
viernes, mayo 05, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - We Are Transmitting To You Now ~ Feel and Receive - May 5, 2017

Some of you are wondering why you have not yet fully transformed. The transformation is a Union and a merging. This is a process of Alchemy.

You exist in the Higher states of consciousness and higher Divine dimensions now.

You are here on this journey and descent into the lower dimensions to then fully merge in your consciousness with the Higher Dimensional aspects of you as Light.

Monitored, through your Soul and Life Plan ~ that is, through your Blueprint. Your Higher Divine Self.

There are many Higher Aspect of You that are watching and guiding your INNER process. All things that take place you agreed to.

What you need to learn, experience, and release is there for a reason and is part of your unique plan.

Any need to control “the unfolding” of the plan through your mental efforts, is a part of you, that also is no mistake. Your thoughts and intentions are the frequency of you. Which plays out, till you are ready for your next level.

ALL is there as part of your journey.

The merging of your personality with your Higher Aspects of you as Divine Light, is not a linear process.

This includes the release of memories that have charged aspects of fears, and pain, that are to be released. This freeing from your patterns, opens your consciousness to the Union with you as the Divine Ascended Being that you are.

It is not that you are not already that ~ you ARE.

It is the Union of the Dimensional Aspects of YOU ~ that create the New Earth. The New Way of Being that you Desire.

As this was always part of the Plan.

We are the Divine Council of Overseers ~ we are here transmitting to YOU ~ expanding levels of consciousness as Light Frequencies.

You were aware that you ~ NOW ~ were going to receive this. Now.

All is in perfect timing ~ even though the mind, may want all things now.

It is not the part that understand the non linear process of this merging in Union with your Higher Aspects. We Love your thoughts and minds, and it is through this love ~ that the Union takes place. Unaware.

Then one day~ you see and know that you are a different Being. You are now living here as your Higher Self.

All changes when the change takes place within you, and it is.

All Now ~ we release the flooding of Central Sun Light into all levels and Dimensions of your Being.

Feel and receive the Love and Higher Aspects of your Divine Self Now.

Feel through your Heart. We are here.

In The Divine Eternal Grace, that Unites all Dimensions and Aspects of You ~ in this Great Divine Eternal Union. Now.
