
viernes, septiembre 15, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Enter ~ Eternal Divine Youth ~ Beauty and Glory - Sep 15, 2017

When you have let go of the attachment to time ~ you enter a deep process of Union with your Divine Self.

When you are no longer waiting or judging things (what you want or do not want) based on length of time, you enter the PURE Divine State of Being.


Divine Eternal YOUTH.

DIVINE Beauty.

That is FILLED with the GRACE and Divine Benevolence of ETERNITY itself.

Your Higher Self ~ your God Self, whatever you want to call this aspect of you is your ETERNAl Divine ~ LIGHT YOU. Your Soul Star Matrix.

When you no longer process or judge things based on how long things take, you enter your natural Divine State of Being. That is child like, pure and free from the ravages of so-called time.

The Spirit that ANIMATES YOUR Being is eternal.

Your Eternal Light is infinite in its power of consciousness, to transform and transmute all impact and ravages of so-called time.

When you no longer base things “on attachment to time” you will be free from judgement of time.

Then, You enter Being ~ You as Divine Youth, Beauty and Glory.

When your beliefs have changed from basing everything on time and you live this non linear way of being your experience of time, literally stops.

The power of consciousness as Divine Light that exists eternally, is a Powerful force of consciousness.

Matter as Light vibrates with varying frequencies and forces of consciousness.

Focus upon The Eternal Light YOU.

As you focus more and more on the Divine Light YOU ~ You will witness old patterns and THOUGHTS based on time literally vanish. And the YOU ~ becomes rebirth so to speak, in this Divine God Self YOU.

You Are a Divine Ascended ~ BEING.

You let go of ~ the how long it will take in time to enter the Divine State of Being. Focus on what is eternally, now.

Practising ~ if you would ~ BEING Divine Light.

Focus on THAT ~ that which YOU ARE ~ in Eternity.

The Eternal LIGHT of YOU ~ As Your Glory and Power.

The Eternal Light of YOU ~ AS your Divine Beauty.

The Eternal Light of YOU ~ AS Your Divine Eternal Youth.

Tap into YOUR BEING~NESS this way.


It is always with YOU.

This activates the eternal flame and the Love and Glory of YOU and your ETERNAL YOUTH ~ Being.

There is no AGE in eternity.

The power of you Being Eternally ageless is REAL. This is the YOU that lies forever as your Original Light.

Your cells and DNA then activate to this Eternal Light you. Your original Light.

This is not a wishing. This is not a hoping. This is an ACTIVATION of the HIGHEST ORDER of you as your Glory.

The process OF THIS is Divinely Orchestrated.

This is your ASCENSION.

Your transference, so to speak, into the New Earth experience.

It is pure Ecstasy.

You become United with THAT which you are eternally United with.

You ~ come hOME ~ to Now.

To the Divine Eternal Youth, Beauty and Glory of YOU.

United consciously on ALL LEVELS OF BEING ~ once again.

AS the DIVINE Glorious ~ Beatific ~ Eternal Youth that you have existed AS and always will exist AS.

We welcome YOU.

As the DNA was created ~ with the Glory and Love of the Divine Presence ~ so too, your DNA is uniquely Divine.

Your rebirth NOW ~ is activated in your DNA as your Divine Original Light.

It was so in the beginning when all was created, before time, as the everlasting ~ Eternal LIGHT.

THAT Knows itself ONLY as this Glory.

We are with YOU ~ we are the Divine Council of Overseers. Activating your DNA, now.

On Earth ~ as the eternal Divine ACTIVATION ~ of WHAT is ~ as YOU were originally As to BE.

In the Glory and Beatific Love ~ and It is so.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.