martes, septiembre 19, 2017
Steve Rother - A New Cycle~ Contracts of the Heart - September 15, 2017
Greetings, dear ones.
I am the Keeper of Time. I have come in this day to help you mark your time. As I have mentioned many times, dear ones, time is circular in motion. From your perspective, it moves as a line which is why you call it linear time. Human perception can only focus on one item at a time. Therefore you see past, present and future in a straight line with future becoming the present and the present becoming the past. You see yourself moving down a line of time but in reality, it is much more like a spiral. That spiral of time gives you the opportunity to create the highest experience in each moment as you move through the spiral. That repeating motion is broken into cycles. If you are able to create the highest harmony in an experience when it returns on the next cycle you move through it effortlessly. If it was unfinished, you will have the chance to harmonize it again through different circumstances as the spiral cycles again. These cycles return in a variety of times, some taking days, others taking many years.
That is the beauty of the human illusion of time. Humans repeat emotional cycles over and again, usually in multiples of seven. This is done to allow for harmonizing between the head and the heart, or as we would say spirit and the human. When that is harmonized you then move to a new cycle and a new experience. That is the game you are playing on planet Earth. You are playing the game of pretending to be a human and hide your perfection in order to play that game on a planet of imperfection. You have hidden it in many dimensions of time and space but today, we tell you, you are completing a large time cycle in the collective of humanity. That is why very soon this whole energy will start to change again. You will find a new base of energy which you can start building anew.
A New Cycle is Beginning
Over the next several months, you will start to see what you call natural disasters, road blocks and changes in the game that will make you reevaluate your path. In these changes new opportunities will arise very quickly because you are in the spiral of circular time. In reality, you create the illusion yourself with your own torus around your being, again in multiples of seven. That is how humans ingest time-space. You look out upon yourself and your surroundings, looking for signals from Home. You look for things that are familiar to you in some way and rarely is it found where you expect it to be. You see what you expect to see rather than what is actually there. Confusion is made worse since you are conscious creators and often end up creating what you want to see rather than harmonize what is before you in that moment. No one said it was easy, dear ones.
What we are telling you that even though we have given what you may consider to be bad news, we tell you, wait until you see what is coming. You are starting to step into a whole new cycle of time and that is incredibly exciting. In reality, you are starting to return to a whole level of reality and a whole level where a multidimensional experience can harmonize together as one. This will be a profound shift in the human experience and the path of evolution. Keep in mind that although this new cycle will bring a heightened state of existence, letting go of the old state will be difficult for many. For that reason, many transition experts have incarnated on Earth at this very moment and many of them are reading this message right now.
An Elevated look at Imperfections
In preparation for the new cycle we will be giving you the tools needed for this shift. These will give you the opportunity to see yourselves as empowered beings of light. Yes, it is difficult because your reality does not reflect that. Your reality reflects your limitations and your imperfections. It is your judgment of those imperfections that we would like to start working on this day. Truly, your imperfections are at the base of what you perceive as beauty. Oh yes, we know, it is very difficult for you to see that. Lightworkers often look at the norms of the collective and often see themselves as different. Yes you are different and that difference it at the base of your unique beauty. Human evolution is attained when the head and the heart are harmonized. Once that is done, to change oneself to be like everyone else is actually a step backwards. As a transition expert of Earth, at this time, your unique beauty is needed. An interesting note is that once a human takes pride in their uniqueness they often become beautiful to others.
On this next cycle, dear ones, when you are fully grounded in a new timeline, you will start to see much more diversity in the human experience. That will widen the collective definition of beauty. It is your memories of Home that you are trying to recreate on your planet. Even when humans see something nearly perfect, it does not register. It is not as beautiful as something slightly imperfect. Elrah is part of the group and he works with rhythms. Rhythms are beautiful because humans replicate rhythms through speaking, through walking, through actions of all sorts and even thinking is done in a rhythm. These rhythms also are repeated in the spiral of time. If you look only to music and the rhythms used to create music you will see this point. Recent advances in technologies allow for the creation of a near perfect beat contained in some electronic music. We tell you that musicians of such music are now becoming aware that even slight variations of the perfect beat are much more appealing to the human ear.
