
domingo, abril 22, 2018

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, April 22, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, April 22, 2018

What if you were ready now?

There is a sensitivity
that is growing
and alerting you

to your advancement.

Remember, that advancement

occurs within, before it is recognized without.

Begin to become sensitive to the changes

that are occurring within now.

No matter how subtle they may appear to be.

Notice those places
where you adopting a higher perspective
a more beneficial belief system
and new behaviors or patterns -

no matter how small a shift.

Notice them.

Celebrate them.

Shine a spotlight upon them.

You are aligning to a new protocol.

Notice the changes

that are already occurring.

Welcome them

and watch them increase
until they become a waterfall

and then an avalanche.

You are aligning
with new consciousness.

And so it is.
