
jueves, marzo 22, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Meeting Saint Germain ~ Ascending and Descending through Form - March 22, 2018

Matter, form and DNA, the sacred Blood Line…The Knights templars..the guardians.

Consciousness in form through DNA respond in resonance to Light Frequencies.

St. Germain appearing in form, is a transformative transmission of LIGHT frequency. His appearance has graced my life, many times.

The knowing, the activation, the transformation are beyond words or description.

Knowing that we too are here to Ascend, and that we have Descended into form, is all part of the experience of knowing Being in the Age of Aquarius.

Like Christ, Buddha and the Ascended Masters, we are here to KNOW that we too can appear at any time, anywhere, and that we too, will live as our eternal form THROUGH our form.

The dissolution of fear attached to the belief in limitation is what is on the table, to be dissolved within EACH consciousness.

At the Light Frequency of NO limitation, we exist knowing that we too embody this.

The union with our Eternal Light Body. Our eternal Soul Star Matrix ~ Presence of us ~ is WHAT is inhabiting and allowing our form to breathe and exist. This WHAT Is the same being, that ignites the Blueprint, INTO the initiated states, where truth is born, as our embodiment.

There is no big fan fare, in the beauty of the appearance of the eternal walking on Earth. There is transferring of frequencies, beyond anything that could ever possible be said.

The Knights Templars are among us, guarding what appears to many as not so important. Yet it is the Blueprint that knows and the Sacred Plan, to whom the Overseers orchestrate, the simplistic way…too simple, to appear profound.

Living through your heart opens your true sight, to the Living Light, to which you are a part of and a whole, unto itself. In this way the simplistic becomes profound.

Embrace this activation now. As the limitations in belief dissolve as if were never there. Your heart only knows truth. It is beyond words.

Activating now, the Glory of the Overseers, in Divine Love, always.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.