
lunes, diciembre 12, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING 12:12 - December 12, 2016

***From your Hostess of Light

***All of your choices Echo throughout time without any resistance at all
*** The fear fields

From Your Hostess Of Light

As we move forward in the dimensional fields of inquiry and out of the 2016 flux zone we come to a place of reckoning. Reckoning is defined as the time when one is called to account for ones actions, to pay debts or to fulfill ones promises or obligations and settle accounts. This is not a one lifetime accumulation, but eons of time has come to a head and stops at your feet. The end of this year is a perfect time to clear out what no longer fits who you are in this time and place. Clear out the skeletons, the armor, the loves, and the hates.

Dimensional flux can be pretty nasty stuff pushing us into the gutter of self-asking how did I get here? Like Alice in not-so-wonderland you will not feel as if you do not belong in some circumstances that choose to clear. Feeling Like you are a stranger in a strange land becomes stronger in scent, as you make your way thru your life like a time traveler on a booze excursion. Of course you feel like you have jet lag, of course you are dizzy and disoriented, you dear ones are surfing thru time without even knowing you are at the airport.

Like going to bed in Alaska and waking up in Hawaii, human senses are upside down as they readjust akin to a google app gone askew. As above so below also goes for inner and outer earth as barricades are defrosted enough to let the ancient civilizations ‘be heard’. Are those civilizations in our memory or so far away from our RNA schematic that we have no recollection of them, like a new species introduced from the inside out. As we move dimensionally into all octaves of knowledge many aspects of our selves may be lost or reconstructed in the data shift. when anything is observed it immediately changes character like a moody teenager on a full moon, it swings shifts inviting in its many probabilities.

Dimensional flux house many possibilities as new selves come forth to claim their slice of the PI. Like a person with many lingering sub personalities one may find those they love shifting faster than they can adjust to or keep up with. Likes, dislikes, memories, and manners all change as we all move thru parts of creation we have never experienced. Yes we are multilayered like a croissant but we have not actively interacted with most of those parts. As the universe comes around the mountain meeting itself face to face what comes forth to be acknowledged…everything!

People you have know from grade school shift in front to your eyes, as they play thru and try on new roles. Past life buttons will get pushed at a moments notice as every one changes their tastes to suit the new character they wear. Friendships will be strained as everyone tries to understand the shifts in perspectives and life. there is no right or wrong their just is this moment as all gather to get to know itself.

2017 will ask you to move through the nuances, the hidden levels, and instructions of what is invisible to the human gamut, like a stealth warrior in the dark of night. Gathering much data, this Light seeks to know itself as a parent that has been absent for eons of time. Without expectations, without anchors, without regrets or even questions, a smoothness of alignment occurs. Like two oceans from opposite poles, meeting each other for the first time, blending swirling, becoming one again. In this time of extreme precision and acute mirroring of every thought, one will be able to create a fine mix of compromise laced with compassion.

All of your choices Echo throughout time without any resistance at all

When the soul demands a saline solution to its troubled heart it digs deep into the Wellspring of the past releasing emotional pressures that push from the inside out like a child wanting to be birthed. As one swims in the ocean of Tears one comes to a point of emptiness. A very low tide of self reveals what was hidden beneath the saline Solutions of the inner sea. All is bare and rough from the inner seeing. The bumps The Grinds what has gone kaput is revealed at the low tide of self and soul. A smoothness of nature is what one seeks to come in harmony with all aspects of the self that living are within this dimensional flux.

When the emotional Tides of earth surges from unknown stimulus then that event is felt through out all Dimensions, all time and all space. In any given event of emotional surge there is a equilibrium that comes forth as that emotion is distributed throughout the different emotional water levels of existence. At the point of complete emptiness comes pause, a sign that the tide has moved out and the emotions no longer are surging. Water as a liquid element distributes itself accordingly to its own need ebb and flow.

What You Weep For on this earthen sphere should not consume you to a point of invisibility or the point where the emotions influence the immune system negatively. You should know dear tin man, that all aspects of you are simultaneously wrestling the same flying monkey. The weight of the emotion is distributed evenly into all existences, filling any voids as water does to the rim of all possibility.

When one travels through time and space and meets various versions of them selves, whether during meditation, sleep or direct contact, it is hard not to interfere helping another version of the self. As a time traveler there are guiding principles and rules tell you to stay in between the lines of what is already etched in time. As soon as a time traveler changes anything in the dimensional frequency he or she visits then they create an alter-universe, a place outside of the script that once existed. As Earth is a planet of observation many different species throughout time have found themselves wanting to intervene on the behalf of the groups/ species they have seen the future of.

What do you do when your heart yearns to help someone during life altering events. How do you stand back and allow such dilemmas to happen? This dear ones is exactly how the patchwork quilt of multi universes was created. Alternate places of thought, body and spirit exist outside of this time and this dimension. When you fully embraced the celestial patchwork quilt of possibility that has every photo of every thought you have ever had thru time, you will become the maestro of your life directing the subatomic particles of your every word. Life is a multi-dimensional tempest. you as the maestro sit at the Pinnacle of possibility, directing the orchestra of continuation. That in itself is one hell of a responsibility for any life form.

