
domingo, diciembre 31, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - A New Year, A Master Year ~ 2018 ~ Abundance and Glory - Dec 28, 2017

A New Year, A Master Year ~ 2018 ~ Abundance and Glory

The Year 2018 ~ A Master Number “Eleven” Year.

This is ENTERING your Full Embodiment, the Life beyond your wildest dreams..

The Full MOON impacting the frequencies. And of course the August 21st powerful Solar Eclipse, continuing to manifest its shifts..

Sacred, Holy and Majestic!

The Full Moon January 1st, Post:


This is YOU entering into your Majestic PRESENCE ~ and Being the Light Being that you already ARE in form. Bringing it all here.

Activated, integrated, UNIFIED in Love.

The Glory shines upon the Glory. Which is never-ending.

Eternal Abundance in all its forms. Every aspect of LIFE ~ GLOWING with the eternal Majestic Presence of the Divine.

Beauty, Love, the Life beyond your wildest dreams.

Enter every moment knowing this already exists. Your Divine Destiny UNFOLDS…

In the Great Majesty of Light that is the original Pure Light.

The Eternal YOU ~ Graced with Beauty and Abundance. Love and Honour. Peace and Glory. Radiantly unfolding every moment.

Now Activated as EMBODIED ~ THE GLORY knows the Glory!

The Love knows the Love.

The Abundance knows the Abundance.

The Mirror knows itself.

2018 ~ Master 11 ~ and So it is!

In Majestic Glory and in the Profound LIGHT of The Divine Council of Overseers.

Grace and Glory! Being the Divine Master~ 2018 ~ an Energetic imprint….All Now!



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.