jueves, julio 13, 2017
Sandra Walter - Gateway preparation: July 13-17 - July 13, 2017
Jul 13, 2017
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
We are connecting with the Cosmic Stargates today through Monday (July 13-17), with an upcoming collective trigger on July 23. You may have noticed the timeline shifts as this approached; the time-standing-still sensation which occurred in several moments yesterday. Also note the clarity of the SUN has brightened again; let this be reflected in your own heart.
During this morning’s Gatework a palpable shift was made; I also received a nudge to encourage more Lightworkers to get involved in the preparations for August. I AM sure most of you understand why the Higher Team is encouraging this preparation.
Many have asked about participating in Gridwork, preparing for the eclipse, participating in the New Earth Grid activation, and what the eclipse means in the USA and on a Global level. I AM creating a video to review all that has been received and shared about this very esoteric and transformational passage of the August Gateway (August 3 -25).
The video will include:
how to participate in Gridwork
working with the New Earth Grids
activating the eclipse path for maximum effect
preparing your local portals & Gates
preparing your Self to receive
the metaphoric and grounded meaning of the eclipse Gateway
Videos take time to create; thank you for your patience. Gatework is a priority.
Kindwhile, let us unify as ONE in this Divine Service. Get out on Gaia with your crystals, meditate, open up those hearts and assist in birthing this next level of Divine Light!
In Love, Light and Service,
Ángeles de Crystal