Humans find things that seem to be perfectly symmetrical are not grabbing their attention as far as beauty is concerned. Examining a human face closely one will see that none are perfectly symmetrical. Find the most beautiful face to your liking and examine it closely. Soon you will see what we call the perfect imperfection of light.
Challenge yourself to exude the beauty that you create, rather than to reflect the beauty that you see around you. Start redefining your own ideas of beauty and where you are right now. Wait until you see what is coming. We know you are getting tired of hearing that, but we cannot tell you enough. This is a move forward, not a move backward. Strive to be the perfect imperfection of Light.
The Earth is Re-balancing
Yes, the Earth herself is feeling the strain of having humans on it for humans have left an indelible mark on the Earth. Up to this point the collective has largely worked to find harmony with themselves instead of harmonizing with the mother. As such, the Earth is roughly 1,000 years ahead of schedule on her next transition. Due to recent events many are starting to awaken to the importance of harmonizing the actions of society with the environment of the Earth. Even though a new cycle is beginning please keep in mind that all things repeat in circular time. Thus, it is now more important than ever to harmonize the actions of the collective of humanity with the Earth. Now is the time to harmonize with Earth and perfect that relationship so that it does not need to repeat in the next cycle. Even though we say the Earth has now crossed a line of no return that means that it is critical to perfect that relationship so that it is not carried forward in the spiral of circular time. The next four years are critical to this turn and right now humanity is making great strides in that direction. This will make it easier for everyone to transition smoothly and comfortably.
The current conditions of Earth will create many challenges. Hurricanes, super storms, earthquakes and volcanoes are all on the rise in the years ahead. They are going to continue for a while because they are part of the balancing of the redistribution of water on your planet that is necessary for the Earth to find a new balance. You can be more profound in this change than you can understand. Awareness of the Earth must come to the forefront of human thought at this time. One of the most effective ways is by admiring the beauty of what is all around you on Earth. You can travel to wonderful spots where you cannot hide from the beauty. You can also step out in your own back yard and find incredible beauty if you only look at it. You will always find that it is imperfect, for you are playing the game of pretending to be imperfect yourself. Soon we will start telling more of the stories of Amor, to start grasping some of the basis of what happened during a beautiful time of Lemuria. This was also a time when humanity witnessed a new cycle of the Earth and now you are all dealing with a very similar situation. .These stories tell how you walked through it together and ascended into the light. In truth, those beings, those parts of you, are waiting for you now. Do not lose sight of that for in every moment that you can see beauty; you imprint circular time, creating it in your future.
5th Dimensional Reality
The other piece that we ask you all to grasp is that you are clearly now in a 5th dimensional reality. Yes, if one looks at the news it could be said that humanity is taking steps backwards in evolution. You are still in a collective state of separation rather than unity. Yet, we tell you that this is a natural reaction to fear and can also be considered to be the farthest reach of the pendulum of human advancement. Sometimes it takes steps backwards to refocus on what is important. Do not fear dear ones. Remember that the transition experts are in place already and are awakening from the dream to take their power. Use what you have this moment. Yes, there is much coming, but do not wait. Step forward to find everything that you can about the human experience that you are currently in. You are even going to re-member the pain of change as a beautiful human experience. Step forward and find those little pieces first. Take the small steps that lead into the big ones and watch as the beauty gathers around each of you.
It is with the greatest honor that I greet you in these ways. I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play this new game well together.
Espavo, dear ones. I am the Keeper of Time.
Greetings, dear ones. I am eM.
