
sábado, marzo 18, 2017

Laura Pleiadian - Spring Equinox March 20th, 2017 ~ Your Original Light - March 18, 2017

Spring Equinox March 20th, 2017 ~ Your Original Light

The Sun ~ the Source of Light and Life here on Earth. Represents the Spiritual Sun, the Source of our Inner Spiritual Light. Our Soul and our journey through the seasons of the Sun, deep within us.

The Suns Movement in the sky. The Earths trip around the Sun, experienced outwardly as Astronomical events. Are experienced through the change of the Seasons ~ the two Equinoxes and two Solstices, which have long been celebrated by the Ancients here on Earth.

The Vernal (Spring) Equinox (equal light ~ day and night) in the Northern Hemisphere, is on March 20th, 2017 at 7:28 am ADT. The Southern Hemisphere will celebrate the Fall Equinox.

The shifts in LIGHT of the Seasons IMPACT us on many levels.

The physical journey through life, marked through time on Earth through the journey of the Sun LINKS us INWARDLY to our inner Solar Light. Our inner SOUL LIGHT.

Our Solar Light.

The Light through which we become NEW.

Celebrating the Spring Equinox, we celebrate and welcome GREATER Light. The warmth of Spring after a long winter. The hope of the new. A new beginning.

An inner rebirth.

In the depths of our own inner winter, we prepare for our Greater inner Light of Day ~ our Enlightenment.

Born anew each moment. Each day. Throughout the Seasons.

Yet eternally we are the same. The Same Soul frequency. Yet that sameness is our eternal consciousness. Our eternal Light. Which does not know itself as Human, but eternal.

Like the Sun and the seasons, we experience shifts and changes. The journey of our Soul ~ through being here on EARTH ~ is the process and journey of awakening.

Awakening and remembering ~ that we too are the SOURCE of Light, through which we flow.

Through our INNER Heart Sun.

Celebrate and Receive Greater awareness of the ETERNAL Light that you are.

Honouring the inner and outer Sun while experiencing being here on Earth and throughout the Seasons.

Honouring your Inner Light, as the Source of the eternal GOD SELF YOU.

Honouring Light and the movement of Light, through which we flow.

Honouring the Sun as the Spiritual Sun, the Central Sun, within us. The gives us life ~ through which we are and flow.

The Light of consciousness is not a species. It is eternal living LIGHT. It flows throughout all of your existences, timelines and parallel worlds.

It is the Original Light you. The God Self YOU. The Higher Self you.

Celebrating, activating, the Light that you are NOW ~ through which you flow. Through which you experience LIVING.

Your Original Light ~ Awakening and remembering NOW.

UNITING your awareness of all that you ARE as Light and have always been.

And So it is!

Holding you in the eternal GLORIOUS Light of your Eternal Original Light.

In the Sacred UNION that is you, throughout all timelines, parallel worlds and Universes. Masculine and Feminine aspects of SOUL as One.


Merging and awakening the conscious flow of LIGHT that flows through you.

Through your Eternal Heart. Your Eternal LIGHT. Your Eternal LOVE.

Feeling and receive!

Now and always!

In the Glory of the Divine Council of Overseers and in the Eternal Glory and Love of All that is, RECEIVE.

