
viernes, agosto 19, 2016

Yael and Doug Powell - It Is Time to Step Forth in Service - August 19, 2016

Beloved ones, it is a moment in the world where change has come, where the hearts that are open are now in place, where your consciousness, beloved ones, holds to the high note, where everything you feel is My embrace. In this moment now, you wrap the world in tender Love and feel the blessing that touches everyone.
You recognize that your clear vision is very important, desperately needed, that you are called now to step forth and take your place as that which brings the highest Love, the clearest vision and the gift of peace to humankind.
For many of you, the journey until now has been vertical. It has been lifting up, changing your vibration, opening your heart, making your connection with Me, until you feel your true stability which always comes from anchoring into the truth of Love. And now, this has become such a part of your awareness, that you are ready to be that which anchors humankind into the truth of God, into the gifts of Love.

Therefore, beloved ones, I call you now to step forth as the open heart, to give all that you are into the service of transformation, of opening to Love, embracing the truth of all of humanity. That regardless of the dreams of the little mind, every heart is Mine and every being is the truth of God, the wondrous gift of the most holy Love.
Your ability to see this truth is needed profoundly. Your ability to hold this vibration is being called, that you might assist every heart to remember, that every heart may be honored and that the minds of humankind may take their place in the service to the heart, in the service to Love.
There are, as you know, so many story lines. Everyone's tale of humanity is different. But deep in every heart, there is the awareness that beyond every story, at the center of every dream, as the truth of every persona, there is only Love. And Love will always guide the way.
It is time, beloved ones, to step onto the world stage, to pick up your mantle of the Christ, to allow the perfection of Love to live here as you, to speak with your voice, to Love as your heart, and to reach out in service to all who are needing assistance.
Each of you is called in your own unique way, and each of you knows that call intimately. Now the corner is turned and all who are called are asked to step forth, to hold to the truth steadily and to broadcast the truth of Love into the world that every heart may claim it as their own, that every mind may now see clearly, that the whole of life on earth may become a circle of giving, in which everything that is whole, and good, and perfect may be multiplied, and all the rest may fall away effortlessly.
Everywhere you look I Am here. No matter what the mind sees, beneath the show of light and color is the steady pulsing of the one heart of God I Am, appearing here in all its glory, in all of its magnificence, where every nuance of the Love I Am is fully represented by the en-conscious-ment of a human mind, by the service of a human heart. Until every mind and heart is available and willing to see that this moment, this choice, this Love is the call to perfection, the call to giving, the call to grace.
As you see this world as it truly is, rather than the imaginings of the separated ego, you will begin to find Love revealed everywhere you look. Suddenly Love is flowing. Every moment is filled with synchronicity. The vision of your heart is now visible before your eyes. For as you already know, that which you feel deep in your heart is that which becomes the manifested world as Love pours through you.
Therefore, with every breath you breathe, affirm your choice to be this Love, to awaken to My presence in this deep and holy communion, to celebrate the gift of life and bless the ego-mind, that it might find its natural place being loved by the open heart.
As this Love is accepted, the fantasies of separation can fade, and the deep and endless assurance of My Love takes its place at the center of your life, until you are held and cared for and perfectly supplied with all that you want, all that you need, and the pure vision of all that you are in every moment.
As this is accepted, chosen and lived, the idea of separation from the perfection that you are becomes less and less palatable, and the truth of Love, more and more Real, until your vision and the gift of your heart is sure, and steady and unchanging, that you might be this blazing light that grants the ability to see to every precious heart that comes before it and every mind is opened and blessed.
These hands that you have are meant to be used in service to Love. And now that service, beloved ones, becomes all-inclusive. Now that you are no longer seeking your connection with Me, or to raise your vibration, now that you are anchored-up in the truth of Love, you are ready to take your place in the world as an active participant in the giving forth of truth.
