
sábado, noviembre 11, 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian -11:11 ~ Enter the Heart Portal of The Eternal Now - November 11, 2017

11:11 ~ Enter the Heart Portal of The Eternal Now

Life as we Know it has Shifted.

We have entered into the NO Time ~ experience of Reality.

11:11 ~ 3:33 (and MORE) have become markers of experience, of AWARENESS levels, of activations, within.

Of experience in the moment.

Anticipation free from attachment has become the eternal Joy of the moment.

Recognizing ALL moment are truly sacred.

EVEN before we SEE and KNOW the why of it ~ we are shifting.

Into the New Way,

The New Divine Beings.

The New Earth.

The New Divine Humanity.

As we FEEL within our Hearts the New Language of the Heart ~ the Moment.

We become the Initiates of the New Way.

The Rising of the First Beginning here on Earth. On Mu.

Here now.

Celebrate the sacredness of now ~ 11:11,

Of remembrance….of experience. OF love.

Of memory…

As it is all now.

As it is all with you now.

Activating the Heart portal NOW.

Your Ascension.

Your Love.


Your Twin Flame.

Your Heart.

Your inner Temple.

The 5th Dimension.

No Time ~ FULLY whole AS your Original Light.

Here and Now.

Activating You.

A Frequency Activation.

11:11 ~ WAKING up to the YOU that lives in no time.

Celebrating the Eternal.

Eternal YOU as your Original Light.

Living as this.

Living as DIVINITY.

The Divine New Humanity.

Waking UP To this New state of BEING in form.

ENTER the Portal NOW of the Eternal.

ALL now ~ with the Divine Council of Overseers.

In Love and Glory. Now.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.