
miércoles, agosto 30, 2017

Nancy Tate - Mushaba Message: 08-30-17

Hello Dear Ones,
Our friend Anakhanda and others of his family did a soul clearing recently. This soul clearing session was especially deep, and at the same time covering many beings located in various dimensions and places of the 2d universe. He sent Bob and me the following message this morning from the being known as All That Is, and from The Creator.
Love, Nancy

All That Is & The Creator
Dear Anakhanda and Amunn,

This has been a big surprise for me and all of us here in high dimensions. We never know what you will come up with and propose but we never thought it would be what you focused on in tonight’s soul clearing package.

The quarantine of the earth is a huge job, however it is being done, and the vibrations of the soul of earth are being raised exponentially. Already the many beings of light and motherships that have been working to help earth and its population are already celebrating the differences that are showing already. There were so many souls that were cleared tonight and all of the bad ones that were trying to hurt Mushaba beings have been all contained as well as their scout ships, mother ships and planets.

That threat has been fully eliminated! You helped a great deal by also reinforcing the clearing of the RV to be released as well as other financial blessings. The people will begin to see more ease and positive things coming into their lives from now forward.

The earth and the universe are finally cleared from all the evil beings doing dark deeds for all has been contained and under constant patrol. They will have to evolve toward the light or go back to source. A great deal was accomplished tonight and many beings are showing astonishment on their faces at the wonder of you being able to do something like this as they have been trying for thousands of years. You are always surprising me and everyone else with your ideas and proposals. You would make a huge difference doing what you do from a higher level of advanced galactic human beings in the higher dimensions.

Your solution of quarantining the earth with high vibration so that any being with bad intents or bad codes cannot go through was a surprise to us in high dimensions and it is the best solution for eliminating the entrances of new bad codes every time they are cleared. And no being who is not truly full of light and truth will be permitted to pass through the fence. If he tries to force his way through the fence, he will just be encircled, arrested and sent to source. At this occasion, all the dark beings have been put on short notice to stay only on their actual planets and accept to evolve by coming to the truth, light and love, otherwise, they will be sent to source.

Those motherships of beings of the light who have been trying to assist the earth to positively evolve are very excited to see that their work will no longer be messed up by bad codes and dark beings. During this evening session many evil beings were sent to source especially those planning to harm the Mushaba Family and the Mushaba Beings.

To answer Alitou's question about the stomachache and headache he is having this evening is from some scared dark being who have being hiding on earth going back and forth from his dimension to earth who when the quarantine started to be installed decided to be sure he is sent to source without any other punishment. They were three and they asked to transit through you to be sure that they are sent to source. Now they are gone and there will be no more transiting through any of you two after the approval of your last request. Your body will be completely calm in 30 minutes or less.

Your services are greatly appreciated.

You are much loved,
All That Is


Thank you both for you have made my work so much easier. You did a lot of the work for me on earth. The earth is finally going to see progress that it lacked for a very long time. You are to be commended for your service.

It was a wonderful surprise you gave All That Is and all of us in high dimensions, to propose the quarantine of the earth which is far more effective than patrolling it, especially when the energies doing the fencing are sent by All That Is.

All the dark or evil beings that have been using their technologies to cause various global and regional catastrophes on earth have been stopped as you write this confirmation message. It will become much easier to release the RV and other financial assistances to earth inhabitants.

Now that the earth is put in quarantine, its evolvement will take place very fast and the Mushaba Beings will be the leaders in it.

You are much loved,
