
viernes, septiembre 02, 2016

Blossom Goodchild - Galactic Federation of Light - Sept 2, 2016

Good morning. I’m happy to tell you, yet I expect you already know, that since last week’s channelling, there has been a ceasefire on a 52 yr. old war in Columbia. So, I was pretty impressed with your prediction my friends. Well done you. Are we ready for a session?

We are. And we thank you for the accolades and yet, not at all necessary. We simply like to assist in the ongoing matters that lie ahead, by making you aware of ‘happenings’ that may or may not occur … for in Truth , it is not in our hands.

This I understand. Yet, I was impressed none the less. What road shall we travel down today?

Let us consider matters that are likely to be of interest to you. It appears that although there is much excitement in the ‘ranks’ would we say … that many are subdued and ‘on their last legs’ pertaining to this ‘waiting game’ … as one would so call it.

Really? I actually haven’t heard of that so much lately. I just felt heightened expectancy, although I am aware of a few folk who are really struggling and considering the Universe to be pushing its luck!!

We know, that for some, there is both inner and outer turmoil. We spoke last time of a ‘shake up’ and that it was mildly beginning. This can take many different forms … for we are speaking not only on a global scale, yet, on an individual one also. For as you are aware, many shifts have taken place.

Shift happens!

It is during these times that ‘disturbances’… 'disturb' … in order to bring forth to one … that which is desired to be ‘looked upon’. These may appear to be offered in the most bizarre manner, in order for one to ‘deal with that which needs dealing with’, and yet … clearances are necessary … and that which is presented will, without question, be the Universe’s way of assisting in getting a particular matter in order ... for one’s Highest good.

There is nothing that presents itself to an individual soul that … in the long term … is not beneficial. You are very much aware that it is the attitude in which one chooses to live life and the opportunities it presents … that makes the entire affair a pleasant or non-pleasant … an ecstatic or boring … a sad or happy etc. … experience.

Yes, and yet also aware that there are extremes in this. For one that has chosen to live in a war zoned or famined state is hardly going to be going around exuding happiness.

Yet, even so … their inner Being … within the depth of their souls … has the opportunity to ‘shine’ no matter where they are. You may ask, how can an innocent child suffering so from lack of sustenance … how can they ‘shine’? And yet ‘shining’ comes in many guises Dear Souls. The affect that child may have on a volunteer from another country … as they assist that soul … touches the heart so deeply that it has to be a shining soul that can make that happen. Do you see?

Some may question why anyone would choose to come down and experience a life such as this … and then, for it to be taken so early?

The Brightest Highest of souls, come down to your Planet to do so, in order to awaken the hearts of many. With the greatest of respect we say … Once their ‘job is done’ it is compatible for them to take their leave sooner rather than later, so as not too risk too much damage to their soul in such a situation.

We ask that you do your best to stay in alignment with who you are. Yes, trials come and go. You have good days, you have not so good days. Yet, when you KNOW … when you UNDERSTAND … that actually, EVERYTHING that is taking place … EVERYTHING that is presenting itself to you … is for your Higher Good … then you allow a PEACE to enter into your Being.

You ‘forget’ to be ‘super stressed’ about an issue … for you are too busy focusing on the PEACE in the KNOWING that ‘whatever it is’… is happening for your Highest Good.

When one ACCEPTS this knowledge as TRUTH … then they find that the situation that was not particularly of Joy … resolves itself on a quicker intent … for the lesson was learned/understood … to BE AT PEACE … ALL THE TIME … IN ALL THINGS.

With respect … easier said than done. Peace is not something that many experience on our Planet … for many different reasons.

We accept that it is not always the easiest path to walk … and yet … IT IS!

To walk down the PEACE PATH … within every moment … is far easier than to walk down the ‘stress path’ … is it not?

Oh indeed! And with respect … I don’t consider myself to be a stress bunny. Yet, when I am in the company of one … I think it must be so hard to live like that … then I remember … I used to be like that!! And … so it goes back to attitude about/within all things.

We are reminding you of your mother in the last few days of her passing when she would ‘take her leave’ from your Planet intermittently … and once when returning …with her eyes as diamond lights … she told you that she had spent her lifetime worrying and it was all for nothing … for there was nothing at all to be worried about. Is this not so, dear Blossom?

Yes. And I would like to add that I am sure my mum will be very happy if she is helping many stress bunnies who are reading this … to quit the stressing! Just no point.

There TRULY is no point AT ALL. We cannot STRESS that enough.

Nice! So, back to the PEACE PATH.

