
jueves, marzo 23, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Pleiadians - The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality - 3-23-17

The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality

The Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

Dear, Beloved Pleiadians,
I hear the Golden Ones reminding me that we, the ascending ones, are approaching the area known as, “The Path not yet taken.” Since I am pretty sure that you, the Pleiadians, will be the first landing team to Earth, I would like to know more about this Path.

Dearest Grounded Friends and Family,
We are happy to answer any questions that you ask us. This “Path not yet taken” is the frequency of reality that resonates to the highest fourth and lowest fifth dimensional resonance.

In order to fully bond your consciousness with this Path, all the incarnations of all of your embodiments on Gaia’s Earth must hold the balance between positive and negative charge.

In other words, all the imbalances of any of the energy fields that you placed on Gaia’s body, during any and all of your incarnations on Gaia’s Earth need to be balanced and centered within the “area in-between” positive/loving and negative/fearful reactions to the reality from which you are ascending.

In fact, ALL reactions, emotional and mental, must align in perfect balance in order for your Soul SELF to find the TRUE Center Pathway HOME. The Center Pathway HOME holds the secret of transmutation from darkness into light, as well as the treasure of Unconditional Love.

Because Gaia’s operating system has been based on Separation, Polarities of Positive and Negative and Time, the True Center of Unity and Freedom from the third/fourth dimensional operating system is based on the timeless, unity of the NOW of the ONE.

We have spoken often of the NOW of the ONE. Therefore, we wish to try to use your third/fourth dimensional words and emotions to explain a reality based solely on the NOW and totally directed by the inner call of the fifth dimensional ONE.

We say “fifth dimensional ONE,” as that term is very different from third/fourth dimensional one. In the third/fourth dimension “one” is a number, an adjective to describe that that person, place, or thing stands alone and is NOT a component of a collective.

On the other hand, there is the ONE of the fifth dimension, which represents the Unity of ALL Life existing within the “Collective of ONE.” The word “one” in the third/fourth dimensions represents the individual isolation of “only one separate being, situation, and/or reality.”

Number one also means the first, or often the best, as compared to others. In fact, the third/fourth dimension is filled with many experiences of “number one” being the singular best. On the other hand, in the fifth dimension, the term ONE means “the ALL” that is gathered into the collective of “the ONE.”

In the fifth dimension, “ALL,” means the sum/total, whereas in the third and fourth dimensions, “ALL,” means the gathering of individual persons, places, or things. This “gathering” is often measured by placing the “best” at the “top” and the “lesser ones” at the bottom.

Therefore, the “top” persons, places or things are “better than” the person, places or things at the bottom of the list, the line, the position and/or the accomplishments. People who have “reached the top” in a third/fourth dimensional reality are “better than” those who still “struggle at the bottom of the scale.”

This “scale” represents a gauge by which one is measured by someone else regarding their efficiency and/or performance of any, given task. An example of this “scale” would be grades in a third dimensional school. The top grade is an A, and the lowest grade is an F.

An “A” represents that that person is among the “best students.” A “B” means that the student tried hard, but was not “good enough” to receive an “A.” A “C” means that the student tried, but they are “just normal,” a “D” means that the student is below normal, and an “F” means that the student failed.

Many of the more modern schools no longer have this type of grading, but many schools are still based on this “best through worst” grade. This scale of judgment, also, still exists in many jobs, as well as in your daily life.

In fact, your television and other forms of “advertisement commercials” try to make you feel BAD if you are at the bottom of their scale and feel SUPERIOR if you are at the top of their scale.

This form of judgmental separation into different forms of hierarchical thinking is the basis of many businesses and educational environments. It is also the basis of your athletic events in which there is a winner and a loser.

In certain countries, such as the United States, competition has been appreciated as a way to make people try harder to do better. But what about those who don’t want “do better” in that endeavor because they do not like it, or are bored by it?

Often they are not being recognized as “not being interested in that event.” Instead, they are recognized as, “not being good enough in that event.” This type of “judgment” does NOT exist in our fifth dimensional societies. Nor will this judgment be a component of any fifth dimensional society.

Hence, the shift from the third/fourth dimension into the fifth dimension and beyond represents an entirely different paradigm of reality. First allow us to explain what we mean by the term, “Paradigm of Reality.” The word “paradigm” means: example, model, pattern, standard, archetype, prototype, idea, and/or template.

A “template” represents a model, guide, original, master. Therefore, we will speak now about the “template” for your new, fifth dimensional reality. Of course, fifth dimensional realities are not new, as most of the Galactic Societies are fifth dimensional and beyond.

However, most of Gaia’s fifth dimensional societies were long ago, and forgotten, or misrepresented. What happened to Gaia’s fifth dimensional societies? They “fell” into fourth, and then third dimensional societies.

How does a society fall? A society begins to fall when the cornerstone, fifth dimensional beliefs, laws, and behaviors become tainted with fear. Fear is a third and lower fourth dimensional emotion that is based on “survival of the fittest.”

