
viernes, junio 24, 2016

Selacia - Moving Forward with Compassion - 24 June, 2016

A new cycle is unfolding now ahead of the action planet Mars going direct June 29. Since Solstice a gentler wave of energy has begun to arrive, helping to soften effects of recent intensity. If you've noticed this and taken time to go within, you likely had validations of upcoming shifts in your life. Some of them may be small and others truly life changing.
Introspection during Change
As part of living now, people across the world are moving through a time of introspection and reevaluation of life goals. Most likely, the weeks-long Mars retrograde has been an impetus to some soul searching and reassessment of what's important. If not in your conscious awareness, chances are that during dream time or under the surface of things you have been looking at your status quo and potentials. I recommend bringing this introspection to the front burner. Become more conscious of thoughts and how you feel about your future.

Divine Changemaker Role
As a divine changemaker, you are now called to get creative about making changes in your life. This means incorporating all of what you know, applying your heart's wisdom, and inviting brand-new perspectives.
Unsettling as it may be, the most beneficial changes are not always comfortable. It can be challenging to face the need to shift something you have done for a long time. It can feel overwhelming to realize you indeed need to change a number of your life operating systems simultaneously - in order for your life to work.
Part of your role - and your gift - as a divine changemaker, is that you are encoded to be conscious during humanity's awakening. You are to be awake while much of the population is on a massive side trip fueled by fear. Being conscious means you notice things others don't see - you can see beyond the hype and dramas played out daily on the world stage. You intuitively know that there is a higher purpose for crazy things you witness.
Another part of your role is to become intuitively tuned into yourself and what you need. This often means regular reassessments and realizations that what you did yesterday needs to be updated for tomorrow. You are like a juggler of sorts, learning to become comfortable with disarray and having many types of restructuring occurring simultaneously.
One of the challenges of restructuring so much at one time is that you are being called to do it during what is likely the world's largest cultural reworking. Humanity never collectively looked at so many things at once - thanks in part to social media and our interconnected way of being. Our society is basically being reworked to its core, with long-accepted ways of being falling away. It will be years before we as a collective can begin to grasp the enormity of current changes and what they mean for our future.
In the meantime, you have work to do - inner work and outer work. To succeed you must stay present and strive to continue evolving.
As part of that, your task now is to revisit some things you have had underway for a while. This could include intentions you made in January or at the last new moon. Dust those off for updating now, utilizing our current window of creative energy. Trust that anything can happen. Know that you are in charge!
This indeed is a time when you can make great progress and even redefine your purpose. The planets including Mars are lining up to help you do this.
3 Tips for Restarting Your Life
Here are three tips for restarting your life as the fiery planet Mars goes direct.
FIRST factor in the larger picture. This includes your individual path and the collective. The two are interlinked. When you change something about how you work or express yourself, consider your audience. Who will receive your gifts or benefit from your offering? Who are your allies as you expand into new territories?
SECOND consider the current energies as you make plans and take actions. This means being alert to fluctuations in cosmic forces like full moons. It also means factoring in current events. A crisis like the one recently in Orlando sent shock waves across the planet. When things like this happen, people can be processing deeply emotional content. People can get distracted; communications may seem to go into a black hole.
THIRD remember compassion. You are alive now to bring in a more loving, more compassionate way of being. That is the overall goal. When you keep your sight on this goal your progress accelerates by leaps and bounds. Therefore ask yourself daily as you contemplate changes and actions: "Is this step in alignment with my heart? Am I being compassionate with myself and others with this step? If I'm out of balance in how I'm approaching this step, what can I adjust?"