Whatever is to take place in your world … and this means ‘your’ world … to each individual … allow your inner Truth to ‘show you the way’. When you BECOME, once again … when you FEEL, once again … that TRUTH of who you are … you come into the Higher Awareness … that TRULY … NOTHING actually DOES matter. If you hang on to that KNOWING and choose PEACE instead … choose to breathe PEACE in and out all day long … for the rest of your days … what a different experience you would encounter.

Perhaps you should try it Dearest souls?

Imagine … walking the PEACE PATH with every breath! What … ON EARTH … would there be to worry about?

Well, some would say … their health, their children’s health, their parents health, their finances, their relationship … or lack of … their mortgage … their family feuds … shall I go on?

There is no need … for we are ahead of you. This Dearest Lady, is exactly our point.

I know, I was just trying to ‘make a point’.

Take a moment, Each One of you reading … take a moment within this moment … stop … and breathe … and breathe … and breathe …. Think of nothing other than the word PEACE … now do it for a little while longer … until you REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE TELLING YOU.

The next sentence below will always be there for you to read … when you are ready. So keep on breathing deeply and saying the word PEACE … with your eyes closed. How many of you will breath three or four times and think ‘Yes I get it’? How many twenty times? How many would give themselves the honour and indeed the time, of forty deep breaths before feeling the need to get on … to get on … to get on. Always feeling they must get on, get on, get on … Instead of feeling to get off, get off, get off!

With respect … there are very few that honour themselves ‘enough’!

One does their bit … here and there … yet to TRULY honour oneself … again, we say … would make such a noticeable difference that one would never look back.

You are aware of course … that ‘time’ in our world is our prison?

We are … yet, you built/build it.

Time is something we don’t necessarily have a lot of. Or we are always running out of.

And considering it doesn’t exist at all … you don’t have any of!

Imagine … imagine ... imagine … a ‘space’ within your BEINGS where you let go of time. You just DID what you wanted to do in that space of NOW.

That indeed would be lovely. Yet, here on Earth … bills must be paid. The majority are in the rat race having to work … with little play. What would it take for ‘all that’ to change?

Something major! Once again … our point exactly!

Meaning what?

Meaning … you have sensed Blossom, that throughout this discourse we have been guiding you to ‘play with us’ today … in order to lead up … poignantly … to this place/position in which we choose to speak.

We speak to you of GREAT CHANGE. We speak to you of a NEW WORLD. Yet, it is with the assistance of your ‘imagination’ that the lives of Joy … unpressured … guiltless … shall occur.

It is often spoken by humans that they need our help. Yet, perhaps we can turn this about today … and state that maybe we need yours!

We need YOU to start visualising and FEELING the world that you want. Through that then … you start acting upon … and … so … it BECOMES.

All the while that one remains ‘stuck in the rut’ and living and FEELING THAT … then the longer The Change shall take.







I’m finding this quite interesting, for today and the last time we spoke … you have a ‘difference’ about you. I KNOW it’s you. I can FEEL that for sure. Yet, a different ‘take’ on things perhaps?

Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls … WE ARE WHO WE ARE. Yet, we can express in any manner necessary to get different aspects … different viewpoints … across.

Yep, I get that. I don’t know, I have to laugh. Sometimes, I wonder why there cannot be a ‘troupe’ from your brigade … that could come down to those of us who are ready willing and able … and just pop in and say hello and ‘mingle’ and make this ‘merging’ NORMAL!!

So many of us are so ready for that. To mingle with Higher Energies. The heart aches sometimes for the physicality of that, rather than just this telepathy method between worlds. Yet I am also very aware, due to people that write in … that I am very blessed to be able to telepathize with you. Many would dearly Love to, yet seem unable. So, I am always in much Gratitude for that. It’s been a bit of a funny channelling today … neither here nor there. Hah! That made me laugh … sums it up pretty much!

Yet again, perfect wording. For this ‘unrest’ that many are feeling is very much the case of ‘neither here nor there’. Would we say … the ‘in-between-ness’ can make one feel rather out of sorts. Although, we ask you to look at it another way …

Step on the PEACE PATH and continue walking. In ‘time’ you shall get to ‘there, from here’ … or perhaps get to ‘here, from there’ … it TRULY matters not!

Just to clarify … I am feeling you are saying that we are in the middle … sort of moving on through/up?

Correct. Perhaps we would term ‘In no man’s land’!

Blossom, you can feel in your heart as we offer this feeling to you … that …


One’s days shall be spent in the Purest of Love and Joy.





Love you too. I shall be interested to read this one back … as I have, of course, just gone with the flow. Yet, it has seemed a little all over the place and I actually can’t remember how it began!

Many thanks, my friends … In Love and thanks.

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


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