martes, marzo 27, 2018
L’Aura Pleiadian - Harmony ~ Non-Attachment ~ Completion - March 27, 2018
Non attachment to end results, mental concepts, outcomes of relationships and overall purposes… to ANYTHING…Money? The shift?
The never-ending questions that always wonder ~ WHEN. How?
We LIVE as our Divine BEING through being in a state of Being ~ that is Harmony.
Harmony exists through Freedom from Attachments.
This is a process.
We become aware of when we are suffering, we then choose to be free from suffering WITHIN ~ when. we are ready. This is a process.
The MIND feeds on adrenaline rushes. With thoughts of the past and future….racing…which consists of everything NOT present now and it does so from lack consciousness.
It needs to get, to have, to control, more.
Having to have. Having to Know. Tightly wound up…..unable to let go and BE.
Do YOU recognize this pattern of thought?
When we place our awareness on our HEART, when we observe OURSELVES…..we become the observer.
When we notice when we hurt, when we are in fear or worry, or sadness. We pay attention. We observe. We turn our attention to ourselves, to what is going on within us. WE do not deny what we are going through.
This ATTENTION, is the energy of love. Of caring, of listening to ourselves. We then, comfort ourselves. we become gentle and compassionate with ourselves. WE Love ourselves for the first time.
ONLY then can we be ready and be gentle and loving with others.
Everything you desire takes place THROUGH your Divine Presence. It is all here for you ~ WITHIN.
When we relinquish the need to attach, to control, we become free. This takes trust and courage. Because there are no guarantees with trust. That is what trust is and faith. We trust, we have faith, we love.
This is when life, then loves us back. Comforts us. Yet it all starts with ourselves, FIRST.
In Love, loving our lives, trusting the PRESENCE that is our Divine Self. Letting go of attachments, observing, having compassion.
Living in Harmony we are then FREE.
NOT knowing what is next..ONLY knowing what is now and that NOW we trust is always perfect. What is perfectly needed. Even if we don’t like it. IF we don’t like it, we love ourselves more. We observe more. We don’t go back to those patterns and attempt to control outcomes, or get caught up in attachments.
This takes courage. It takes being brave, to step out into the unseen and trust your Soul.
Enter your heart now.
Feel Your DIVINE Presence.
Be gentle and compassionate. And so the process continues.
Receive now. In love and glory, always.
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.
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