I join you this day with your game well in progress. Oh yes, you are riding the waves, both physically and energetically. We are very proud of you. You are working through all of your own ideas. Walking through the paths you have laid out for yourselves, before you came into planet Earth, this day we would like to share what that looks like from our perspective. What happens when you come in and awaken from the dream? One of the greatest things that happens is that each person sends out a unique vibration, similar to a radio wave that attracts others of like kind that are attuned to that exact frequency. These are contracts of the heart.
All of you have them and in those times when you feel alone. You see them in those times when you are moving through these incredible transitions not only of who you are yourselves, but in every aspect of your world around you. There is so much that you can do here by connecting to those contracts of the heart. Many times they are not what one would expect. At times they are contracts with self or a collective of others. Other times they are with an individual spirit. Let us tell you the story of a young woman finding her path on planet Earth.
Contracts of the heart: the story of Noranna and Nikoliah
Noranna is her name and she just loved to be around children; she loved to work with them all of her life. It brought her great joy to be able to see herself in their eyes and that brought her more than she gave to them. Even with this gift in her life she needed more. She needed a connection because sometimes, speaking with the children did not give her the feedback, the support, the connections that she needed in her own life. So Noranna kept continually looking and trying to find that one person to connect with. Of course, she believed it was all about a person she would meet who she would pair up with and change their lives and walk together in harmony. Thus far in her life that was not the case. You see, before Noranna came in to become a human in this incarnation, she made a contract with a being she had been with several times prior. They had been friends, business partners and lovers, but they never had an opportunity to build something together in the way of a family that she so dearly wanted. They made a contract to meet and step forward together. Noranna found herself yearning for this elusive connection. Most of her friends had found lovers and she felt there must be something wrong with her that she could not find hers. She had a clear picture of his energy. She knew perfectly well what that being felt like. She even had pictures of what his face would look like, with dark hair and deep dark eyes. She even had a name she imagined that she would refer to him by. It is rare that a human would have that clear of a memory of a contract made before her birth but she felt it so strong that she just had a knowing. She was open to the possibility of meeting him with a different name or features but she knew his energy well and spent much time feeling the emptiness that he would fill when she finally met him in the physical.
His name was Nikoliah and he did not incarnate in the same dimension that Noranna did. Even though they were on Earth looking constantly for each other they just missed each other over and over again. Each of them had times when they got close to the other one and they could feel that. But they were in different dimensions of the same time and space. They walked the same streets at times but would never see each other. They had made a contract to take their relationship to the next level. They made a beautiful contract of the heart even though they ended up incarnating in different dimensions.
Noranna started to fall into a depression. She tried to shake it off and stop dreaming. She then looked to the children that she loved and worked with every day to try to find that beauty again. They were wonderful to her and she was able to teach them, to share about life and beauty, but they did not feed her the same way and were not able to give her the arms that she wanted so much to be around her. Besides the obvious physical connection she wanted someone to walk beside whom fully understood and supported her. So, she dreamt of Nikoliah and even though she did not know his name, she could feel him across time and space and occasionally she would feel like he was getting close but look as she may, she was never able to completely find him. After a while Noranna stopped trying. She concluded that it was all in her mind, wishful thinking she called it. It was a beautiful dream but not reality.
One day in his own dimension of time and space, Nikoliah met someone, fell in love and started what he considered to be his first serious relationship. She met all of his expectations that he was taught and he believed he was learning what love is. Even his parents loved her. It was not long before they married and started building their own family. Two children soon came and the second, a boy was named after him. Since his birthday fell close to Christmas his father lovingly called him St. Nick. The family became very busy as life seemed to take every minute. Nikoliah and his wife were “happy” but so busy there was little time to develop their own relationship. Nikoliah became a dedicated husband and father but something was missing. Nikoliah became wrestles in his comfortable life and talks with his wife only brought him to the realization that they had different visions for their happiness.
It was at this time that Noranna felt the strong pull once again. She could not stop thinking and fantasizing about the mysterious stranger she felt all along. Noranna felt a vacancy because they had made a contract to come to Earth and to meet one another. Because they had incarnated in different dimensions of time and space, they were not able to connect at this time. Even though the contract remained very valid, they were not able to physically find that connection that both so longingly wanted. Again, thinking that something must be wrong with her, Noranna quietly shut off the world around her.
