
lunes, noviembre 06, 2017

Patricia Cota-Robles - CALLING ALL LIGHTWORKERS! -

by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 1, 2017 = 11-1-1 = 11:11 - Eleven Days to
November 11, 2017 = 11-11-1 = 1-1-1-1-1 – A Powerful Time for New Beginnings

Hear the Clarion Call

Precious Heart, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are sending forth a Clarion Call that is reverberating through the Ethers. They are calling Awakening Humanity to a higher octave of service during this critical and tumultuous time. On behalf of YOU and me and every single person, group, organization, company and Activity of Light that is in any way striving to add to the Light of the World, our God Parents and the Company of Heaven are orchestrating a Divine Plan that will allow us to unify our Hearts and effectively expand our Lightwork a thousand fold.

I will share with you that I have been responding to the requests of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven for 50 years. Beginning with the classes I had in my home, I have been offering free meditations, classes and seminars around the World since 1968. In all of these years, I have never felt such an URGENT, yet HOPEFUL, request from On High.

The Divine Intent of this request from the Realms of Illumined Truth is to greatly empower what each and every one of us has volunteered to do individually and collectively to add to the Light of the World during this auspicious moment. For Lifetimes our I AM Presence has guided us through myriad experiences designed to strengthen us, and to prepare us to be able to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. This is the moment for which we have all been preparing. It is through our unified efforts that Humanity will transcend the surfacing negativity. Together we will assist this precious Planet and all her Life to God Victoriously Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution and into the full embrace of the New Earth which has now been Birthed in the Realms of Cause.

Each and every one of us has been uniquely prepared for this moment. To help us grasp the critical need for our individual contributions to this unprecedented facet of Earth’s Divine Plan, the Beings of Light have given us a metaphor to contemplate. They asked us to think of the myriad Lifetimes and lessons we have experienced since we were first Breathed forth from the Heart of our Father-Mother God, as an exquisite Golden Thread that we have volunteered to weave into the Tapestry of Life that will BE the New Earth.

Billions of additional souls volunteered to weave their Golden Thread into this particular Tapestry for the New Earth, but they were not selected. Our Father-Mother God chose us, because they felt that our individual and collective experiences had a better chance of succeeding in the unprecedented experiment unfolding on Earth. This has nothing to do with ego or the erroneous impression that we are more special than our Sisters and Brothers who were turned away. It simply means that our Father-Mother God felt that with our willingness and our tenacity, we had a better chance of staying focused on the Light during the necessary purging process the Earth was destined to go through.

What the Company of Heaven wants each and every one of us to clearly understand is that the Tapestry of Life for the New Earth will be incomplete without ALL of our Golden Threads. In spite of what you may believe about you, or how inadequate you may feel when it comes to being a Lightworker, NO one’s Golden Thread is any more important than another person’s Golden Thread. Every person’s Golden Thread is critical to the success of this Holy Endeavor involving Earth’s Ascension in the Light. It is for this very reason that our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are orchestrating a Divine Plan that will empower and effectively expand every person’s Lightwork a thousand fold, thus catapulting this Planet forward in the Light a quantum leap.

Please read the following sharing from On High with an open Heart and Mind. As you read these words center yourself in the Divinity of your Heart Flame. The Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined and your I AM Presence are enveloping you in the Emerald Green Flame of Illumined Truth in order to help you grasp the magnitude of this opportunity.

Remembering Our Heart Commitment

A critical part of our purpose and reason for being on Earth during this momentous time is to help ease the pain and suffering that our Sisters and Brothers are experiencing. Only then will they be able to lift their heads above the chaos effectively enough to once again reconnect with their I AM Presence and complete their Ascension onto the New Earth.

