
sábado, abril 14, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - From Another World…Sacred Beings ~ UFO’S - April 14, 2018

The morphing of consciousness, from one way of being to another, are the levels of awareness, that we deem appropriate in the moment of transfer.

Our thoughts tell a story, our Hearts…urge us on, to envelope the awareness of the pure potential that exists AS Life itself ~ exists.

The continuing of BEING after this Life experience does not continue as from after a death, but through a shift in consciousness. A frequency shift.

They see and hear…all.

The dimensions that exist in the field of THOUGHT ~ are multi layered and always present.

These dimensions connect through the frequency of LIGHT as the communication that is an eternal feed back loop, that never ends.

UFO’s are always present as well as Beings that have existed on another planet. These levels of awareness are experienced through an overlay of consciousness as levels and dimensions, that exist primarily to decipher experience of thought.

Everything is a frequency of thought, transmitting as its awareness, what it IS.

The mind of the Heart exists AS the awareness of ALL That is.

This awareness knows itself in the frequency of Love. It is the unifying thought linking all the dimensions.

Sacred Beings..are those that truly recognize themselves and Live as the awareness of this awareness.

Stages of existence catapult us ONWARD in our expansion of thought. Contemplating the use of limitation as a belief, is helpful in this endeavour of expansion.

BEING AWARE of your own Being.

Knowing the essence of your own Breath.

Knowing the Presence of what you feel.

UNDERSTANDING yourself then, is the key that activates the Light of thought, that is eternally BEING its own feedback loop, through your Heart. This then, is the heart of change, unification and expansion.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.