
martes, abril 25, 2017

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 4-26-17

Dear Friends,

A New Moon is always a good time to reset intentions and do an inventory of where you have been and where you wish to go. This is especially true on this new moon as you may have been through a lot of change, chaos, choices and letting go.

It is a good time to ask for more clarity of intention if you need it and to focus on creating a fairly detailed action plan based on your intentions. We have some very grounded energy to work with during this New Moon time, so think about what you need in terms of support and make sure to ask for it. Although this could be a good time to spend with others, it is also important to take some time just by yourself without the distraction of another’s agenda.




Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com

New Moon in Taurus

Sun and Moon in Taurus ~ 6º
Wednesday, April 26, 6:16 AM Mountain Time
(April 26, 6:16 PM, British Summer Time, BST)

We can all use the wisdom of Taurus extolling the virtues of slowing down and smelling the daisies. After the huge rush of energy with the season change in March and the multiple retrogrades of April, we can tune in to Taurus’ earthy element and learn about relaxation and loving what is. Love? Yes, Taurus is ruled by the heart-centered, pleasure-loving Venus, and when you add this to the Earth element, we get to bring energy right down into the practical realm of the physical world and especially our body and senses. Consider also Venus rules finances, so Taurus is focused on resources, financial assets, building and stabilizing wealth, owning and developing in the physical plane to realize STABILITY. With Taurus, we focus on what has value for us. After all, money is just a symbolic energy. What we do with it is fueled by what we value whether it’s comfort, security, connection, power, or freedom. Where we have Taurus in our charts is where we want to put our resources and where we will be a strong force for solid values. What treasure are you claiming? Ask yourself, ‘what am I owning in my life?’

This Taurus New Moon cycle is a time to honor the body, the senses and their gifts, to enjoy social connection and the healing energy of being in nature, to experience the uplifting and expansive energy of artistic endeavors and performance. Taurus likes to work hard and enjoy the pleasures of life ~ good food and drink, security of family and friends, the feeling of a job well done. Taurus rules the throat and the voice, so open your voice to sing, give praise, use mantra, tell the truth, laugh whole-heartedly.

Taurus is the power sign for the earth element, so we can be stubborn and dig in our heels when pushed or can get stuck in our ways. But that quality of digging in like a bull is just the quality you can call on to get something productive and tangible done this next month. Use the spring (or fall) to go through your possessions and beautify your space. Taurus is about MANIFESTION and APPRECIATION. We manifest what we love. Taurus also teaches us to fully and deeply appreciate what we have (right in front of us), not just what we want to get next.

The Sun and Moon in Taurus are oddly unaspected, so we look to ruler Venus. Venus is on a healing journey as she rides closely with Chiron in the powerful last degrees of Pisces. She is very poignantly bridging the old ways of guilt and blame into a new era of holding life as conscious, aware and sacred. Chiron is veiling Venus with healing and teaching energy. What is your teaching? Your healing gift? Let that radiate out from your heart. Taurus says, ‘be the love you know yourself to be’. There’s no need to wait until you’re perfect – find the perfect within you!

Saturn is about to square Chiron for the second of three passes on April 30 (12/28/16 and 11/2/17). It’s a year long teaching to become the wisdom that you are, releasing limiting ideas of sin, unworthiness, guilt. This Moon cycle is a gateway into living our beauty, strength and creativity as a substitute for separation from Spirit. Remember that Saturn is traversing the black hole at the Center of the Milky Way galaxy at 27º Sagittarius- it’s retrograding and hanging there for an extended period so we don’t miss this opportunity and will return in November for an encore. We are listening and responding to the heartbeat of our galaxy at this time. You can run around like a chicken or you can press your inner ear to that heartbeat and align, listen and entrain to what is immense and at the center of our universe.

Saturn is also trining Uranus, Mercury and Eris (that champion of discord and chaos and feminine spiritual warrior). If we’re well focused (Saturn) we can receive in lightning transmission new ways of perceiving and communicating who we really are in a shifting reality. Every aspect of limitation (especially mental) you can let go gives Spirit an opportunity to fill that space in you with brilliance.

Beltane, a traditional Celtic festival, the midpoint between spring and summer, is celebrated as May 1st or May 5th when the Sun reaches the 15th degree of Taurus. Use fire to cleanse and purify yourself ritually and pray for a blessed and fertile year. If you happen to live in the Southern hemisphere, it is still the time to honor the cross-quarter day between fall and winter and offer gratitude for the abundance of all that you are harvesting. These rituals are our way of anchoring our lives to the life cycle of our beautiful planet.

All times are in Mountain Daylight Time, MDT:

05/10 Scorpio Full Moon 20º 3:42 PM MDT

05/20 Sun enters Gemini 2:30 PM MDT

05/25 Gemini New Moon 5º 1:44 PM MDT

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com

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