
martes, junio 06, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Communication ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness - June 6, 2017

Things are not as they Seem…they really are not.

When we project on to others what we “think” is going on with them and assume they are this way or that, (not interested, uncaring, not in love, etc) it becomes a state of consciousness that is hard to recognize that is PROJECTION.

Its like there are many worlds people live in (and there are) and the communication between most people in relationships is the state of consciousness of projections.

The different worlds are the different levels of consciousness.

One cannot have a deep true level of intimacy, with someone who is projecting. As there is no real communication going on. Beliefs in APPEARANCES ~ and second guessing through the filter of ones fears. Is not intimacy. Or even anything REAL.

If there is a state of illusion, it is this. A state of consciousness where ONES deep level fears are so ingrained in consciousness, that the filter they see everything with, becomes to them, a WORLD where they see everything as the victim. Which has NOTHING to do with what is actually going on.

The friend, the lover. At some point (hopefully) one realizes and takes responsibility for ALL feelings that come up related to deep inner insecurities. These insecurities are at the core of the subconscious programming, we are here to clear. As we enter completely 5th Dimensional Consciousness.

Project, expect and demand a certain life or a certain experience from life or with another, is the little self, rejecting the Higher Self through resistance.

The Higher Self YOU knows exactly what needs to be cleared, what needs to be changed, WITHIN YOU. That is why it is coming up. It is called ~ your “experience” like it or not.

Waking UP ~ Like a trained athlete that knows daily dedication, is a state of consciousness, where ONE lives to be awake. One lives to truly SEE how they are functioning and what they are functioning through.

Holding oneself accountable, is part of the process. Are we truly being authentic or projecting on to others our stuff?

How can you tell if the predominant way you live is through projecting? Are you the victim EVER? That is projecting.

At the level of 5th Dimensional Consciousness YOU OWN EVERYTHING.

That everything is YOUR FEELINGS.

We do not brush aside and deny and cover up how we feel to step deeper into freedom.

We feel, we own, we LOVE what arises, within ourselves.

There is no other way.

And like the trained athlete, it takes all. Focus, self-awareness, going through things even when we do not like it. To CONTINUOUSLY take part in our own Evolving of consciousness. To wake up.

LOOK within! It is you! Everything you see, feel and experience is through the state of consciousness within yourself.

When you change inside. When you have a change of HEART, you see Everything differently. This may be a game this experience of life. If so, play the game full on, through being more attentive to what is going on within yourself.

Those feelings, those feelings you keep ignoring. Bring them up to the light of Day. Give them compassion and love, that is the only way you enter freedom.

True Freedom, true Love. Not out there, SEEKING everything externally. 3D is backwards is attempts to attain out there first. 5D is everything is a result of within, and the consciousness experiences itself through that.

The inner awareness, love, joy and bliss of taking responsibility for what is going on within. Then sharing loving relationships built on high levels of self-awareness.

Go Deep within and know yourself. Know the Universe within. Know the mastery of manifestation ~ WITHIN.

Eternal Love and Bliss!



copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2017.