
viernes, junio 17, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Jumping Huge Timelines... Moving On Faster... 6/17/2016

Many are going to see old programs being "nipped in the bud" faster and more abruptly as more realize how much lack energy there was within all. Many will be shocked at how fast we are all moving on from the old realities now. The "need" to keep those old realities in place is gone. The desire to keep playing the old games... gone. The desire for more is stronger, the depths of our being requires more from our relationships... we have no desire to continue the old way. We can see where within us that was created and we just stop. This can seem "abrupt" to those still playing the old programs....

Many are moving further into even MORE AMAZING and MAGICAL realities.... FASTER.... for we do not hold the old separation anymore. WE JUMP timelines huge and we embrace the new and maintain alignment at all times... Our realities align for us...

Many will be hearing "no" more, having things end faster, opportUNITIES will go, because they are not ready yet...

Our human'ness makes us slow. Our Light makes us "fast". The less human we are, the faster we evolve, the faster our realities change, the faster we move things out ourselves, the faster we move on....

Get ready, for we ain't seen nothing yet. WE are JUMPING huge timelines continually.... and the perceptions of the old collapse with each one we do....

Completely NEW Upgraded Physical Realities... all through Light. ♥

Photonic cellular movement huge as we are continually charging now. Offline, upgrading, online again... It's harder to do logical work in these higher frequencies, so we pull away and have to work differently and at a slower pace. We have to cut everything out while we do... If it's not consciously contributing, we let it go... We have to. ♦

Here we go loves..... WE are Jumping Quantum Style... in every moment and specifically today/now! ∞

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼

Ancient Elder & Guardian of NEW Earth, Teacher/Coach/Guide, Author, Transformational Speaker, Master of all things Energy ♦
