
lunes, febrero 19, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Shifting Dimensions ~ Fear Being Absorbed into Divine Love - Feb 19, 2018

Shifting Dimensions ~ Fear Being Absorbed into Divine Love

Fears held in the subconscious mind of mass consciousness are being cleared. The less fear, the greater the awareness of the expanded higher dimensions of consciousness that exist as a Divine reality.

The Higher Dimensions are Love and Union.

The lower the vibratory dimensions ~ the greater the intensity of fear held as its unrecognized awareness of its own self-love (Divine Love as Union) that is always ready to absorb its fear as its separated parts unaware of itself, into the consciousness of its higher dimensional God Self.

This includes each individuated Soul and that of Mass consciousness as a whole.

Fear may be looked upon as a learned Distortion of its higher dimensional self, which lives AS ITS OWN trigger to memory, so that it will be once again absorbed into its higher dimensional reality.

The automatic response mechanisms are intensifying in their frequencies to help the lower dimensional frequencies to be absorbed into its higher dimensional level of consciousness back into wholeness. The Golden Age.

The events that appear sudden that induce energetic feelings of greater fear, is the triggering and the clearing of mass consciousness. Fears dimensional awareness, held in the energetic aspect of its fear, as its separated parts, is present to be integrated back into its wholeness.

That is to say, fear is a dimension of separated energetic parts, in the current process of being absorbed into its higher dimensional UNION of Divine Light. You may call this Original Light.

Earth and its 3rd and 4th Dimensional aspects of its consciousness are here to be absorbed into its already Higher version of itself. Into itself that has never known fear and does not know itself as ever having been separated.

Remnants of these parts (fear) are like energy traces ~ amidst a Universe of Wholeness ~ BEING called back to itself.

When all these traces of energy being called back to its wholeness are integrated once again into its wholeness ~ the reality is completely changed. To love. To its original Light. To wholeness.

The wholeness of Love and Divinity knows no Limitations.

Abundance, Joy and Love without attachment are the natural child like qualities of the Divine Gods of wholeness. Of Love.

The creation is as it is. One with All That is, you are IN Love in the Higher Dimensions. That which you KNOW you are not separated from.

Earth is MERGING in Love into its Golden Age.

In Divine Perfection of what is. What is Now. What always was. Forever will BE. In love and Glory all NOW.

BEING DIVINE Spiritual Royalty, is the LOVE where your Wholeness IS.

Love is the realm of the Higher Dimensions.

ALLOW the Divine to Enter your heart now.

Feel and breathe…slowly….

I now RELEASE all fears, doubts and beliefs in separation and allow my Heart to open fully and Love to take over my life in its pure eternal wholeness.

I ALLOW Love to dissolve all within me that seems separated from my Divine Wholeness.

I ACCEPT and live through my Divine Lineage the Royalty and Glory ~ that knows itself in its Pure Wholeness.

I Am BEING the ONE that lives as wholeness.

I allow the full restructuring of my consciousness to take place NOW and match the Blueprint of my Ascension.

I LIVE as One with Divine Glory. Full One as my Divine Original Light Now. Fully Activating my Light Body HERE AND NOW.

Allowing my quantum transformation on all levels now. And so it is. Now. In Love.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.