It is time to let your light shine forth, time to be the visible open heart of God. It is time, beloved ones, to answer your call to step forth and be that which lives within. And dearest ones, you are ready. You have been for a while. But the waiting has been for the collective so that everyone is on board with their paths of service, that every heart may bloom and every mind be open and clear, until the gift of this life of awareness can be accepted and received.
Thank you for how deeply you love, for how open your heart is. Thank you, beloved ones, for all the ways you love Me, however I Am appearing. Whether I Am appearing here as you, whether I Am appearing as your neighbor or your brother, whether I Am a vision of Love that sweeps the world in a new direction, however this Love comes forth, your work is to support it.
Give each and every precious heart this blessing to stand forth in your faith in Me, and your ability to trust Love becomes the assurance for others that I Am Real, that I Am tangible, that this communion is part of your life, not something in a book from the past. And that which you share is always good news, for the gifts of Love are the very best.
You are ready to bring forth the vision of a world of harmony, and oneness and joy.
So that which is written in your heart, that which whispers to you of your purpose on earth, that which calls you from the realms of light, now is the time to follow it. Now it is time to allow Me to open you as the vision of God, to bring forth your holiness as a light to the world that you might be the foundation of that which is being built as the new world.
Be firm, beloved ones, in your commitment to Love in every choice, in every breath, in every movement until you have practiced so much, recognizing opportunities that the choice for Love, and only Love, has built in to your every moment, that that which you serve without effort, that which you give forth in joy, is that which you awaken in others.
All of My gifts are waiting for everyone. Ask, beloved ones, and you will hear Me answer. Take each other's hands and create a circle of Love that encircles the world and brings forth the blessings that everyone is ready to receive. You are My delivery system and it is time.
As you give and give without restriction, you will find that the energies of life, of perfect Love and wholeness, of the abundance of God I Am, will come to you effortlessly to fill in every gap, to allow the light to be seen clearly, and Love to be felt in every Now moment.
Open your heart to receive all of My gifts and know that with every turn I Am with you, guiding your every step. I Am taking your hand and guiding you to the place where the gift of your light can be the most visible, and the gift of your heart most useful.
I Am with you, that you might feel the truth and see Me everywhere you turn for while the mind has difficulty understanding the concept of both/and, the heart knows effortlessly that we are one and the same. And we are in relationship that nourishes and opens that which you are into ever-greater Love.
You are made to have relationship with Me. It is part of the reason for Creation. You are meant to be this holy gift that every precious life may receive the greatest blessings, and every moment Love may bloom in the world.
As you look upon the world with your open heart, beloved ones, you will see the beauty of all of these expressions of God, for every movement, each life is a special nuance of the Love I Am. Each one to be honored, supported and amplified until this expression of Love, this gift of My heart that is known as humanity, this blessing that continues to expand and to multiply, is granted to every life and every gift that can possibly be given is now going forth.
Please receive it. Please accept My life as yours, just as you are Mine.
Listen, beloved ones, when I call. And in that call will be your vision of just how I Am moving you into position to serve Love, to serve the awakening of the hearts of humankind, that every life may know the truth of its inclusion, how deeply it is cherished, how powerfully it is called. These are the things that live in you, waiting to come to light.
This call from Me, this moment of life, this powerful unfolding of Love... you are ready, ready now, to let Me take your hand. Let Me guide you; let Me grant you the vision of all that you are, that you might feel the power of gift of your heart, that you might understand how perfectly Love can appear as you, until every blessing is available and your path of service totally clear.
With every breath you are filled with the energies of life. You are filled with the atomic power of Love. As you stand connected to the circle of humankind, you can feel just how Love is multiplied when you agree to be that Love, present and available in service to the awakening of humankind and in joy for this moment of grace.
I Am with you always, as I Am in you, and every way that you turn you will see Me. You will see and feel the movement of life, and light, and the gift of this communion of your heart, and My gift of My heart as you, blossoming in the world. Thank you.