
lunes, noviembre 13, 2017

Sue and Shawnna - The Arcturians - Calibrate to Your Higher Self to Create an Expanded Reality - 11-13-17

Calibrate to your Higher Self to Create an Expanded Reality

Conversation with the Arcturians
Sue and Shawnna

Arcturians: Greetings, We are the Arcturians.

We want to remind you that it was taking long, slow breath, as well as placing your focus on your Higher Self, that allows us to come in and speak through you. We also want to remind you that every single human has the ability to call us, the Arcturians, into their consciousness.

Hence, every single human has the ability to pull in your Fifth Dimension, and beyond, SELF. Your Fifth Dimensional Self is part of the second octave. The first, second and third dimensions of your Multidimensional Self are your “First Octave of SELF,” which resonates to your physicality and your astral world.

The “Second octave of your Self” is your fifth dimensional Self and beyond, which is beyond physicality and expands into the higher frequencies of your multidimensional consciousness.

Shawnna, did you wish to ask us a question in summarizing, and we will ask you a question to channel through your guidance?

Shawnna: Well, we appreciate your guidance, as always, and it’s great to have uncensored conversations about what comes up, and what we are experiencing. I think it’s more important than ever to stay focused on our state of consciousness and use those tools that you’ve always provided us.

Knowing that, together, we have the power to co-create our reality, is our first step into our fifth dimensional frequency of SELF. If you could just give us a statement about how we can continue to expand our consciousness and stay focused on our Greatest Path of empowering our conscious perceptions to be able to experience the highest reality that we can imagine.

Arcturians: First off, if everyone could really dedicate themselves to having some meditative time – even if it’s just 5 minutes, even if it’s sitting in your car waiting for your kids to get out of school, or sitting in the parking lot of the grocery store, or before you go into the bank, it would greatly change your life.

If you just take 5 minutes of your life to say, three times,

“I AM a Multidimensional Being.

I AM a Multidimensional Being.

I AM a Multidimensional being!”

Because I KNOW that the higher expression of Multidimensional SELF is over-lighting me, as well as living within, my Lightbody. I know that my Lightbody is awakening within my kundalini, which is within the core of my spinal column.”

With this statement, I feel how I AM protected. Therefore, I will be able to begin to remember more and more about:

Why I came to Earth…

More about my life on my Star Ship…

More about my life on my fifth dimensional Home World...

More about my Fifth Dimensional Lightbody that is alive in my physical body…

More about how my inner Fifth Dimensional Lightbody communicates with me on a regular basis.

And, very important, I AM learning that All I need to do is remember to LISTEN.

Shawnna, did you have any closing statements?

Shawnna: Well, thank you for that reminder and encouragement. Imagine how our life would change if we lived that truth in our daily life, and also shared our experience with others! Can you imagine the magic in those connections, as well as the empowerment that we receive from that connection.

We will see it exponentially expand our consciousness, and our perceptual fields in this organic way. In this manner, our reality will shift to a higher frequency.

Arcturians: Yes, you do have the ability to expand your perceptual field to perceive higher and higher frequencies of reality. Then, on many levels, the darkness will be revealed, so that you can fully understand how darkness and destruction, the two are one.

If you can look through the darkness, look through the destruction, and see the reality that you want to live, you will eventually be able to see, feel, hear, and touch the reality that you are desiring to create for yourself, for your family, for your society, and for your planet.

Please remember that we, the Galactics, are always with you. Yes, we hear you ask, “So, why didn’t you help us? Why didn’t you bring your Starships here now to help us?”

What we have to say is that Gaia is a free-will planet, and unfortunately, the majority of humanity is not even aware of our Starships. Therefore, they are not calling for help, and would likely be very frightened if they did perceive our Ships.

Shawnna: Well, that’s a good reminder that it’s always our option to believe in our Galactic Family, or NOT believe in our Galactic Family.

Sue: Well, I know for myself, I forget to ask. All the time, I forget to ask. I may begin by writing and channeling, but then, I get into my daily life, and I forget about talking to the Arcturians. I forget to ask for their assistance.

I forget to send love and a welcoming heart to my Galactic family!

Then, I get myself all in a pickle for nothing. It’s not easy. The process of “adapting our perception of reality,” is not easy. This process of returning to our “true” Multidimensional SELF is a new kind of adapting.

Arcturians: Yes, you, our human family on Earth, are remembering a new way of learning, and/or, remembering how to deal with a different kind of reality than the one you have known for many, many incarnations on third dimensional Gaia. When you first came to assist Gaia, you were still “multidimensional.”

However, life after life, you returned—not to our Galactic Family and your Starships—but to your small, weak and greatly confused third dimensional expression of self.

In your daily meditations and connections with your Higher self, it’s almost as if you were adding a little, bit here, and a little bit there, in order to make a complete connection to everything that is important.

Part of your process of “returning home” is now about communing with GAIA. When you consciously commune with Gaia, you expand your consciousness to encompass, at the very least, a daily connection with your Higher Self.

Then, if you can also commune with Gaia, as well as connecting and merging with Her, your memory of your true SELF will begin to return, along with deep connection to your Galactic Family.

If you can remember your “galactic connections,” and share them with others, you can assist in making humanity's shift “out of a third dimensional reality” and “into a fourth, and eventually fifth, dimensional reality.

Also, it is important to remember that if you feel that you are in the midst of lower dimensional experience, you can remember your Galactic Family, and your Mother Gaia, to ask for help.

Sue: Yes, and I am sure that a lot of people are learning to ask for higher dimensional help. I am sure there were lots of requests and questions going up in the midst of all that was happening.

I am also sure that, just by asking your Higher Dimensional SELF requests and questions, you are expanding your perceptual field to slowly, or quickly, encompass your fifth dimensional guidance, which is often your own fifth dimensional SELF.

Blessing to you all,

Sue, the Arcturians and Shawnna

Shawnna: Thank you. We appreciate it!

Sue: Bye bye!