
viernes, marzo 17, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Ones - The Center Path of Peace and Calm - 4-16-17

The Center Path of Peace and Calm

By the Golden Ones

Dearest Golden Ones,
I have been moving through a major initiation regarding change and relocation. It has been extremely stressful, yet simultaneously great fun. In other words, I have been bouncing from one polarity to another.

I am contacting you now to ask for your assistance in guiding me, as well as my readers, to find the Center Path of Peace and Calm. I think that you have already answered me, as the term of “Center Path of Peace and Calm,” did not come from me.

Yes, dear Scribe, we the Golden Ones, did remind you of the Center Path of Peace and Calm. It is a “path less traveled,” even within a planet that is in as much transition as dear Mother Earth is experiencing.

Dear Ones, we say “ones” because we know that this scribe will be sharing our response to her call. We also say “ones” because we know that those of you who read our message will also share our response with others. Hence, we send our response to all of them as well.

We wish to share our information with all those who are awake and aware of the great transmutation that is silently occurring within your NOW. We also want to thank and bless you ALL for your endurance and consistency of purpose.

To ascend an entire planet is challenging enough. However, you are assisting dear Gaia, who took on the great challenge of polarities, power over others, and time as major components of Her Planetary Operating System. As you all know, the greater the challenge, the greater the victory. Hence, all of you are due a VERY great victory.

We wish we could tell you the “time” in which this transition will take place. However, since ascension into the fifth dimension means that you will “leave time,” how can we give you the “time” in which there is no longer time?

It is not as if you are traveling a road that will one day end, or making an appointment that you will, or will not, attend. For one thing, it is not about a single “you,” or even a collective “you.”

This ascension is about a planet. Therefore, the “ascension time” will feel different for all of Gaia’s inhabitants. For example, time according to humanity is not the same as time according to a bird, a mouse, a leaf, or a tree.

Most of Nature’s creatures already live via the NOW of Nature. In fact, only humans measure time with a clock, or by what they are doing. Only humans think of “time” as a measurement for a certain action, an appropriate moment in which they “go to work,” or even “go to sleep.”

Most modern day humans, in their great arrogance, have thought that only “human time” is important. In fact, they often thought that only humans knew about time.

However, how do all the migrating animals know when it is “time” to migrate? How does a child’s pet dog know when to wait at the front door for their friend to come home from school? How do trees know when to bloom, and birds know when to lay their eggs?

The answer is that all beings of Earth, except for humans, do not tune into “time.” Instead, they tune into “Nature.” Nature is the clock for all life on Earth except for humans. Therefore, Nature will easily know the “time” in which the third/fourth dimensions will easily flow into the fifth dimension.

The life forms that are tuned into Nature know this because their inner clock does not tick to seconds, minutes, hours, and days. Instead, their inner clock is tuned into NATURE. Simultaneously:
Nature is tuned into Gaia
Gaia is tuned into Her Solar System
Gaia’s Solar System is tuned into the Milky Way Galaxy
The Milky Way Galaxy a Supercluster of Galaxies—and on and on…

As you can imagine, “time” according to your physical clock is not experienced in the same manner as “time” according to a galaxy, or far beyond that galaxy. Also, all of these examples are from the perspective of third dimensional Earth.

Allow us, the Golden Ones, to try to explain “time” as we perceive it, or rather do NOT perceive it. Since we the Golden Ones resonate to the cusp of the fifth dimensional NOW, we resonate to the transitional area in which third/fourth dimensional concepts of time are transmuted into fifth dimensional concepts of NOW.

Interestingly, from our position at the cusp into the fifth dimension, we experience the transmutation of “time” free of any sensation of a shift location in “time.” This occurs because we do NOT experience time as we eternally flow within the NOW of the ONE.

The NOW and ONE have an interesting relationship. The NOW is not limited by any of the aspects of “separation created by time.” In the same manner, any aspects that are “created by the distance of space” do not limit the ONE.

In other words, if there is only NOW, it would not take any time to travel to another SPACE.

On the same hand, if there were NO space in between where you are and where you are going, it would take NO time to travel it. Humanity has been bound to the concept of time since they first looked up into the sky to see the Sun rise above the horizon, to eventually be replaced by the Moon rising and falling.

Primitive humanity was unable to think in terms of “time,” as they lived off the land like all the other “animals.” As humans began to differentiate themselves from “animals,” which they hunted and ate, they gained their first concept of separation. They were not “separate” from other humans, as they were in the same tribe. However, they would kill or eat animals.

You may think that this behavior was so long ago that it does not relate to modern man. However, in some ways the primitive man was wiser than the modern man. They did not kill for sport, and they eat, and make use of the animal’s hides to make clothes and houses.

On the other hand, modern man will kill without eating or using in any fashion what they have just killed. Also, most modern men do not kill for hunger. Instead, they kill for hate, for defense, or for a war that someone far away created so that the rich could get richer.

So, who is more “civilized,” the ancient man or the modern man? We say this not to make a judgment of your society, but to remind you that “time” has not separated humanity from their ancient behavior.

All that separates, or rather upgrades, modern man form ancient man is “time and space.” It was over “time” that humanity altered their means and reasons for killing. However, there is likely more “killing” for war and for sport done by modern man than by ancient man.

