
martes, enero 16, 2018

Natalia Alba- Energy Update - Jan 16, 2018

Natalia Alba.

Beloved Ones,

At a time, when the majority of us, are working on anchoring within our earthly body, and physical realm, what we first descended from our Unified Self and/or Illuminated Realms, depending where we are in our journey and when we are ready to integrate. It is essential to discern from where we obtain our main fountain of guidance and the differences between directly descending guidance from our Unified Self and the old way of channelling, which from my humble feelings, and from the guidance I obtain, comes from separation, which simply means the inability to commune with our most important Source of guidance, our Unified (Higher Self), and descend all this Wisdom into our bodies.

This is shared with great respect and love to All. It is not my attention to hurt anyone's feelings or what they do or share, in their unique way, for I value everything, as equal. However, as I am here to share my unique perspective - and truth - from where I stand, and there are many differences between "channelling" - for this word has been misused - and the direct descension of wisdom, from our own Unified Self.

Channelling occurs, when we consciously or unconsciously allow other forces, beings, forms of consciousness, to enter our bodies - or not - I am not discussing the many ways of channelling, here - to express themselves through us, or simply by giving us their wisdom. This has been the most common way of channelling until recently. Giving our power, so to say, to other beings, for we consider them wiser than we are, when in truth, we all possess or are able to awake, all this knowledge, if we consciously choose to do so.

I have nothing against this form of channelling as long as they have a clear channel and they do not fall into the many ways the dark forces have of manipulating our consciousness. For often, what is said to be channelled, is nothing but negative energies acting as impostors, fooling - those not yet able to discern - who are willing to share what they think is pure Divine Wisdom.

During the last wave of souls descending from the Illuminated Realms, coming here to assist the Planet, which started years ago, this began to shift, for there are many ascending souls, at this time, who no longer need other beings to "use" them as a channel, for they already have within all this guidance, all they need to do is to integrate and activate themselves, work with their DNA - to be able to remember and share with All, which is what the majority of the ascending souls are doing, at this time.

These souls, are sovereign beings already, which does not mean the other souls who belong to the 3D plane, cannot command their own space and become free sovereign beings - as well - it simply varies in the fact that it is not the same to consciously channel those who, in Essence, are One with you, that putting yourself out there, receiving manipulated information, from dark sources.

There are some souls, as it is my case, who are asked or questioned, because we do not share in the typical way others do. The truth is, we do no need it, we do not follow a fixed way of sharing same repetitive communication. We are not mere puppets saying what we are told, we share consciously, in our unique way, for we no longer choose to disempower ourselves, instead, we go within and do the work to bring all this wisdom into the surface, with our own words.

In my experience, I co-create with other beings, especially to learn more about healing and new ways of working with my DNA. I never allow any other being, to enter my sacred body or to command me to say their words. I co-create with certain evolved beings, especially with my Guides, as well by the simple fact that some of them are One with me, there is no separation, and I know they come from a space of unity and love. The difference is that authentic and pure Guides, will always empower us to speak our truth, in our unique way. For they already treat us as masters, not as hopeless beings, waiting for them to save us.

What Sovereign Beings do is to directly descend all this wisdom - that was often sought externally - from within, for our Unified Self/Monad, and as free beings, we can put this guidance into our own words, why using other words if we have our own voice to speak up for ourselves? One thing is to share messages, from beings with whom we co-create, and another one to disempower ourselves by not sharing, in our unique way, our own guidance, which is as equal as the one coming from other beings, we consider better, not because we, as humans, have this level of wisdom, but because our Unified Self already knows it all, for we descend from these Illuminated Realms.

Therefore, there were so many souls without soul contracts or simply that allowed other beings to use them as a channel, because they could not have this knowledge within themselves or because they were manipulated. There is much manipulated information online, the words can seem nice, but an evolved being will never separate, will always come from a unified perspective, and above all, you will never be commanded to say something you do not wish to, predict the future - especially the typical predictions that never occur - and so on. All these are simple cases of consciousness manipulation.

The difference is a thin line, but the new channelers, are those who can co-create, who keep learning from other beings, but whose main Fountain of Guidance comes, always from within. They no longer use the same repetitive language, which is often self-programmed - from what has been read and from using the wisdom of others. Now, we, the ascending souls, who are able to embrace wisdom from other selves or dimensions, for we no longer have such a deep sense of linearity, use our own, all we must do is trust in our Divine Source of Guidance as well as to keep reconnecting our DNA strands, for this is where we decode all the inner wisdom we possess within.

We are just beginning to see the energetic rewards of many years of conscious inner work. Where you are now is where you desired, it is not a time now to keep disempowering yourself, dwell in the past, regretting, blaming yourself for what did not occur, or getting attached to what no longer serves you. For now there is only time for you to seed the new dimensional space you occupy, being fully present in this moment, recognizing the LoveLight being that you are, and as such, commanding your sacred space and claiming your Power - and yourself - as being the only one in control of your life experience.

I AM the Creative Power that bring into fruition all that surrounds me.

I AM a sovereign free being responsible of all my creations in the physical.

I AM in charge of my life experience, emotions, thoughts and acts.

I AM a whole and balance being with no attachments, always embracing and letting all go, choosing - always - to serve within Divine unconditional love - and compassion - to All.

And so are You!

In love and light ∞

Natalia Alba


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