelations: Galactic Prophecies for the Awakening Human Collective

If you haven't read this new book yet, take the time and dive in! There's so much new information, relevant to our times, and so much to chew on as you contemplate the great shift underway. With regard to time, here's a brief excerpt that I think explains very clearly what I've mentioned above:

From Chapter Six

While you stand in anticipation of this great stellar metamorphosis, and as a reflection of the accelerating energies that surround and permeate your star, you may already recognize that you, yourselves, are already intermittently interacting with the fourth dimension. So is your sun; so are all things within its entirety, all the way to the farthest reaches, and past all planets you know… and others that you have yet to discover.

Like some cosmic litmus paper, fluttering on a gentle breeze, it is the outer edge of the fourth density that overlaps with areas of your solar system, as it tests the sun’s alchemical preparedness for transitioning to a far more refined electromagnetic and conscious expanse.

That solar energy is ready to rise—to race, in its entirety, through its astral cord, like a great kundalini explosion that detonates its physical light through galactic space, ejects its material skin, and soars, refined and released from the constraints of matter and form, into the vibratory field of its next great existential adventure.

We know that you can visualize this, in the mind’s eye, for you do understand how energy works. You do know this; it is coded into every cell of your being. You can grasp the enormity of just such a solar phenomenon if you remember that it happens on so many smaller, more manageable levels, in the same way: energy rising, exploding, and changing form. What is most likely difficult for you to envision, instead, is how possibly you can be jetted through this process unfazed, and still retain “I am” awareness … or just how the new vibrational environment will still resemble and reflect the world you left behind, in the “outer skin” of your metamorphic passage.

You, and every living being, throughout your solar system, are going along for this ride, and that is a destiny of stellar proportions! And, in the case of those starseed amongst you, who found your way to Planet Earth to serve in the transition, it is a karmic reward: for your sacrifice, your service, and the wisdom you have brought from star systems far and near.

You may already realize that your personal and individual experience of the fourth may be brief—a mere stopover for karmic cleansing, if it is your soul destiny to leap into still higher realms.

Let that not concern you.

It is the ego that yearns to know about levels of attainment, not the soul. In the cosmic scheme of things, it is unimportant. Indeed, true achievement of all spiritual and emotional progression is found in appreciation of the now, through the love of all that is present, and in gratitude for all that is.

Let the ego be calmed in the light of unknowable wonder. Be in that “now” of your experience; find the beauty in that state of being. Feel the subtlety—don’t miss the nuances, for they are the greatest gifts life offers. Let the electric, empirical mind be cooled in the magnetism of your reflective pool—the intuitive center—where all wisdom is held, and from whence you have access to everything you need to navigate the dimensions.

Although we do not deny that there will be aspects of the fourth dimension that are going to challenge your credulity in very substantial ways, especially in the preliminary experience, blinking in and out of it, as you have begun to do—we assure you that it is going to be a glorious ride.

Bearing in mind our earlier considerations of the unreliability of digital imaging, we observe that this grandiose display of matter, transmuting to a more refined energetic frequency, is readily available to you, through solar imaging (provided by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, the SOHO[project. It provides you with select images of your sun, engaging in a partial disappearing and reappearing act. Participating government-funded scientists, engineers, and astrophysicists confess to having little or no understanding of just what is occurring in that plasma vortex, which could explain the appearance and disappearance of coronal holes in the center of the sun.

They are, admittedly, “baffled.”

A recurring theme now, scientists’ “bafflement” over everything that does not fit the mold, the law, or the precept, seems to be occurring across the field of their investigations with greater regularity, the more information they acquire.

However, we can tell you that those immense licks of plasma have begun shooting into the fourth dimension, and then merging back into the three-dimensional solar form, its plasma body, within the dynamic that you know as the star’s gaseous “structure.”

We trust you will agree that this extraordinary metamorphosis, captured regularly now in the photographic record, can be considered “real,” relative to your three-dimensional experience, even if those same astrophysicists and scientists remain irreconcilably perplexed by the phenomenon.

With respect for these individuals, some of whom are dedicated researchers, we note that they cannot access or perceive multidimensionality, because it is not available to the reasoning, mathematical mind. Let us reiterate here, for the sake of emphasizing a point, in your own awareness, that you may have reached long ago. That is, that anything to do with the interface of dimensions is of such a subtle nature, it may be imperceptible to those who are still bound to the process of data acquisition, empirical thinking, and the gathering of information from anything outside of personal experience. Unfathomable to them, in terms of their understanding of the laws they believe govern the universe, it remains a scientific conundrum.

No wonder quantum physics is moving into the foreground, for it represents the emergence of human consciousness, at a time when new laws must be found to describe unfolding cosmic events that are being perceived by your current generations as reality. Quantum physics provides a pathway to the merging of two conscious approaches to understanding what actually happens during stellar ascension, and to the planetary bodies, in kind. It opens you to understanding your own, individual ascension process, the likes of which no one, in your immediate realm, has yet experienced—at least, not in the present lifetime—and one that only limited numbers of you can truly fathom deeply, personally, and with great anticipation, rather than in dread and fear.