It was at this time that Nikoliah noticed the widening gap in his own relationship with his wife. They decided to stay together for the children’s sake but that did not last long and soon they divorced. It took all the courage in the world for him to leave that relationship at one point because he was supporting a family and felt that he should have been there forever because of his belief systems. One day, Nikoliah felt that huge vacancy himself and tried to fill it in any way he could but then it was not long before Nikoliah was taken out of the game in a fatal car accident and he was released; he returned Home. He returned to “All That Is” before he was separated to play the game of pretending to be a human. He was hit by an automobile as he was crossing the street with his boy. He was able to push his 5-year old son, St. Nick, out of the way and take the brunt of that energy himself. He left because his broken body would no longer support him. He went Home and as spirits do when they go Home, they often look at the many different dimensions of time and space.
He was worried about his children growing up without a father, not being able to be there, not being able to show them the balance of what he wanted to teach them fully, but it was not long before he saw them making choices and his own children showed evidence that they had in fact learned from him quite well. Even though there was a great grieving process, it also released his wife to go on and find love and fulfillment in an area which he even had a hand in. He was even opening doors to other people so she could meet someone else which is not normally something you would see on planet Earth.
During his incarnation he was unaware of the contract he had with Noranna but now that he was home he could see it all. Suddenly he knew about Noranna and the contracts unfulfilled. He was able to be around her at that time, like a guide on her shoulder. Noranna did not know what to do with it and at first; it felt very painful because she felt the love and the connections. She was very empathic and able to feel between dimensions many times not quite knowing what it was. She had a difficult time because she would pick up on other people’s emotions in other dimensions of time and space thinking that they were hers and she had a difficult time making sense of the brain even though the heart was fully on fire. Noranna tried to keep everything in place. She continued to work with her children and tried to do everything she could to find fulfillment and also to feel those arms around her which she so longed for.
One night as she slept, Nikoliah came to her in a dream and apologized for not being able to complete his contracts. It was no one’s fault only the way it was. He found himself in a totally different place, a totally different set of circumstances than he thought. He felt her but was never to find her until he released the physical body and went Home himself. Just like working with his wife who he had left behind, he asked Noranna permission to open some of those doors and to connect her with some of the people that he would love to be able to have her feel. That sounds very strange on planet Earth because on earth you play the game of twosome. Humans have played the game in duality for so long that you think there is still a right and a wrong, an up and a down, a light and a dark. It is all shades of gray, dear ones and the truth is that love is love is love and even though Nikoliah felt great love for Noranna and tried to send her that he knew he could not fulfill her. He also knew that if she loved another it would not take away from what they had. Even though he hugged her tight during the times when she slept and released her consciousness long enough for her to visit him, he knew that she needed that physical connection and someone to walk with. During one of these beautiful, intimate times as she slept, he asked Noranna to please let him go. “Will you please release me? We will be together again in another time, that I promise you. Even as you look for another, you look through the eyes of someone who is looking for me. We made that contract long before we came into this Earth and even though we tried to connect, it was not possible during this one lifetime. I promise you, if you let go, we will complete it another time and that will open the door for me and many of those around you who care about you. All the spirits on this side of the veil want to help open those doors for you.” She grudgingly said, “Yes, I promise Nikoliah, I will let go. I will let go of that longing, of that wanting, of that part that I think I am missing in myself.”
