
jueves, abril 05, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, April 5, 2018

You are entitled to forgiveness. 
That is what is due you.
Now as you play with this
and mingle
with illusionary images of what was,
burdened with heavy consequences
and fines,
you miss the point of the advancement.
You are choosing to evolve past 
the blame game.
You are choosing to ascend out of the need and belief in karmic 
You are choosing to witness your True Selves.
Now this is quite an experience 
and one that has been overlooked for eons of time.
Therefore it is understandable that there might be a slight pause
and some borrowed record keeping of sorrow.
"What about this? Won't I be punished for this? 
Don't I have to stay in class a little longer?"
And we say, you are affording yourself a new gift,
a life pattern of excellence.
It is the reason for your arrival.
in order to assist mass consciousness in ascending,
you must be able to bring it down to the basic level
of forgiving yourself
and seeing all others as innocent and holy. 
You will not dismiss charges against another 
until you have the awareness that you have already been forgiven
and that you already exist outside of time. 
And so it is.