This is a brief reminder of our Heart Commitments. Humanity reached a critical mass of Divine Love on December 21st and 22nd in 2012. This allowed EVERY SINGLE PERSON evolving on Earth to Ascend up the Spiral of Evolution into the initial frequencies of the New Earth. The reason our Father-Mother God granted permission for even the most asleep or recalcitrant people on Earth to make it through the Shift of the Ages, is because of the Heart Commitment YOU and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity made, through our I AM Presence, on their behalf.

Our Sisters and Brothers were granted permission to move through the Shift of the Ages in spite of the human miscreations they were still responsible for transmuting back into Light. This was allowed by our Father-Mother God because millions of Lightworkers compassionately agreed to hold the sacred space for our struggling Sisters and Brothers so they would not be left behind.

Awakening Humanity promised to help our asleep and recalcitrant Sisters and Brothers to Awaken as soon as possible. We also agreed to do whatever is necessary in order to help them quickly transmute their surfacing negativity from the old Earth. The Company of Heaven told us that if we had not agreed to do that, these souls would not have been allowed to Ascend into the initial impulse of the New Earth. That is because their surfacing negativity and the necessary purging that is taking place on Earth to clear their human miscreations, would have been overwhelming and would have actually caused more harm than good.

As we monitor the surfacing negativity, we are witnessing appalling and hateful decisions that are being made by those in power around the World. The results of those mindless and seemingly heartless actions will definitely affect people and the Earth in extremely adverse ways. When we see such things taking place, in spite of all of the Lightwork we are doing, it is easy to come to the conclusion that our efforts are in vain. This is causing many Lightworkers to feel overwhelmed and even hopeless. Consequently, many of them are giving up and making the fateful decision to stop invoking the Light. People are afraid that we made a mistake. They fear that in spite of our Heart Commitments, the surfacing negativity is causing more harm than good.

The reality is, if Lightworkers do nothing to intervene in the current situation, the actions of our recalcitrant Sisters and Brothers could indeed cause more harm than good. Fortunately, our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light also see the potential of that horrific unintended consequence. That is precisely why they are orchestrating this vitally important NEW facet of the Divine Plan, and why they are sending forth a Clarion Call invoking the assistance of every Lightworker on Earth.

Listen to Your Heart and Respond to Our Father-Mother God’s Clarion Call.

Your Light, Your Love and YOUR Divine Intervention are Needed NOW!

When our Father-Mother God granted permission for every single person on Earth to Ascend through the Shift of the Ages, which was an unfathomable act of Divine Grace, they knew this would only work if the Lightworkers fulfilled our agreement to hold the sacred space for the Awakening of these recalcitrant souls. There are millions of Lightworkers who add to the Light of the World in their own way every single day. These dedicated Beings are making a tremendous difference. However, in order to transmute the overwhelming adversity surfacing now in the outer world, our God Parents have come to the conclusion that much more Light is needed.

The NEW facet of the Divine Plan that our Father-Mother God, and the Legions of Light who assist them are setting into motion is designed to empower and exponentially expand the Lightwork that every single person on Earth has volunteered to accomplish in this Lifetime. During this powerful time of New Beginnings, we are being asked to encode the Template for this NEW facet of the Divine Plan into the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This is being accomplished in the Eternal Moment of NOW, so no matter when you are reading these words your magnificent Light is being woven into this Template.

The Template for Our Father-Mother God’s NEW Facet of the Divine Plan

Our Father-Mother God have revealed to us at Era of Peace that the work we have been doing over the past 50 years in cooperation with the Company of Heaven, has resulted in the tangible manifestation of an ever-expanding Planetary Grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. This Grid of Divine Love embraces Mother Earth in a sphere of exquisite Crystalline Pink Light, which has been bathing the Earth and building in momentum day-by-day for five decades. Our God Parents affirm that over the years this Grid of Divine Love has been exponentially expanding in a rhythmic momentum. They said that this occurs every time Humanity joins us either physically or in consciousness during one of our Free Seminars, or any of the other Activities of Light we have offered to add to the Light of the World, such as our YouTube Meditations, our Internet Broadcasts and now our free Weekly Vlogs.

