
martes, noviembre 28, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Divine Council of Overseers ~ Your Ascension - November 28, 2017

The Divine Council of Overseers ~ Your Ascension

All Beings exist in a state of Eternal Light in Union with their Original Soul Star Matrix. This is the state of Freedom at the Highest Purest Level.

Free from the programming of energetic impulses held in the DNA as memory. Fight or Flight. Through past lives fear. Through doubt which is another form of fear.

The Pure State is child like. Completely in the moment. Is a state of bliss and love. Total surrender, even though when in it. One does not even notice it is a state of surrender. AS it is what is natural. The pure frequency just unfolding as it is.

As it originally and eternally always will be.

This pureness is the mastery in form, throughout all dimensions. Linking and uniting once again, all aspects of being to the Original State of Being.

This linking of the dimensions is a frequency shift that many desire to consciously experience. YET ~ it exists for you now.

This is the Divine Ascended Being ~ State of consciousness.

You will see what reality is. What consciousness is.

Like In a room ( as an example) I see the beings that are Angels, or one who has crossed over. It is all here and there is no distance to any of it. TO your Mastery. Others in the same room (an example) do not see what I see. Yet it is there. It is the STATE of consciousness that is a frequency that allows us to consciously take part in ALL dimensions at once.

That is mastery of form.

The form becomes the conduit for the Original Light, which then is the true Union of all dimensions HERE present now in what you call the new Earth.

It is a state of consciousness.

That is your Original Light.

Which is present now.

Activated for you NOW to be the conduit of in this dimension, linking all. Which shifts the NOW experience of consciousness to that ORIGINAL Light wholeness.

With which, you were never away from.

Activating NOW the memories of this pure eternal LIGHT, which dissolves the energetic reactive states as memory (often termed Karma) that then only knows itself as the ONE LIGHT eternal Being.

The Divine Maser of Form (the reason you are here) and the Divine Ascended Being that you ARE.

The New Divine Humanity exists now.

You are there. It is here. There is nowhere to travel to.

You are simply MERGING with this frequency. The UNION with your Divine Ascended Being Now.

Orchestrating and Activating ALL into this Force of Consciousness. That clears all reactive states. Frees the attachments. Dissolves the resistance. All Now. In love and Glory, with the Divine Council of Overseers. In Pure ORIGINAL Light. Forever.



Photo compliments of Daniel Holeman

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.