
miércoles, marzo 21, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Mercury Retrograde ~ March 22nd, 2018 till April 15th, 2018 ~ Internal, Eternal - March 21, 2018

Mercury Retrograde starts tomorrow, March 22nd, 2018 and lasts till April 15th, 2018. This is a powerful auspicious frequency to go DEEPER within the experience of your consciousness and frequency.

I will not go on about all the do’s and font’s ~ I have written about that before on other Mercury Retrograde posts. With all in the 4th Dimension, with many in the 5th, those cautionary measures, do not apply in the same way. YES ~ if communication is a challenge for YOU or for others around YOU, be mindful, slow down.

If YOU are coming from the place of harmony WITHIN YOU in all or most moments, THEN ~ Mercury Retrograde becomes ALL IS WELL.

AS it is the coming from WITHIN that Mercury Retrograde prepares you for. Through its PROCESS of the external focus, apparently not working as well. Leading to what was once the common frustration as everything appears to go awry.

This going awry, is just the clear awareness that the external focus does not work energetically to ones advantage, when the internal focus is more required as the auspicious way.

Those that come from this internal ~ ETERNAL space, know that this is the case. Always from within is the auspicious present moment.

So even if you struggle with communication. Why not look at this Mercury Retrograde experience as the auspicious frequency that it is.

That which requires you to ADJUST the way you approach your life.

Slowing down…breathing consciously, completing that which was already started. Tidy, organize…prepare. GO DEEPER WITHIN.

Blessing all of YOU in this adventure of going deeper, in all moments.

In the Glorious Light that is always present. Even more so ~ awareness NOW ~ this eternal present moment Mercury Retrograde. In love.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.