
martes, julio 18, 2017

Christine Meleriessee - Important Call To Action ~ Create Universal Consciousness - July 18, 2017

Important Call To Action ~ Create Universal Consciousness

“Refining our Connection to Universal Consciousness through Protecting, Raising and Sharing our Light“.

An audio message from Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda with the Galactic Federation of Light urging Lightworkers to refine their connection to true Universal Consciousness to co-create the New Earth.

Topics covered in this transmission:

Lord Ashtar of the Galactic Federation of Light with the Ashtar Command shares information on our ability to connect accurately to the Higher Realms. As we go through a rebirth in our energies, we have the free choice to come into more understanding or to remain in a denser way of viewing life.

The higher frequencies of the Web of Light unfortunately cannot just be forced on humanity and Gaia. Instead each soul must access it individually and become those higher energies. He lists the qualities of embracing those abilities found within the Seven Rays/Flames of God so that each person can become more. He realizes it requires great effort and reminds us that the Federation of Light is here to support us on many levels.

As we approach all the transitional energies (including this full moon, the new moon, lions gate, eclipse and the next cycles of the moon) over the next few months, he talks about the importance of being only a warrior within to protect and increase our Light. It is real and many souls are leaving earth much to early due to lack of correct knowledge of practicing how to be a higher being of Light.

Lord Sananda then gives each of us a personal connection to the Higher Realms of Light so that we learn properly how we can do so. He reminds us it is not about others but each of us. We must embrace our own belief in healing and oneness of the most expansive level of Light is available to us. We then receive the Divine Light Language Codes to assist our true connection to Universal Consciousness.

Listen Now to the Energies in this Gathering so that they can be Grounded within your Physical location. (Free audio. Donations requested via link below).

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