When a society is free of the competition, separation, and survival of the fittest, they remain fifth dimensional. However, once the separation of competition, fear, and judgment, as well as many other factors such as the death of a great leader arise, a “peak society” can go into decline.

If you look through Earth’s history, you will see again and again how great societies eventually fall. Why does that occur? Why can’t a peak society go on forever?

The answer is that there are many fifth dimensional peak societies that have continued far beyond your ability to count. But, these fifth dimensional societies are ruled by a totally different operating system.

Let us look again at the third/fourth dimensional operating systems to compare them with our Galactic, fifth dimensional operating systems…

One of the most erosive components of the third/fourth dimension is “time.” Third/fourth dimensional time represents a constant ending of one minute to be replaced by the beginning of the next minute. Each minute is separate, as is each hour, day, month, and year.

Each minute, hour, day, month, and year appears to be separate to the perception of all third dimensional humans. Because each marker of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) is separate, there is a pause within the forward blending from one individual second, minute, hour etc.

That “pause” creates “time” in which you can “change your mind,” or “doubt your decision” or even “be afraid.” This time to doubt your SELF is a core factor in all types of “interrupted events,” which are often titled as, “failures.”

Once you have a “failure,” it is easy to “doubt” your self. This doubt slows the ever-moving momentum of the fifth dimensional ONE into separate, individual events, failures, or even successes.

However, if a success is based on any form of competition, “I am better than you are,” the entire situation quickly falls out of the fifth dimension and into the lower resonance of the fourth and third dimensions.

Within the fifth dimensional NOW every “one” supports each other because there is NO concept of being “better than,” “worse than,” a winner, a loser or even a boss and an employee.

All experiences of higher states of consciousness are eagerly shared with others, so that the collective ONE can learn and grow from every one’s experiences. There is no sense of needing to share, as everyone exists within the ONE of the NOW.

Therefore, any new information instantly travels through the entire fifth dimensional community or Starship. In other words, every one always “gets the memo,” as you say in your 3D reality.

Every one, and every being (which may be called a “thing or an animal”) in your 3D world, is always receiving all the information, thoughts and emotions of all the other beings in their fifth dimensional reality within the NOW of the ONE.

Because the fifth dimensional Hearts and Minds are multidimensional, everyone can receive, translate, and share myriad messages within the No Time of the fifth dimension. The NOW of No Time does NOT create any form of hierarchical thoughts, emotions, or conversations.

In fact, we do not consider ourselves “better” than our human friends and family who are wearing an earth vessel. The only difference to us is that we wear our Light Body while visiting our fifth dimensional and beyond realities. On the other hand, when we visit our third/fourth dimensional realities, we wear an earth vessel.

The fifth dimension reality is based on the process of “wearing a Lightbody” in the fifth dimension so that we can more easily enter all the portals to the higher dimensional worlds whenever we desire.

We travel through the multidimensional realities by changing the resonance of our multidimensional vessel. The frequency of resonance of the vessel that our Soul SELF is wearing, dictates the frequency of reality that we consciously perceive.

Of course, all multidimensional realities exist within the NOW of the ONE. In the same manner that you may “choose a certain seat” to best experience the reality that is cast onto the movie screen, we “choose a certain resonance/frequency of our multidimensional body in order to perceive, and engage in, certain realities.

For example, if we wish to perceive and participate in a certain event in the sixth dimension, we calibrate our consciousness, and thus our perceptions, to the sixth dimension.

We could chose to “just look in on” the sixth dimensional expression of our reality-stream, or we could “step into” that reality stream to experience that reality. We do this in the same manner as if you would walk into the movie screen at the movie theater.

Only, we do not “walk into” another reality. It is more accurate to say that we “merge with” another reality. In fact, we, especially the Pleiadians, often merge with your reality. Because the Pleiadians look like tall, blond humans, we can maintain our own form as we walk through your world.

However, since all fifth dimensionals are totally ONE with their innate Lightbody, we can all use our mind to create the form that best fits the situation. We can present our selves as tall or short, male or female, human or an Earth animal.

Actually, we are using our Multidimensional Minds to display the “aura” of a certain form. Then, as we lower our resonance into the lower frequencies, our aura takes on the appearance of a third dimensional body.

However, we are actually wearing a Multidimensional Body. Therefore, we can project out any frequency of our Multidimensional body that we deem as important for that situation.

Therefore, we can create a body to match any culture that we are visiting, as well as any time era that we are visiting. Time traveling through different era’s of Earth’s timeline is very simple because we “view time” from the fifth dimensional NOW.

We live within the “no-time” of the higher worlds and can adjust our consciousness to adhere to any given frequency of reality and moment of time.

As we progress closer and closer to the NOW of your “time” of our landing, we will continue to tell you more about, “The Fifth Dimensional Paradigm of Reality.”

Until that NOW, please remember that WE, your Galactic Family, are always with you

Your Pleiadian Family