Everyday minuscule events can sidetrack the most disciplined person. You have plenty going on in life and family and the universe wants you to do what? You look to all that is sacred and holy within your heart and ask how is one to make space to be a multi-tasking multidimensional individual in an already jam-packed life. How is one to manage the dust molecules, the garbage, the weeds, and all the family dramas all at once? How does one cut another slice of the emotional pi in a manner that equalizes its numerical value? In other words, how do I make more out of less?

Humanity is filled to the rim with all things that float emotionally. Past lives raise their heads in the sands of time arguing within their granular selves. Humanity looks at its world virtual and real trying to merge the energy and information causing inner frustration and conflict as the world's twirl like a yo-yo . People try so hard to be good and do the right thing then without warning the dark notices their good ways and deeds and looks for ways to dull their shine. What does one do in this situation does hate what threatens them does one accept what seems to be Destiny? does one fight fate in hand to hand combat seeking freedom from what is written or does one just put their pretty head in the ground and bury it like an ostrich?

So many of those that live on Earth are brilliant masters of light and capstones of love. They come to earth with such a deep worship and knowing that nothing can shift their beliefs, but as they walk the 18 hole course of the human path they will find the green grass littered with obscure truths, and dis-information, after a time they come to a point of no longer trusting their human senses. And this dear ones is the next line of Truth in the sand pit that we give to you.

The human inner vision and oracular senses will be transfixed with subheadings that will accompany everything. Like reading captions on a windy day. The eyes will see flashes of light, flashes of color, mathematical symbols, and star symbols. The eyes will see solid and transparent events and objects before they happen, confusing the Earth senses. Here and now and the future will be in a lovers stance coupled to a point of power. It is imperative when you view something in your field of question, that you hesitate for a few nanoseconds before proceeding, just to make sure it is real. Observe the nuances within self and others as they mirror who you are at this moment of time

As Earth moves its consciousness towards the year 2017 this magnified field of great visual metaphors will peak into a place where truth cannot be trusted. So many synonyms so little time. A multitude of scenarios play out as a humanity comes into more of their power the hard way. No one sees that their negative thought-play is creating storm after storm making the inner earth and the artic jiggle like a bowl of jello

The fear fields

Welcome. We are the Pleiadian energies. Truth is what you seek and truth is what will be issued to you, like treats on a holiday. For many years you have hidden from your true self. You stand behind the door looking through the crack in the universe, being afraid to fully plunge into life, keeping love at a arms length. You incarnated not on earth as a visitor and observer. You do not come to sit on the sidelines, to stand on the corners, or to hide behind doors. You come into this human life to experience all the learning’s it has to offer. Consider yourself an avatar in the game of your creation with the coaches able to run interference in your life whenever they want.

You are afraid of what your heart and your soul asks you to do next. Life is so full and demanding one more straw would take the scarecrow down. You get glimmers of what is to come in a moment of hazy silence. Life is not your jailer. Earth is not a prison; it is a splendid amusement park. You are afraid to ride the rides that will turn your life upside down, so you stay in the shallow end of the park. Most times you are afraid to ingest the sweetness life has to offer. Afraid of what is laying in wait on the other side of good. You stand still, paralyzed like a deer in the headlights, afraid to move forward, afraid to move backward.

It is time for all of you to hold your arms open wide and embrace what is yet to come. For your days of ore have shortened. You no longer have the gift of time in the package of 24. Time shortens, life quickens, your pulse quickens. You need to get back in the saddle again. As humans you are blinded by your expectations. You wait for the writing on the walls to explain the next step of the journey. However dear ones the next step of the journey is written and decreed by your own motions and emotions. When you deny your emotions, there is no motion in your life. Your car stands still. Your body stands still. Your paychecks stand still. Your very dreams stand still. Open up to explore the New World of you. You have come to the edge of your world. You have come to the edge of your expectations.

Immerse yourself in this next step of your journey. For what abounds is beyond your speculative understanding of time, space and dimensions interlacing. The more that you hold tight to a state of motionlessness, the more your life will scream at you. You are the Apex of Creation the favorite horse in the cosmic race. The entire universe has bet on you. Everything awaits your choices.

Earth is not meant to be hard. Humanness is a heavenly point of origin. Life is a gift. Flesh is a gift. Air is a gift. You are a gift. Love what you have created and let it love you. Honor whoever is in your heart, whoever is in your household, and whoever is in your life. The future is up to you. You hold not just the future of your own minimal existence but you hold the future of the entire universe that bets you are a good choice for running the long race. Time waits for no man but Time waits for all of man-kind.

You are being called into a Point of Light that is thrilled about you being there. What we come to say to you, in a rather serious Pleiades tone, is that we need you to be in love. Not just with a person, or a body, or a new car – but with your every experience. We need you to first try liking your life, liking who you share a home with, liking your family. eventually when you are brave enough to venture down the corridors of love, all those levels of like will reallocate into Love.

We need you to like yourself, because without liking yourself first, you can never get to the point of loving yourself. You are divinely proportionate with what your experience is. You create the ratio of light to dark. Open up your heart to this next level of your experience. The entire Universe needs you. We are the Pleiadians. Whatever you yearn for – become it. Whatever you wish for – let it be your experience. Stop wishing for it – live it. Allow life to come into you and you to come into life, without regrets, without angers. You are vast beings that we of the stars salute. We hold the stellar porch light on for you as you find your way home. We leave.