
domingo, diciembre 18, 2016

Fran Zepeda - Illumination and Inspiration from Mother Mary on Divine Grace - December 18, 2016

Mother Mary:

Divine Grace is infinitely bestowed on all who hold this beautiful divine quality within their hearts and minds in purification and with Love for all within you and without you. My dear beloveds, I embrace you all with my Love and Grace and walk with you further into the beautiful 5th dimensional Light.

Behold the exquisite colors and ambiance of this sparkling 5th dimension as you adapt and nestle into it as your pervading truth. I AM your escort and support in this, dear ones. Walk with confidence and know that you are clearing all that no longer resonates with this beautiful new precious reality that you are entering into with each breath of Love and Grace you allow to sustain you.

Breathe it in Beloveds, this beautiful divine quality of Grace, and watch how it colors everything with its exquisite vibration and hue. Breathe in the golden ruby essence of this divine quality and feel it permeate all your 12 chakras, energy fields, bodies, and cells. Feel it lift your vibration to God-perfection and luxuriate in the sweet Joy and Bliss it brings.

You are all magnificent holders of this pure Divine Love and Grace that is becoming your signature now. Behold it and hold it in awe and reverence as it transforms all within you and all without you with the sweet pure softness of this beautiful vibration, one that is inherent in all life and within you if you only acknowledge it, and grows in intensity and permanence the more you hold it as your Truth.

You are exquisite in sparkling beauty and Divine Grace, beloveds. Know that and feel that, grasp that, and all will look differently to you.

Yes, you are the holders of Divine Grace and Beauty. Feel the truth of this within your heart and all your bodies.

Just BE Grace. Feel it deep within you. You are transmuting all to Perfection of God’s Grace with each breath of Divine Love and Grace you take in and breathe out.

It is so.


With All My Love and Devotion,

Mother Mary

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Received December 16, 2016

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picture credit: http://www.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.com