
domingo, septiembre 24, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Invocation to The Light Of Your Soul - Sep 24, 2017

In The Presence of the Great Radiant Light ~ My Soul Pours from The Above into my Crown its Brilliant Liquid Golden Light INTO ALL OF Being. Now.

Shining Like the Most Beatific Crystal ~ I Embody The Warm Divine Glow of the Great Central Sun. Now.

I feel the Transformation within me ~ As the HOLY Divine Flame of Light within my Sacred Heart. Now.

My Body, Cells and Consciousness on ALL Levels RECEIVES this Divine Holy Initiation ~ Now.

All Areas of my Life Receive the Divine Grace and Miracles of Eternal Love As they Flow ~ into my Finances, As Divine Abundance, In my Relationships as Perfect Love and in my Body as Perfect Health, that exist IN UNION with my Divine Original Light. Now.

All experiences FLOW through me effortlessly as the Glory of Divinity shines through my Being ~ as the perfect Holy Union. Now.

My Light pours and radiates through me and ALL around me, as my Divine Presence. As my Divine Ascended Being. AS the Light of my Soul, now.

The never-ending GLORY and Bliss fills me with Gratitude that stays with me in ALL moments, NOW and reaches out into infinity ~ as the Divine Blessing of Love that I Am. Now.

The Grace of Divine Unconditional Love is Infinite in its HOLY Alchemical Power ~ as it Transforms me ~ into the conscious BEING ~ One with the Divine Light of My Soul. Now.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.