
domingo, noviembre 05, 2017

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Crystal Bio Shift - Part 3 - Nov 5, 2017

New Channel
Part Three of Three Parts

The Crystal Bio Shift - Part 3
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

All Copyrights Duly Reserved 2017

Bio Shift - Part Three

And so we continue with the final installment of this most timely & interesting channel...

Crystal Devics

The Crystal Vortex of Sacred Arkansas is an unusual energy, for it contains fields of multi-reality, and these will become more visible, gradually more tangible as you reach the hallowed year of 2038. These are mathematical in nature and do oscillate. The channel James Tyberonn is very aware of one such field that he directly experienced decades ago atop the Talimena Ridge.

The crystalline energy of Arkansas projects a field in areas of crysto-electromagnetic interface, which enables higher dimensional life forms and parallel realm life forms to tangibly coincide.

Insert - Dr J Alfred: This parallel Earth is composed wholly of plasma (unlike your physical-dense Earth, which although it contains a plasma-sphere, magnetosphere and ionosphere, is largely a rocky outcrop). Hence, while the biosphere of the physical-dense Earth occupies only a small volume of the Earth i.e. largely confined to plus or minus 10km from sea level (which is less than 1% of the volume of the Earth), the plasma Earth is wholly composed of plasma making it more like a gigantic plasma ocean and having a "tear-drop" shape similar to Earth's magnetosphere. The biosphere of this counterpart Earth is therefore many times larger than the physical Earth and life forms often move in all three dimensions quite extensively (i.e. like fishes in the sea, not like human beings on the surface of the Earth). There is enormous biodiversity in this oceanic plasma planet which teems with life.

And so it is thus theorized, and we add, factual, that unique life forms, which are akin to Astral Electro-Plasmic & Devic Fae, are abundantly present in the resonance of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. The plasmic-sphere of parallel earth, is uniquely tangible in Arkansas due to the extraordinary energy field projected by the massive strata and deposits of quartz crystals, magnetite and diamonds in volcanic kimberlite pipes.

There are places within the Crystal Vortex in which extraordinary multidimensional experience can occur. There is a heliotropic aspect to dimensional gateways and time gate aperture in the crystal regions of Arkansas....meaning that solar & stellar angles activate the portals, particularly within specific planetary alignments.

Diverse forms of consciousness beings absolutely coexist within the same "space" that your world inhabits. In vectors such as Arkansas & Brazil, and other energetic concentrates, they are far more tangible. But they exist at a different vibratory frequency within that space.

They do not perceive your physical reality, not the material objects within it. Their reality is composed of a vastly different vibratory structure. Broadly speaking, you do not normally perceive them, and only in certain vectors do they perceive you.

However, in certain 'embellished' vectors of the earth-plane, within intersecting points of dimensional concentrics, other realities can & do coincide...tangibly, fleetingly so, thru 'reality gateways'. Such places, such points of condensed energy coagulation points are not recognized by your academia as yet, but these absolutely exists. These are vectors of what can be termed as gates of multiple reality.

There are numerous vectors in the Crystal Vortex in which gateways exist. Among the most potent & accessible are:

Talimena Ridge - (Queen Wilhelmina State Park)
Mount Magazine State Park
Magnetic Mtn - Eureka Springs
Pinnacle Mountain Sate Park
Toltec Mounds State Park
Crater of Diamonds State Park
Hot Springs National Park

Being within these pockets of extraordinarily concentrated energy enables the two sides of the human brain to be uniquely hemispherically synchronized. As the Monroe Institute has discovered in 'Hemi-Sync' technology, the human brain will react to certain dual- toned pulses and sounds, and alternate brain wave states are induced enabling astonishing varieties of multidimensional experience. The dual sounding is the polymorphism effect of varied crystal forms. Not simply the alpha & beta crystals, but also the magnetic influence altering the tone resonance.

It is however, important for those seeking such an intra-dimensional experience or journey across time, to not only be an advanced initiate of esoteric wisdom, but to also be of sufficient auric fortitude and light quotient.