That next morning Noranna awoke with a clear head. She couldn’t stop laughing. The next day she went to work with the children. One of the new boys in her care caught her eye and stared at her for the longest time. Finally she asked him what was wrong and why was he starring at her. He quietly looked up and said, “You have much coming. Let go and allow, and expect a miracle.” That was strange for a 5-year-old child to say to her. But there it was and then she started to let go, she started to release. She started to laugh again even laughing at herself always trying to force something, trying to create something that was not fulfilling or coming easily. She simply let herself be blown in the wind for a short time. It was not long before she met the father of one of the girls she taught. Oh yes, the father had recently gone through a divorce and was searching for answers himself. And although his energy was nothing like Nikoliah’s, he made her smile and that is really all she needed. It was wonderful to feel someone else there that could understand her and reflect her in a way that she wanted. In truth, dear ones, relationships are all about how you feel about yourself as you are looking through the eyes of someone else and she found that refreshing. Even though she was able to do this to the children all the time, able to reflect them in the highest potential, she now started to realize that she had that same gift with many others, not just one.
Noranna changed her life. She started dating. She dated this father and he was not the only one. She dated many and enjoyed herself without expectation. She started reaping the benefits of life. She started laughing hysterically sometimes at absolutely nothing. She would suddenly find a wave of energy coming in and get a smile on her face that she could not stop and she allowed it. Even though it did not make sense to her brain, she started being very spontaneous and letting whatever it was she was working with come out of her mouth. It was not long before another came along and she started a whole new life even though she had missed a window of opportunity to create children, it made no difference. Even though she had gone through that whole young period of her life expecting to find a mate to build a house and family with, she found someone full of joy and they created a life together. Nikoliah looked from afar and he smiled. He knew that she needed to have that connection and he released her as well from the contract they made together.
Noranna stayed with the children as they brought her love and meaning in the life One day she approached the 5 year old boy that struck her heart that day. He did not remember the conversation but she told him how magical he was anyway. He responded, “That is what my father used to say.” Then he told her stories of his father who had passed. From that day forward she called the boy St. Nick.
Dear ones, on planet Earth, you have so much taking place now, so many ideas that are starting to change, and so many contracts that are starting to shift. The contracts of the heart are about you—never about another person. It is how you can feel about yourself, about how you can see yourself in the world around you. Sometimes reaching out and making a difference, sometimes connecting with other people, sometimes just laughing alone in the dark knowing that you are never truly alone.
And then came the day when Noranna left her body. Fortunately for her, she never wanted to be sick and had very little illness in her entire life. One day she took ill and in a matter of weeks, she was gone. She released her husband of some 12 years at that time, for they had built a life and had grown together in ways that you cannot imagine. Although they did not have children themselves, they created a beautiful life where she was able to reach out and touch the hearts and souls and spirits of many of the youngsters that she so graciously touched including St. Nick. When she went Home, Nikoliah was waiting and though she did not have a conscious memory of him, when she opened her eyes on the other side of the veil she saw him and it took a while for that memory to return; it took a while for her to know but soon it all returned. He reached out and touched her in spirit and said, “You did well. You released me from my contract as well and that was beautiful. Noranna, you have become the highest you could have become in that lifetime. You have touched many spirits including my son and even though you are here now, your light lives on through many of them. I am so happy that you accepted the gift that I gave you. You made something very special of that even beyond what we had planned together. You created something very unique, very special and beautiful by your willingness to let go of your old ideas and the old contracts that we made. We share that joy with you and when your husband comes to join us, all of us will dance in a beautiful dance in the light. There is no polarity on this side of the veil and love, is love, is love.
You are never alone
And so it was with Nikoliah and Noranna. They continued over many lifetimes and yes, they were finally able to have that great time they wanted together but only because both of them were willing to let go at times and follow the flow of natural energy. They were willing to follow the path of least resistance that was laid out in front of them. Dear ones, you are never alone…ever. Even though some of you go very deep into a depression, they are always around you…always. If you allow it, they will be there for you to connect in any way that they can, to open the doors of light so that you can see yourself and to hold you in energy until you can find someone here and reflect that light. Create a miracle. Create something magic in your life and Noranna and Nikoliah will be smiling upon you.
It is with the greatest honor that I get to greet you in these ways and ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play well together.
I am eM.
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Ángeles de Crystal