
jueves, marzo 08, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Headaches, Migraines, Cranial Expansion: Neural Pathways, Pineal Gland, Ancient Knowledge Centers & Universal Corridors and more - 3/8/2018

Those asking about migraines & headaches that occur as each's pineal gland is decalcified and neural pathways (Universal Corridors) are opened up.... Bio-Electrical imPULSEs re-mapping the brain, clearing old programming and yes, LIGHT comes on inside so you can start to SEE, opening up HOLOGRAPHIC access, seeing the PROJECTOR as it transmits your own realities and more.....

Dark Chocolate, sleep/dark or sunshine/sun charging (stimulation), tapping and tons of other things will assist to some extent, yet there are times that it can be "beyond" and learning to honor and work through these phases are key too. The brain often needs sugar, as fuel.... natural support is important. Applying pressure when expanding can assist the PLASMA ENERGY with "bursting" a release (you decide for you)...

There are many part of this process that are not comfortable for our human aspect. WE each have to go inside to see what feels appropriate for us and listen/honor this. Every time is different, there are no boxes/rules that apply to your 'NEW BODY' that is ever-evolving-in light.

This is about PHOTONIC ENERGY filling your physical body constantly. Yes it will EXPAND and CONTRACT constantly as you BIRTH your own NEW EARTH REALITIES from inside of you. As you expand into multiple dimensions, the body "contorts" in weird ways. It needs your love, attention, kindness and respect.... not your fears to dictate or try to control....

Listen to your body, connect with your body, open your heart through presence and FEEL your new truth. Your mind will say one thing, the rest of you another.... this is where each "learn" how to listen, how to honor and what to do.....

Your patience, your trust... will be "tested" at every turn, until you "learn" to listen and "do" from deep inside by listening to your own highest selves/Universal aspects of yourself too. ♥

I love you. There are pages dedicated to this on my website, years of searchable writings through my own experiences, books and more for each to utilize in order to assist with every aspect of this journey here. ♥

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
