
lunes, octubre 02, 2017

Jamye Price - October Ascension Energies – Creative Flow - Sep 30, 2017

September Review

September was a month of integrating the intensity of the eclipse energies of August. Here in the US, the solar eclipse was palpable. The collective energies here have felt fairly chaotic in general, and as the eclipse passed there was an intense solitude in the energies.

Like all integrations, there is releasing, realizing, readjusting—that was September.

The weather has been intense for quite awhile, yet it seemed to amp up in September with hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and volcano eruptions (potentially). This is indicative of the Ascension changes that are occurring, and why Areon has been focusing so much on the spiral and how that applies into life in so many ways.

We are at a time of increased “spin” or flow that is intensifying our experience. The antidote to this intensity is to go within, seeking inner peace and clarity, then interacting with Life. Easier said than done sometimes.

Spin either creates more separation or a more intense bonding, depending on resonance. Love, the binding force of Life, is the core of empowered change.

With Love, all things are possible. We are seeing the effects of the polarization of increased spin. We are being called to focus on Love with ever greater intensity, bringing more of that into the world. Which leads to the October energies.

October Energies - Creative Flow

October brings us into more action, though as it pertains to your current flow. Recently the focus has been on a deepening connection into the core of the Self and the core of Life. Those two are connected through you, the fractal that is Life/Divinity/God manifest in human form. This is why Areon has been focusing so much on the spiral, it is the core structure of our physical/non-physical experience. It is what connects, moves, continues and creates.

It is your inner realm that is the direct connection to the vastness of Life. Your thoughts and emotions—your subtle bridge—are the communication flow that shifts your experience from just the external. This is important as we become conscious creators and reclaim our inherent divinity on a larger scale.

The compassionate ones becoming the empowered ones is key for Love to flourish.

Continuing the September energies of focusing on whatever authentic emotions and thoughts are arising, October asks us to take that to the next level. When you feel positively, what action does that inspire? When you feel negatively, what transformation does that inspire? What is compelling you toward change? October brings action to your intent.
Creative Inspiration

October is time to ask, what inspires me? What sparks my passion, especially as it pertains to connecting outward? It’s helpful to look at this in a broad sense first, then let any actions stem from your loving intent.

Quite often what happens is we seek change mostly from what is wrong—nothing wrong with that, ;o) sometimes that is how change needs to occur. But when the predominance of change is coming from what is wrong, we end up with challenge compounding.

The “squeaky wheel” approach creates a reaction that isn’t consistently balanced, holistic or improvement based.

What can happen as we respond to life like this, is we look at what inspires us, then look at how that isn’t currently available. And continue to focus there. For instance, one may end up resenting their job, which stunts and stagnates life force. From that depleted place, change either seems impossible, or it is a reaction from fear. It takes effort to honor the frustration, soothe the self, and generate inspiration.
Create Change

The key? Find inspiration where you are. Find it in everything, everywhere, in the positive and the negative. This is polarity integration, the holon becoming whole. It’s in your now moment. The future builds from your current resonance. The past supports or heals from your choices in the present. Let your inspiration motivate you to change something within yourself, within your present moment.

This focus creates change within. It has the effect of amplifying your creative flow with whatever you are experiencing—challenge or triumph.

It changes you. You change Life.

The divine spark ignites a moment, then a movement, then a monumental change.

In Summary

October is asking you to take the catalyst of August (Igniting Your Soul), and the clarity of September (Focus) and direct your life on a path of progression that creates a new potential for the future. Your current resonance is the perfect platform for change. And change is here ever more intensely. You were born equipped for this. You are remembering it from the human perspective, and creating change with every choice to Love. Love boldly!

Happy October!