The Crystal Bowl Effect

In a very real sense, the post-2012, vortexial triangulation of the ovalesque vortex of the Arkansas crystalline field has the effect of what you term a crystal bowl. However, within the 'Ark' crystal vortexial 'bowl' will be varying pitches or notes in the geo-crystalline particulate wave-spectrum. The differing 'keys' are determined by the indigenous mineralogical polymorphic energies. For example, the area of Magnet Cove will have a differing tonal resonance than that of Crater of Diamonds or the Radium Waters near Hot Springs. The 3 Atlantean 'Temple' Crystals placed in Arkansas prior to the deluge, offer incredible nodes of concentric concentrate of life force energy, crysto creation energy. Astral travel, remote viewing & 'Time-Scape' visioning can occur under the right tonal vector induction. The same occurs around the Crystals of Sound and Regeneration in Brazil, in Bahia and Minas Gerais, respectively.

However, this is not for the unprepared novice. It is possible for the uninitiated to be unexpectedly whisked away thru dimensional doorways, and such an experience could be quite unsettling. Advanced souls, those who have developed an awareness of hyperspace capabilities have a much better opportunity of integration of the experience.

Crysto-Coded Structured Water

The natural living waters beneath Arkansas are structured waters. Most of you attribute the wisdom of Japan's Dr Emoto as having been the first in modern times to reveal the living nature of water with the ability to form benevolent crystalline patterning. In truth Dr Marcel Vogel was the first in your 'present' time to rediscover this attribute. We tell you that waters that flow in the subterranean springs and aquifers within the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas, are extremely beneficial 'structured' waters....' Living' waters that carry the crystal codes. Those of you called to be in the Crystal Vortex are encouraged to drink the waters and bath in the springs.

These uniquely structured waters not only offer astonishing health benefits, but provide a quicker induction of the Codes of Bio Shift. You will in time learn of the life force and unique telluric charges within these waters, for waters that flow above and through crystalline strata take on Akash, Adamantine Essence. Your Dr Marcel Vogel was very aware of the benefits of crystalline waters, and indeed charged waters with Phi Crystals. You may easily imagine the increased potency of natural waters that flow thru massive quartz deposits! Your Edgar Cayce spoke of creating gem essences by structuring waters with gem stones.

Crystal Code Relay

Now the meteoric crystalline essence and Saturnian code influence is also transmitted to the waters from the quartz crystals. And we again emphasize Dearhearts, quartz is silicon based, and Arkansas & Brazilian quartz crystals are very powerful, very unique silicon dioxide receivers and transmitters. They are conscious, and awake, and aware of their purposes. Awakening to their role in coding the new earth and humanity.

These codes are then are received in Arkansas for the Northern Hemisphere and in Brazil for the southern hemisphere. These are then relayed to quartz strata receiver deposits across the planet.

Among the primary receiver stations are:

**- From Arkansas : USA -Herkimer New York- Asheville, North Carolina, Rio Grande Rift, Colorado, Cascades-California, Sedona-Arizona, European Alps - Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland; Ural Mountains; Colombian Andes; Spain -Pyrenees, Bulgaria, China, Tibet, India (Himalayas) Nepal, Sri Lanka, Russia (Ural Mtns and Siberia); Scotland (Cairngorm Mtns).
**- From Brazil: Andes - Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Madagascar; Tanzania, Indonesia, Australia (NSW-Queensland & Uluru); New Zealand (Granitic Coastal Region)

As we have shared, the coherence within the field generated by your Mer Ka Na Chakric system, is directly influenced into more vibrant optimal states by the crystalline coherency generated from Saturn. There is a stability therein. And this is why a stable coherent auric field, in integral circuitry, devoid of fissures, is so important. Those who are in a more in non-coherent state are more adversely affected by the ongoing changes in the earth's field, while those in a coherent state are less mal-affected.

Saturn & Ark

Saturn is the most crystalline of all influences, of all spheres in your solar system. Saturn has always differentiated itself, and has always played a major role in the shifts of the earth and humanity within the duality phase of the earth lessoning. Saturn is therefore a great energetic and frequencial factor in the crystallization of humanity. This occurs by induction into the Crystalline Auric Field, through hertzian standing waves & non hertzian axial crysto-radiation.

And in this tertiary juncture of our channel, we provide a brief glimpse of the symmetry, for we tell you again, and emphasize, that the Saturnian system, as we have said you before, undertakes a key task, assumes a major role in the crystal coding of 2017-2025, each year amplified from the previous, and moving forward into 2038.

