
miércoles, junio 07, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 9th, 2017 ~ ALCHEMY - June 7, 2017

The Full Moon in Sagittarius is on June 9th, 2017 at 10:09am ADT.

Your focus and intention from the May 25th, New Moon, may now be completed, adjusted or you may experience a build up of pressure through the alchemy process ~ of ALL that is within you, that is not in Harmony with your intentions.

This Full Moon impact will last till the New Moon on June 23rd, 2017.

Sun Opposite Moon, all that is within you, your mental body, emotional body, physical and spiritual bodies ARE UP for RENEWAL in ALIGNMENT with your Soul Plan, Intentions and with WHAT IS NOW ~ within You.

ALL so-called Discrepancies with Beliefs, Subconscious drives, memories, habits etc will BE UP now ~ Under the fire, so to speak, of YOUR transformation and Ascension.

The struggle will appear through your efforts to control external outcomes.

The freedom shows up when you let go and LOVE the journey in the Present Moment. Now.

What is now for YOU? Love that.

That is if you want it to be an easier experience for you, your Transformation.

Sun is Quincunx the Pluto, the intensity of the transformation. Whether it is financial, relationship, or your personal freedom. ALL is up to be transformed. And the FINANCIAL ~ RELATIONSHIP ETC. is ABOUT the frequency, memories, you have WITHIN YOU. The intensity is DEEP.

Living through your Heart which is the same as Loving your Journey, is what allows all of this to unfold for you into Greater JOY, BLISS ~ where you then find yourself in a life beyond your wildest dreams.


How will you go through it?

Moon Conjunct Saturn. Let go of the feeling of restrictions WITHIN YOU.

Jupiter Quincunx Neptune ~ Dream ~ Step into the unknown, KNOWING it is the Eternal YOU that is Orchestrating all of this, for your Transformation.

The Sensitivity to this Build up of the FULL MOON ~ may be a turning point and or, what may feel like a downfall. LET it Be what it is as there are no mistakes.

Focus on your HEART.

BE at peace with YOU.

Allow the intensity of this Full MOON to unfold through you, all that is up for transformation.

So that you ARE Experiencing all moments your arrival, into ALL That you ARE. I Am with YOU!

Listen to the Full Moon invocation. Listen to the Healing Frequency Transmission to help you through this if you find yourself in Disharmony.

Know that and FEEL. And Read…Slowly Now…

I AM already One with my Ascended Self.

ALL Memories held in my cellular consciousness that are NOT vibrating to the Frequency of my Ascended Self are all now TRANSFORMING.

As the Alchemy of this ~ is Already Done.



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.