
lunes, febrero 05, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Seeing and FEELING Yourself As A Divine Ascended BEING ~ Now - Feb 5, 2018

Seeing and FEELING Yourself As A Divine Ascended BEING ~ Now

Waking up every new day and moment and seeing and knowing yourself as A Divine Ascended Being. Already Ascended now, not separate from your 5th Dimensional experience.

What would this be like for you?

Do you see yourself and FEEL yourself already in the 5th Dimension?

Expanding into this GRAND and Glorious aspect of YOU is easier to align and surrender when you BELIEVE you already exist as this.

All Dimensions co-exist.

You are shifting out of the 4th dimension and the experience of time as you have known it.

In this NO time all the existences of YOU in all dimensions exist NOW.

THIS IS the conscious awareness of the LIMITLESS you ~ the YOU that is eternal. YOUR Original Light.

Waking up, moving around…resting. AS you immerse your awareness into and as the Eternal YOU, your DNA shifts. Your Blueprint shifts.

YOU align with your Divine Eternal Ascended Being.

This alignment is your expansion of consciousness. It is never-ending throughout the Universe and beyond.

Relax now into the vastness of the Universe. Breathing in and out, simply relax. When you quiet yourself you can hear and feel your heartbeat.

Go deeper into the vortex of your heart.

In this space ~ you exist in all dimensions.

There is no distance.

There is no time.

There is Love and Glory.

Communicate with your Divine Ascended Being, your Original Light. It will respond to you.

This interactive ~ play, is the innocence in which you open and receive.

Feel the alignment NOW.

Feel the activation NOW.

FEEL the Love and Glory Now.

Embrace NOW your Divine Ascended Being and you living fully in the 5th Dimension. NOW.

In the Love and Radiance of Eternal Union. With the Divine Council of Overseers. Blessing you now. And So it is, NOW. In love.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.