
miércoles, noviembre 08, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - Stripped from Everything of The Mind and “Becoming” Real - November 8, 2017

Stripped from Everything of The Mind and “Becoming” Real

The Heart ~ Awakens us and Opens fully when the mind is no longer the ruler.

It is sort of like not being able to sleep.

It’s not so much “not” sleeping that is painful.

It’s the resistance to not sleeping that really causes the mental agony.

Making peace with whatever “is”

Happening ~ even if logically it isn’t good…(lack of sleep, sexuality, etc you name it) I have found over and over. Is what brings peace.

Trying to change it is resistance, which really is suffering.

I am not saying we don’t decide or change things.

I am saying the things that seem beyond my control, even though I may not like them, just letting go. Over and over…is like loving myself no matter what. Unconditional acceptance.

And often when I do completely let go..it resolves itself. Yet I can’t do it for that purpose. It’s like counterproductive. It seems.

It’s almost like, the “thing” is happening so that I will learn to let go and just accept what is…

I change from a victim of circumstance to ~ being at peace no matter what on earth I am going through.

It isn’t easy at first to let go.

I feel it becomes easy the more I let go. And funny enough, the more I let go…that is when earlier beliefs seem to just vanish.

Next thing I know I am seeing reality differently. And I recognize more and more, it really is inside of me.

It is me that is changing, then everything seems to change and correspond to ME.

Mainly my reactions to myself…or peace with myself..

Maybe it is taking us, to just always let go and trust.

That is what silences the mind chatter.

It can creep up and next thing you know it’s happening again.

That is what I mean by over and over. It goes deeper and deeper.

Yet I expand more and more I become more authentic and REAL.

Taking me to that place over and over of self acceptance.

Like those things happen for that purpose.

Leading us to fully love and be loved.

That the only thing in the way

Is the “minds” struggle…

Even that accept.

And it carries on and on…

And we just let go.

That is when the magic happens..

Stripped from everything of the mind…that is the only thing in the way of “Becoming” Real ~ Now.

As the Divine Being that you ARE ~ BEING.




copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.

November 8, 2017