The codes are trajectory projections from Tultron, (Tula), the Great Central Sun, to Arcturus, and forwarded via Iapetus into the Saturnian system, and in this sequence, are then further disseminated to your solar system and the earth, to humanity; via the 144 Crystalline grid & the 2 mega vortexial Crystal-Portal receptors, in Ark & Brazil.

We say again, the current activation of the crystalline Saturnian system is now once again assuming a major role in the crystalline shifts of the planet. Specifically in the environmental alterations and energy shifts that will code the crystal grid as well as the crysto sun disc within the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas, and Brazil. This synergizes symbiotically with the biological shifts in the human body into an opalesque crysto-silicon base.

Insert: Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest in the Solar System, after Jupiter. It is a gas giant with an average radius 9X to 10X that of Earth. It has only one-eighth the average density of Earth, but with its larger volume Saturn is over 95 times more massive. Saturn's interior is believed to be composed of a core of crystalline iron-nickel & rock crystallites (silicon and oxygen compounds).Saturn's core is similar in composition to the Earth, but far more dense. Saturn is probably best known for the system of planetary rings that makes it visually unique.

The 33 Saturnian rings extend from 6,630 km to 120,700 km outward from Saturn's equator, average approximately 20 meters in thickness and are composed of 93% water ice-crystals with 7% carbon. Rainfalls of diamonds, crystallized carbon, have been suggested to occur on Saturn!

Some of the moons of Saturn, including Pandora and Prometheus, act as shepherd moons to confine the 33 rings and prevent them from spreading out. Pan and Atlas cause linear density waves in Saturn's rings. Beyond the main rings at a distance of 12 million km from the planet is the unusual & mysterious Phoebe ring, which is tilted at an angle of 27° to the other rings and, like Phoebe, orbits in retrograde fashion, in an opposite motion pattern, quite remarkably different from the other rings & moons of Saturn.

And indeed, there are more mysterious features on Saturn that add scientific credence to its crystalline attributes.

Insert-Saturn's Hexagon: A persisting hexagonal wave pattern around the north polar vortex in the atmosphere at about 78°N was first noted in the Voyager images. The sides of the hexagon are each about 13,800 km (8,600 mi) long, which is longer than the diameter of the Earth. The fascinating crystalline polygon, the hexagonal feature does not shift in longitude like the other clouds in the visible atmosphere The pattern's origin is a matter of much speculation. Most scientists speculate it is a standing wave pattern in Saturn's atmosphere. Polygonal shapes have been replicated in the laboratory through differential rotation of fluids.

Dear Humans, your physical biology is shifting, you are transitioning to a silicon base, from the current carbon based biology.

Now, as we mentioned briefly in part one of this message, more than 7 decades ago, your Edgar Cayce spoke of the new body type emerging in the 21st century, and indeed that is now taking place. And it is a logical correlation of crystalline physics, that the drivers of the human biological shift will be initially coded in the massive crystalline deposits on the earth. Therefore, it is quite logical that the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas and Brazil will serve as the key, the primary epicenters of shift, in facilitating the DNA changes of shifting human biology from carbon to silicon base.

Question from James Tyberonn: Can you speak again of the locations of the 3 Master Atlantean Crystals placed in Arkansas?

Archangel Metatron: Indeed, as we have shared in previous channels, the Law of One Atla-Ra, relocated 9 of the 12 Master Crystals, before the final cataclysm. As we explained in the earlier channels, three of these were placed thru the hyperdimensional tunnels into preexisting caverns in the Atlantean colony of Arkansas, and two were placed in Brasil in the same method.

(Reference: The Second Moon of Atlantis & The Fall of Atlantis in Tyberonn's books: 'Metatron Speaks' & 'Alchemy of Ascension'.)

The Master Crystals in Arkansas are:

The Blue Crystal of Knowledge - Talimena Ridge The Emerald Crystal of Healing - Mount magi (Mount Magazine)
The Platinum Crystal of Multidimensionality - Magnetic Mountain - Eureka Springs

These Master 'Law of One' Temple Crytsals do indeed exist in the Crystal Vortexes of Arkansas, and as shown below, in the Crystal Vortexes of Brazil, in the states of Minas Gerais & Bahia.