Due to what is being referred to as “the urgency of the hour”, our Father-Mother God and the Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have decided to use our Planetary Grid of Divine Love for the vehicle through which they will implement the NEW facet of the Divine Plan. In spite of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven’s Heart Desire to quickly complete Earth’s painful purging process, so we can experience the wonders of the New Earth, they cannot do this for us. They have reiterated time and again that in order for them to intervene in our Lives we must first invoke their assistance and offer to BE the Open Door through which the Light of God will flow to accomplish whatever the need of the hour is.

This means quite literally that no matter how much help this new facet of the Divine Plan will be for Humanity and the Earth, unless YOU and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity participate in the way our Father-Mother God are requesting, it will not be successful. Fortunately, what our God Parents are requesting is incredibly simple and will be easily integrated into our individual and collective Lightwork, if we have the Heart Call to do so.

The Divine Intent of this NEW facet of the Divine Plan is for the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presences of Awakening Humanity to empower a thousand fold the Lightwork that YOU and I and every single person, group, organization, company and Activity of Light on Earth is participating in. This unfathomable influx of Light will be Breathed into the Grid of Divine Love by our Father-Mother God in a rhythmic momentum during our Free Seminar every month.

Each month I will announce where the Free Seminar will be. These Seminars are always free and open to the public. These NEW Free Seminars are titled, “It Is Time For The Next Step.” Hopefully, hundreds of people in and around the area will have the Heart Call to come to the seminar and weave their Golden Thread into the Chalice of Light we will all form through our unified Heart Flames.

In addition to those who will be physically present, our Father-Mother God are invoking Lightworkers around the World who are aware of the Free Seminar to take a moment that day to weave their Golden Thread into our Chalice of Light. This will greatly increase the amount of Light our Father-Mother God will be able to Breathe through our Chalice into the Grid of Divine Love. Once this Light is secured in the Grid of Divine Love our Father-Mother God have assured us that it will flood the Earth and exponentially intensify the Lightwork of every person on this Planet a thousand fold.

Phase Two of Our Father-Mother God’s NEW Facet of the Divine Plan

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are going to do even more to take advantage of the collective Cup of Consciousness that we will form through our unified efforts during the Free Seminars. Every month our God Parents and the Company of Heaven will evaluate how the expansion of our Lightwork through the Grid of Divine Love has benefited Humanity and the Earth. They will then determine what additional Lightwork can be accomplished through our unified efforts on that day. That evaluation will not be made until the day of the Free Seminar, so that the maximum benefit of Humanity’s Lightwork during the previous month will be utilized to fulfill another important step in our Ascension process.

I will not be able to tell you what that facet of the Divine Mission is, prior to the Free Seminar, but I will share that information with you in our Monthly Online Newsletter following the Seminar. You will then be able to realize the assistance you are receiving from the Heavenly Realms and add your Golden Thread of Light to whatever has been accomplished to assist you with your Lightwork.

Once you start benefiting from this monumental influx of Light and realize the incredible assistance we are receiving from On High, you will no longer feel afraid, helpless or hopeless. On the contrary, you will feel greatly motivated to “Keep on keeping on.” During this challenging time it will help to keep affirming to yourself:

“The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious and I AM that Light.”

Please help our Father-Mother God’s Clarion Call tangibly reach the maximum number of Lightworkers by forwarding this email to your mailing list. Please share on Facebook, Twitter and any other social media you have access to. https://www.eraofpeace.org/news/

I would like to begin this NEW facet of our Father-Mother God’s Divine Plan by sharing with you the list of Free Seminars we will be offering in 2017 and 2018.

Our final Free Seminar for 2017 will be this week end November 12, 2017 in San Diego, California. If possible we would Love for you to join us physically, but if you are not in this area please join us in consciousness. Here is the direct link if you would like to register for this Free Seminar.

Final Free Seminar for 2017 San Diego, California November 12th
