
sábado, octubre 14, 2017

Christine Meleriessee - LORD ASHTAR ~ GLOBAL ENERGY GATHERING - October 14, 2017

Walking Terra Christa is holding their monthly connection with Lord Ashtar and the Galactic Federation of Light on Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 10 AM Pacific, 1 PM Eastern, 18:00 GMT for Ascension Mastery Training.

TO JOIN THE CALL ~ Lord Ashtar – Global Energy Gathering


Greetings My Dearest Friends,

I come to you as Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federation of Light. I would like to say a few words about how important this monthly gathering assists Gaia and humanity.

As you know the challenges that every soul is experiencing upon the Earth, have been increasing throughout the year. I believe that humanity in general is not aware how vital it is for each of us to connect with each other.

I have been working with Meleriessee and Mike of Walking Terra Christa for several years, and I feel this connection that we do with each other and those that join us is very important for the healing of Gaia and all of humanity.

I want to make a plea to all Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Awakened Souls to be part of this magnificent circle of light.

Through the efforts of Lord Sananda in the past months we have been able to create a healing web of energy which we call the Web of Light.

It encases all of the energies of the Unified Whole Alliance ~ being fully in Oneness that includes all Divine Beings and Teachers that are assisting the planet. I believe our work together is very crucial for the healing of this planet and for every individual soul to come into a higher part of their consciousness which is truly needed to achieve a 5th dimensional planet.

The Web of Light is blessed through Lord Sananda.

I don’t think I could do this connection all on my own or even with my Divine Brothers and Sisters of the Brotherhood of Light. Lady Meleriessee and I have been working together for several decades and her transference of the light energies are beyond what I have seen in others. We also align with the Whale and Dolphin energies as they receive the light forms that we bring forth from the Heavens into the Planetary levels to assist the planet in all areas.

This means that each of you are very important as you hold the frequency within your four-body system to assist the ones that cannot understand what I am trying to convey.

You, being the Lightworkers, are truly the conduits to allow the light frequency to come within each of you unto Gaia. I like to call you, the Beacons of Light and you are a very important key to allowing these energies to be grounded into the Earth. Without your participation we cannot achieve what we all desire to have for Gaia.

I know many of you listen to the recording of our calls, and I thank you immensely; but take a moment to think how effective it would be if each of you that listened privately actually took time to be part of the Global Energies on the LIVE transmission.

This is exactly what needs to happen in order for us to effect the changes of the duality that are occurring presently.

I am asking each of you that can take one hour on Saturday to connect with all of us. We need your assistance greatly and the more individuals that come together in this way, the more success we will have.

There is so much going on in and around the Earth that you do not know about. We, of the Galactic Federation of Light, are working diligent to calm the storms, the fires, and the tragedies in order to assist all of humanity.

I forgot to mention that you will receive optimum benefits as the higher energies within your consciousness will assist you personally in your pathway of light.

I look forward to feeling your essence.

Many blessings, Lord Ashtar with the Galactic Federation of Light

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden ~ Integrative Channel

TO JOIN THE CALL ~ Lord Ashtar – Globeral Energy Gathering

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