
martes, junio 07, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Tools for New Energy Management - June 7, 2016

There’s a whole new paradigm opening up for us as energy portals and containers. For many decades we have been working with energy and in many cases, holding it within our energy bodies because there was no place for it to go. If you have experienced bloating, nausea, and weight gain in the past ten years, you know what I am talking about. Now we are able to process the energy and move it on, uploading it to the earth and grounding it in the earth grids.
This is what we do on a collective level; on a personal level, we are grinding away lifetimes of drama, trauma, and the fear of shining our light. While our fears are justified, they are no longer useful or beneficial and it’s time to consider new directions. We are the new energy expansion and ascension leaders and energy management is our tool for progress. How can you make the best use of the energy in your life now, using it with confidence and clarity?

There was a time when we brought in energy and then we hid the light and waited for someone to find it. With lifetimes of betrayal, persecution, and other forms of punishment for being a light and energy source, we know all too well the price we paid for our soul mission. Those lifetimes left their mark on us and today they remind us to hesitate, hold back, to make sure the coast is clear and that we are safe before we share the full spectrum of light and energy that we are capable of. Except that doesn’t work any more. Not only are we not going to experience the scale of persecution we once did, we can no longer hide that light. It’s too bright, we are too powerful, and the world is interested and ready in ways it has never been before.
Our first energy management tool is emergence, where we step out of our hiding places and accept our role as the new Light Beacons. We’re no longer light workers, where we work hard to squeeze light into the darkest recesses of humanity’s consciousness. This is a new level of empowerment where all we have to do is shine and let people find us when they are ready to access and connect with a brighter light source.
Our second energy management tool is congruence, where we become an example of healed, whole, harmonious living. Now this doesn’t involve any interactions with other people, we can be congruent even if no one likes us, and that includes our closest connections, like family. It’s a matter of how comfortable we are with our own energy and how we are willing to live our lives. If we’re willing to be empowered, joyful, and fulfilled, then we can be in a state of congruence and that allows us to access greater levels of energy.
Our third energy management tool is expansion, with which we become bigger energy containers and energy portals that allow more energy and light into the earth. We do not have to work to shine more brightly, it’s a matter of being willing to explore greater expressions of our own potential, which automatically amps up our light quotient. Think of miracle infused living here, where you effortlessly manifest your reality in miraculous ways, enjoying opportunities you didn’t even imagine existed.
How do we access these energy management tools? They are already within us, waiting to be used. They have been dormant for a long time so they may be a little dusty and we haven’t used them in a long while so we are out of practice. If our fears prevented us from shining this brightly in the past, we can now shine without fear. If our former need for approval or permission kept us in our own shadow, we don’t need anyone’s approval or permission to explore and expand the boundaries of our own power. And if our efforts were once met with dire consequences, that is no longer a potential.
As the new light and energy leaders, our new soul mission is to shine a light for the world, not by working hard to spread the light but by becoming what we have always been, bright sources of light for a world that is now tired of living in the dark. Shine brightly and shine on, this is our time, so let’s enjoy it and become sources of joyful, congruent, expanded light for all to see.
Copyright (c) 2016 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to http://enlighteninglife.com