
viernes, diciembre 09, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Energy Report - December 8, 2016

Aloha beautiful love family,

We are nearing the activation of our 12/12 Stargate/Gateway... and a powerful one it shall be!

I was surprised last night that I "forgot" about it. lol... because normally it/they would have activated by now....

As we near, usually it opens about 3 days early, so we shall see. I will post, of course...

Each December Gateway has been substantially more powerful than the one before. Starting with 2012, and this one is surmountable (not one of my words and had to look it up).

When it begins, there will be cycles, initiations and phases to complete. This completion year is in a completion too! Huge.

Each human year, we cannot go into the next one and carry anything with us. All unconscious programs and realities that surface or play out.... all have to be resolved from within.

The period up through and the couple of weeks after the SOLstice take us DEEPER into our/the Galactic Core.... to the depths of our BEing and return us to an existence that is PURE.

Hidden deep beneath all human'ness is profound sacred love, deep sacred respect, integrity, compassion and kindness...

Last year, Earth completed it's Ascension into the 5th+ Dimension, and since then every physical thing, every inhabitant has cleansed anything that is not in alignment with these higher frequency bandwidths of higher dimensions and atmospheres merging in this physical one here.

This merging/integration/converging wreaks havoc on all things unconscious. Relationships, jobs, finances, physical world possessions, the physical body... all TOUCHED by Soul Awakenings, Ascension and Embodiment now.

This continual process brings all further into higher consciousness existence. No stones left unturned. If it was hidden and buried, it shall become visible. For everyone.

The SURPRISE is not usually what anyone thought. What the human wanted, this technically does not matter when it's time for the Soul to emerge, from inside the body....

The activation of your Higher Selves and an entire Entourage to connect with... these BEings that you activate will BECOME you and you them. No separation, nothing floating around outside anymore, you will have to learn to navigate and maneuver as a Multi-Dimensional Light BEing here. This alone will challenge every aspect of your human.

The application of higher wisdom and knowledge to how you function and do your days/life... there is no more "one day I'll get around to it" or "when it's convenient for me". Convenience goes out the window until you merge fully with all of your aspects here and LEARN/REMEMBER how to function AS PURE SOURCE LIGHT in your own physical realm reality here.

What transpires is the most magnificent and magical realities, your DREAMS AND DESIRES (according to your SOUL, not your human) start to arrive/emerge/materialize in your physical reality here. Things you could not comprehend, didn't think possible... every bit of it is. Not only is it possible, it HAS TO HAPPEN.

We have been on NEW Earth for years. It is beyond brilliant to experience, yet you are the ONE that dictates your own experience here. You birth and build the foundation with a whole new value system and way of functioning for holding higher vibrational realities in place.

Full gifts and powers, full abundance, total peace and the most exquisite everything.... when you allow this to BE your reality fully again. Everything just waits for you... for you to let go, for you to connect up to the gridwork inside of you and to all.

This passage that we enter into.... while it shakes loose any remnants of anything left, it physically moves everyone into a higher vibrational reality, a higher frequency bandwidth existence....

So, get ready.... buckle up and let go..... Breathe PURITY THROUGH YOUR CELLS and REMEMBER... this is what you signed up for, have waited for and all comes to you when you are truly ready inside.

I love you! Have a magical day full of love. It is an honor to be here with you all during these vibrational realities now!

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Crystalline Consciousness and NEW Earth Key Code Holder, Re-Educator through Higher Consciousness Existence ∞