1-Crystal of Sound - Diamantina Bahia
2- The Golden Crystal of Regeneration - Minas Gerais

Process of the Crysto-Bio Shift

Let us now speak on the process of the bio shift. The crystalline transition logically initially occurs in the etheric field, or human lite body. As we have duly referenced, the most credible of your 20th century seers, Edgar Cayce, predicted in his readings that a new body type, the 5th format, would emerge in the early decades of the 21st century.

From Edgar Cayce Readings: Then, the period was the being of movement that would result in a new, fifth body-type or root race that is to appear during the early centuries of our present new millennium (2000 forward) . Occurring after 1998, per Cayce. Unquote... John Van Auken

Attitudinal Importance

In the present the gravitational lows & magnetic polarities of the earth are inducing extreme behaviors in humanity. It is of utmost importance for the 'Seekers of Light' among you to project positive energy in these tumultuous phases leading to 2038. And Masters, this is of extreme importance. Yet we realize, remaining positive is far more challenging in the current disruptive energies, than perhaps any prior time in your present earthly sojourn. But by maintaining a fortified auric ovid, you retain optimal frequency, and are thus more capable of deflecting negative attachment, avoid depression, evade auric-fissuring & energy bleed, and remain positive !

Dear Humans, there is no more appropriate time , no better phase to use the light generating tools of gemstones & minerals than the now, for auric fortification ! And indeed in the Crystallization of the 'New Planet Earth' and activation of the 144 Crystalline Grid, all such crystalline gems, crystals and minerals are in peak energy. They assist in myriad ways.

Insert: Edgar Cayce recommended a number of different gemstones in his readings. It was the vibratory nature of stones and metals that was beneficial. Some stones have universal qualities and some have a more individual nature. They could impart healing, raise ones vibration to help connect with the higher self, stabilize mental health, and increase psychic abilities. Some stones could increase both mental & physical strength or be used as an aide for protection.

Cayce indicated that stones of the lapis family, ie especially lapis lazuli, azurite and malachite were stones that enabled amplified psychic ability, and provided strength & (auric) protection to the wearer.

Insert - Edgar Cayce Reading: Lapis- "For it has been given the lapis linguis is that name which was implied to touchstones, those used by the initiates in their various ceremonial activities, and hence gained for themselves, through those forces that are seen, as indicated, that they adhere to the (highest) activities of those bodies or associations in such a manner (thru the lapis stones, see?) that those that are of a psychic turn may receive & hear the emanations as retained or projected by influences from such stones.

Cayce indicates that the lapis linguis, azurite, was used by initiated mystics, and enabled an embellished interface with the divine, such that information could be relayed & channeled via the projections of the stone and recvd (heard) by the receptive human.

EC Lapis Reading Continued .... " to be able to hear those vibrations giving off, (or the projections), as singing or talking stones - as they have been called in places. Yet, as has been indicated for this body, there should be - there is - the ability within this body, [440], we are speaking of, to hear the singing or the movements, So, in this stone lapis. Lapis linguis is that one that has been in use or in touch with those whose vibrations or emanations or auras are of such natures as to have given those vibrations in the nature that any portion of such a stone may give off that which may be heard, see?" Cayce Reading 440-11 - 1/9/34

The Metatronic readings suggest the use of a triangulated field, in using a pendant of the lapis family, and a double refractive gem and a single refraction gem worn as rings.

Insert-AAMetatron : "The savant initiates of Poseidia, Ancient Egypt, Judea & Greece understood the radiating attributes of gems, noble metals & minerals. Thus recognized the light generating & vital 'life-energy' projection benefits of wearing such, as tools...not as vanities...as tools! For this was as an accredited knowledge, a valid science in Atlantis."

There is an intrinsic value in pilgrimage to the Crystal Vortexes, especially in the present time of shift. For the energy that exists in Arkansas & Brazil are uplifting energies. Energies that accelerate knowledge & shift...into the new human!

I am Metatron, Angelic of Light, with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service...and we share with you these Truths. Dear Ones, we are ever with you...you are truly Beloved !

And So It Is...And It Is so...