
jueves, octubre 13, 2016

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 10-15-16 - October 13, 2016

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Saturday, October 15 at 10:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is a fiery and potent full moon designed to push through and push forward. It carries a punch that may be a welcome energy for some that perform well under pressure but it may be challenging for those that prefer a softer method. This moon also influences the uncovering of hard to look at truths that may surface during this time. The good news is that the power of this full moon time gives you the tools to embrace truth and allows you to accept, change and move forward.

The year of the monkey is alive and well. Make sure the “monkeys” are not taking over your environment and creating havoc. This is where the boundaries come in. It is best to simply say NO and not beat about the bush when something is not working. Watch for explosive reactions and don’t get yourself embroiled in drama that is not yours. Stay away from conflict if you can and focus instead on something that you are wanting to express in a larger way in your life. This Full Moon can powerfully feed that expansion.

On the bright side, this full moon supports great transformation and movement in the right direction if you have the courage to go there. The bigger the growth spurt, the more painful the growing pains can be, but worthwhile in the long run.




Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her at PATLILES@aol.com

Full Moon in Aries

Sun in Libra ~ Moon in Aries 23º

Sat. October 15, 10:23 PM Mountain Daylight Time

(Sun. October 16, 4:23 AM Greenwich Mean Time)

Full Moon is always a time of high contrasts where we experience both ends of a continuum, the yin and the yang, expanded by insight as we stand in the face of paradox. Intentions we have set at the beginning of the cycle, New Moon, are culminating, and here with Libra Sun, the seventh sign, our previous intentions are night-lit by an Aries Full Moon.

Libra is the archetype of collaboration, partnership, diplomacy, and strategic thinking, along with social harmony and aesthetic beauty. Libra’s air element (ruled by Venus) lends mental objectivity and rationality, while fire element Aries as first sign, is the archetype of newly won independence, individuality, self-awareness and a powerful initiating force. Aries’ Mars ruler activates our masculine Warrior and gives the power to move on our desires, to risk, to become enflamed by our passions and to win!

Mars is riding closely with Pluto both in mid Capricorn where Mars is exalted. With Pluto’s mandate to reach deep and transform from the inside out, the patriarchal values of the past two millenniums are undergoing a major makeover. As powerful Lord of the Underworld, Pluto’s presence can reveal stagnation, push us into elimination or catalyze huge transformation. Watch where issues of power/powerlessness come up for you. Mars-Pluto also squares Mercury so telling the truth, what is the truth, and how propaganda is used to tell whatever ‘truth’ you want to tell are being called out. The Mercury-ruled media are acting like ‘naughty’ monkeys and playing a major role in perpetuating conflict over substance. Pluto and Mars together are about focusing the righteous, balanced use of masculine power. This pair also trines the North Node opening a portal of growth to bringing the masculine energies into balance with itself – going for positive masculine attributes while becoming more aligned and balanced with the feminine. There’s nothing more reassuring, stabilizing and courageous as the balanced masculine. The reckless, divisive aggressiveness being acted out in the political arenas are revealing characteristics of the collective underbelly so we can see a clear picture of what needs to evolve within our psyches. And women, don’t be fooled that the negative masculine is all outside of us, we can hugely benefit from healing our own inner rage resulting from acts to preserve domination and desecration of the feminine. All carry this PTSD of lifetimes.

The Full Moon in Aries is exactly conjunct (joined) with Eris and also Uranus. That’s a serious, eyebrow-lifter for astrologers. We know Uranus can bring out the gifts of the rebel, the liberator, the awakener, the exile – each of these personas bringing a radical perspective because they value freedom and usually are precipitating it through unexpected and unsettling change.

Eris, newly discovered dwarf planet (2003-05), is in a series of 3 conjunctions with Uranus (June 8 ’16, Sept 25 ’16, and March 17 ’17*). You won’t see this again in your lifetime. Eris is cutting new ground here. She, with the aid of Uranus and in this moment the Full Aries Moon (all at 22-23º Aries) has been kicking up all the issues smacking of injustice whether in inner cities, locker rooms, prison cells, banks, war torn countries, wherever outRAGEous, socially unjust energies reside. Eris is the archetype of the feminine spiritual warrior, a warrior goddess. She gives a voice to feminine wildness compelled to do the right thing for all living beings, and she doesn’t care what gets left behind on the battlefield. Eris can access her fierce, ruthless strength to battle all the ugly manifestations of dominance, separation, and greed that can be created by the ego. This is not wanton destruction, but principled action out of deep necessity to WAKE UP! So, I’m just saying, this is a big influence for this Full Moon. It’s showing up in the news and it will show up in the charts of those with planets at 20-25º cardinal signs Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, Libra. When Mars and Aries are strong as they are here, anger is not your best ‘go to’ emotion. Although anger has its righteous place, over-reaction will not serve you. Keeping the peace or asserting yourself will be on the table. This SuperMoon has a lot to teach us.

*Thanks Stephanie Austin at www.ecoastrology.com for your research

All times are in Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

10/22 Sun enters Scorpio 5:45 PM MDT

10/30 Scorpio New Moon 8º 11:39 AM MDT

11/06 Daylight Savings Time ends USA

11/14 Taurus Full Moon 22º 6:52 AM MST

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