
lunes, junio 12, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Divine Magical Metamorphosis ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - June 12, 2017

Entering and Activating the consciousness of the Divine, the Divine God Self, Your Higher Self, is the METAMORPHOSIS of consciousness as if by Magical Powers.

These Magical Powers are Divine Powers.

They exist as states of consciousness.

You change from one way of Being to a completely New Way of Being.

This is Ascension, Divine Ascended Being, this is YOU as your Original Divine Light.

These Divine Powers are present to be activated, in the Original Blueprint of ALL Human Beings.

These INNER Changes and states of consciousness, open the Door to Mastery.

This Mastery ~ transforms your consciousness to a New State of Consciousness. The Divine Ascended Being state of consciousness. Where you SEE, FEEL and KNOW all things through that state of consciousness.

When your inner world changes, the distortions of consciousness that made up your false beliefs, fall away. As if they were never really part of your consciousness. This is Divine Magic.

To KNOW and experience ALL is within YOU is the entry-level to states of consciousness that include ALL Pure Divine Powers.

The Alchemy of Distortions PURIFIED to Divine States of Consciousness, is the return to your Original Divine State of consciousness.

These memories spontaneously activate within your subconscious mind, TO BE LOVED.

To be brought to the DIVINE Light, within.

When you SEE circumstances that appear far from ideal to your mind. World events, political upheaval, recognize that they are states of consciousness.

When you observe distorted states of consciousness, APPLY 5th Dimensional consciousness to your observances. Your thoughts about these distortions.

It is very easy to get caught up in these distortions and become part of them in consciousness. Whether through anger, outrage, or the need to fix or change things in the outer world.

The Inner world within you, and how you respond and deal with your OWN INNER states of consciousness, is the process and preparation for your Divine Ascension and your metamorphosis.

Changing within, purifying your memories, is the process of ascension. Of returning to your Original Divine Light and State of Being. As the Divine.

This includes NATURALLY your Chakras, your Light Body and all bodies. Mental, Emotional, Physical and All Spiritual Bodies.

This is the You emanating from the Void, Through your Soul Star Matrix. The Purified LIGHT YOU. That has and always will exist.

Breathe into this, all that you have received while reading these words.

They are filled with the Light of Truth. The Activation embodies the memories you hold in your Blueprint, of the Original ~ DIVINE Light God Self.

This is for your Metamorphosis.

This is for your Ascension.

This is for the EMBODIMENT of the Master within You.

That you Are. That is concretely Manifesting itself through this Purification.

I Am with You as you enter your inner worlds.

Breathe into the Heart of your Soul and feel yourself being held in the Eternal Light of the Divine. Now. Always, feel this eternal STATE of Consciousness. Within YOU. It is all within you Beloved Angels. Within, Look within. Go Within.

Your Metamorphosis is WITHIN.

All responds to the Inner Worlds.

I Am there with You.

All Within, your Divine Ascended Being. And So it is! Feel and receive, NOW. In Sacred Divine Love and the Beatific LIGHT of the Divine.

Eternal Love and Bliss!



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.