Also, there are many more humans now then there were in ancient times, but much of humanity’s behavior has remained the same, or even gotten worse. Note that we are speaking of “behavior” and NOT of assets or even knowledge.

Fortunately, there has been a great shift in humanity’s “state of consciousness.” By “state of consciousness” we mean the frequency of reality to which their consciousness resonates.

Within your NOW, the Higher Light has been basking Gaia long enough to awaken areas of the human brain that were never activated before, except within the mind of a “genius.”

In humanity’s past, a few multidimensional beings decided to enter an earth vessel in certain eras of time when it appeared that the experiment of humanity was a failure. Because these few “higher dimensional beings took on a third dimension body” were so greatly advanced beyond the other humans, they were called “geniuses.”

Within your NOW there are thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people who would be called a Genius if they had been born only a few hundred years ago. However, within your NOW, there are many, many more humans and, thus, more geniuses.

But, most important, there are an ever growing number of humans who are “looking up” into the higher dimensions of their consciousness rather “looking down” into how do they get what they want.

By “looking up,” we mean “up in frequency of consciousness”, in a conscious effort to remember why they took a body now and what they promised to do during this incarnation.

In fact, many humans are now aware of their myriad other physical incarnations, and some are even able to remember that all of their prior incarnations on Earth were, in some manner, preparing them for THIS incarnation.

But why is this particular incarnation any more important than the others?

First, the fact that a human can remember that they have had other incarnations on Earth means that they are able to embrace their innate “multidimensional thinking.” This multidimensional thinking allows humans to think outside of time, as well as outside of space.

Once a human is no longer bound by the collective, human time that is determined by a human-built clock, they can begin to remember that they have been a human in many different incarnations, during many different times on Earth.

There is so much to remember and learn in order to ascend a planet that the volunteers for any given planetary ascension will need to prepare for that “mission” by taking many preceding, preliminary lifetimes in which they can learn about:

·      The “Operating System” for that planet,
·      The history of that planet
·      The purpose of that planet and
·      The personality of that planet

“What?” we hear you all cry to the concept of a planet having a “personality.” Yes, perceiving a planet as a living, intelligent being who has evolved far beyond being a human, is too much for many “human egos” to embrace.

Humans have long enjoyed what they like to think of as being the “most evolved” of the beings on Earth. However, the humans who think in that manner are usually so un-evolved themselves that they believe that the only beings on Earth that have a Soul are humans.

The truth is that ALL life on Earth has a Soul, but most people do not understand how we define the word “soul.” To us, the Golden Ones, as well as all beings that resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond, think of a SOUL as the “spark of the ONE” that flashes into our form at the moment of birth and returns to the higher dimensions at the moment of physical death.

In other words, the same spiritual spark of the “ONE” creates you ALL. This ONE is not bound by any physical polarities of good or bad, or any time bound concepts of birth and death. This ONE is INFINITE and resonates far beyond third/fourth dimensional concepts of time and space.

In fact, the ONE is the Creator of all life that travels throughout the Great Flow of Time and Space. Time and Space flow together as ONE expression of Gaia’s reality.

·      Time would not exist if there were not Space to separate the “individual seconds of time.”
·      Also, Space has NO distance if it did not have the “time” it took in-between where one was going and how long it took to get there.

However, humanity has now gone “into Outer Space,” which has expanded humanity’s consciousness beyond the confines of Earth and Her atmosphere into the “outer space.” But now, humanity is beginning to discover the “inner space,” of its own consciousness.

As humanity looked far beyond space and time to see a huge rocket disappear into the sky, they also began to travel the “inner space” of their own consciousness. A decade ago, or even less, humanity did not talk about “states of consciousness.” Conscious meant awake and unconscious meant not awake, and maybe in a coma.

Outside of a distant Ashram, humans did not meditate to find that inner space as they do within the current NOW. And, what humanity is learning as they move deeper and deeper inside their own consciousness is that they are NOT alone.

They are NOT alone inside their own consciousness, and as they continue with their meditations, they find that the invisible beings inside their consciousness also surround them in their daily life.

Humans have also discovered that when they expand their consciousness into a higher “state of consciousness,” time becomes distorted and they find an inner space that they never knew before. 

The most important thing is that as their consciousness expands more and more, time and space seem to blend into the NOW of the ONE. They have no idea what the “Now of the ONE” means except that, when they go into these higher states of consciousness, time seems to take on a life of its own and they begin to feel that they are no longer “just one” person.

Somehow, and they do not know how, there is another reality, another them, that exists beyond the physical world to which they will return at the close of their meditation, or at the close of their dream.

This experience of “another reality that can only be accessed by going within” frightens some humans. But other humans become immensely curious and want to find out more about what they are experiencing.

They also want to find out if other people are also experiencing this new, inner reality. Can two physical people meditate together to go to the same “inner reality?”

Or, maybe, ONE person is meditating in some inner world to project out the illusion that there are two people, when in fact every ONE is part of the same ONE?

For the NOW, it is an interesting concept to think about, imagine, believe, and experience the inside of your consciousness as “The Center Path of Peace and Calm” that can lead you to the NOW of the ONE within another version of reality!

Blessings from The Golden Ones