
viernes, diciembre 30, 2016

Linda Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - “Inner Peace During Change” — January 2017

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst, along with a Host of the Angelic Realm of Light, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discuss maintaining inner peace during change.

Many changes are occurring on your planet. These may range from changes in your personal life to changes in the country in which you live to global and planetary changes. Whatever the circumstance, whenever a change occurs, the energy in your own personal energy field can be affected by the vibrational shifts around you. These may be pleasing if you like the change, or they may be more difficult if you did not want the change. Maintaining inner peace during the change will allow you to adjust to the change and flow with it more easily.

Your energy field is composed of many layers. These range from the obvious outer ones that you feel to the inner ones that are composed of personal beliefs, individual contracts, and Soul missions. They may also contain familial beliefs, geographic beliefs, and cultural beliefs. Each layer has its own energetic pattern and guides you throughout your daily routine. These are the layers that prompt you in ways to act whenever you do not have time to process a response to a situation. They are your default pattern.

Each layer of energy also plays a role in your response to change.

The more you are aware of these inner patterns, the less likely they are to surprise you during times of change. The more you practice keeping your energy field clear, the more information you can receive from these various layers of energy. When you are aware of an energetic pattern, you can consciously decide whether to keep the pattern as it is or whether to make a change to it. The more you engage in this process, the more inner peace you will experience. It is a constantly flowing process of moving forward on your ascension path.

One way to be aware of these layers of energy is to remain in the present moment. Receiving information from your energy field is much easier when you practice conscious awareness in the present moment. As you do this, you can detect subtle changes as they occur. You are able to observe your reaction to a situation and think about what aspect of your energy field may have caused the reaction. This can happen whether it is a happy and positive response or whether it is one that you are not comfortable with or are unhappy with. It is important to acknowledge your feelings as they occur. Awareness is the key, and remaining in the present moment can facilitate this process and help you maintain inner peace.

Another process to help you maintain inner peace is to nurture yourself. This is very personal and individual and may range from quiet time to being with others who are special to you. It may involve visiting your local outdoor nature area or doing energy work. The important thing is to be gentle with yourself and do whatever brings you inner peace. It does not have to be what others are doing. This is your special time to be kind to yourself and do what makes your heart sing.

One of the most important ways to remain in a state of inner peace during change is through meditation and tuning in to your Divine Spark of Light. When you still yourself through whatever meditation technique resonates with you, you are tuning out external stimuli that can prevent you from receiving information from your inner guidance. This allows you to view situations and changes from a higher perspective.

In this review, you may find that you are called to release or alter things that are no longer a good fit for you.

When you tune in to your Divine Spark, you may wish to focus on qualities that are important to you. These may be traits such as love, kindness, compassion, and caring. The more you focus on these qualities, the more they will expand and radiate throughout your energy field. This will provide a positive force field that will help to carry you through times of change.

The more often you turn inward during your day and still yourself, the more often you can experience inner peace. When you practice this regularly, it becomes your default pattern. You turn inward for inner peace and guidance to evaluate a change and to move forward for highest good.

As you do this, you are more likely to remain in a peaceful and positive state of mind. Ask for the highest good of all. Practice kindness, compassion, and loving thoughts. Through the Law of Cause and Effect, this sets up the most beneficial outcome for all concerned.

By making a conscious practice of inner calmness and peace, you are able to move forward on your ascension path.

Beloveds, know that we are with you during these times of change. Call on us to be with you and to assist you, for we are just a thought or a whisper away. We applaud you for your bravery during this time, and we are glad you are choosing inner peace during times of change.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Holy Amethyst

…and We surround you with love

And so it is.

All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com.

This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email: Linda@PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com

Website: www.PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com